
发布于 2024-09-05 10:01:22 字数 24709 浏览 1 评论 0原文

我有一个用于历史管理的 javascript 文件。当我尝试使用浏览器中的后退按钮导航到后一页时,chrome 不支持它。我可以看到 url 更改,但它不会转到前一页。

BrowserHistoryUtils = {
    addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
        useCapture = useCapture || false;
        if (elm.addEventListener) {
            elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
            return true;
        else if (elm.attachEvent) {
            var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn);
            return r;
        else {
            elm['on' + evType] = fn;

BrowserHistory = (function() {
    // type of browser
    var browser = {
        ie: false, 
        firefox: false, 
        safari: false, 
        opera: false, 
        version: -1

    // if setDefaultURL has been called, our first clue
    // that the SWF is ready and listening
    //var swfReady = false;

    // the URL we'll send to the SWF once it is ready
    //var pendingURL = '';

    // Default app state URL to use when no fragment ID present
    var defaultHash = '';

    // Last-known app state URL
    var currentHref = document.location.href;

    // Initial URL (used only by IE)
    var initialHref = document.location.href;

    // Initial URL (used only by IE)
    var initialHash = document.location.hash;

    // History frame source URL prefix (used only by IE)
    var historyFrameSourcePrefix = 'history/historyFrame.html?';

    // History maintenance (used only by Safari)
    var currentHistoryLength = -1;

    var historyHash = [];

    var initialState = createState(initialHref, initialHref + '#' + initialHash, initialHash);

    var backStack = [];
    var forwardStack = [];

    var currentObjectId = null;

    //UserAgent detection
    var useragent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    if (useragent.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
        browser.opera = true;
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("msie") != -1) { = true;
        browser.version = parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('msie') + 4));
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1) {
        browser.safari = true;
        browser.version = parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('safari') + 7));
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("gecko") != -1) {
        browser.firefox = true;

    if ( == true && browser.version == 7) {
        window["_ie_firstload"] = false;

    // Accessor functions for obtaining specific elements of the page.
    function getHistoryFrame()
        return document.getElementById('ie_historyFrame');

    function getAnchorElement()
        return document.getElementById('firefox_anchorDiv');

    function getFormElement()
        return document.getElementById('safari_formDiv');

    function getRememberElement()
        return document.getElementById("safari_remember_field");

    // Get the Flash player object for performing ExternalInterface callbacks.
    // Updated for changes to SWFObject2.
    function getPlayer(id) {
        if (id && document.getElementById(id)) {
            var r = document.getElementById(id);
            if (typeof r.SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return r;
            else {
                var o = r.getElementsByTagName("object");
                var e = r.getElementsByTagName("embed");
                if (o.length > 0 && typeof o[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                    return o[0];
                else if (e.length > 0 && typeof e[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                    return e[0];
        else {
            var o = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
            var e = document.getElementsByTagName("embed");
            if (e.length > 0 && typeof e[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return e[0];
            else if (o.length > 0 && typeof o[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return o[0];
            else if (o.length > 1 && typeof o[1].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return o[1];
        return undefined;

    function getPlayers() {
        var players = [];
        if (players.length == 0) {
            var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
            players = tmp;

        if (players.length == 0 || players[0].object == null) {
            var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
            players = tmp;
        return players;

    function getIframeHash() {
        var doc = getHistoryFrame().contentWindow.document;
        var hash = String(;
        if (hash.length == 1 && hash.charAt(0) == "?") {
            hash = "";
        else if (hash.length >= 2 && hash.charAt(0) == "?") {
            hash = hash.substring(1);
        return hash;

    /* Get the current location hash excluding the '#' symbol. */
    function getHash() {
       // It would be nice if we could use document.location.hash here,
       // but it's faulty sometimes.
       var idx = document.location.href.indexOf('#');
       return (idx >= 0) ? document.location.href.substr(idx+1) : '';

    /* Get the current location hash excluding the '#' symbol. */
    function setHash(hash) {
       // It would be nice if we could use document.location.hash here,
       // but it's faulty sometimes.
       if (hash == '') hash = '#'
       document.location.hash = hash;

    function createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl) {
        return { 'baseUrl': baseUrl, 'newUrl': newUrl, 'flexAppUrl': flexAppUrl, 'title': null };

    /* Add a history entry to the browser.
     *   baseUrl: the portion of the location prior to the '#'
     *   newUrl: the entire new URL, including '#' and following fragment
     *   flexAppUrl: the portion of the location following the '#' only
    function addHistoryEntry(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl) {

        //delete all the history entries
        forwardStack = [];

        if ( {
            //Check to see if we are being asked to do a navigate for the first
            //history entry, and if so ignore, because it's coming from the creation
            //of the history iframe
            if (flexAppUrl == defaultHash && document.location.href == initialHref && window['_ie_firstload']) {
                currentHref = initialHref;
            if ((!flexAppUrl || flexAppUrl == defaultHash) && window['_ie_firstload']) {
                newUrl = baseUrl + '#' + defaultHash;
                flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
            } else {
                // for IE, tell the history frame to go somewhere without a '#'
                // in order to get this entry into the browser history.
                getHistoryFrame().src = historyFrameSourcePrefix + flexAppUrl;
        } else {

            if (backStack.length == 0 && initialState.flexAppUrl == flexAppUrl) {
                initialState = createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);
            } else if(backStack.length > 0 && backStack[backStack.length - 1].flexAppUrl == flexAppUrl) {
                backStack[backStack.length - 1] = createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);

            if (browser.safari) {
                // for Safari, submit a form whose action points to the desired URL
                if (browser.version <= 419.3) {
                    var file = window.location.pathname.toString();
                    file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
                    getFormElement().innerHTML = '<form name="historyForm" action="'+file+'#' + flexAppUrl + '" method="GET"></form>';
                    //get the current elements and add them to the form
                    var qs =;
                    var qs_arr = qs.split("&");
                    for (var i = 0; i < qs_arr.length; i++) {
                        var tmp = qs_arr[i].split("=");
                        var elem = document.createElement("input");
                        elem.type = "hidden";
               = tmp[0];
                        elem.value = tmp[1];
                } else {
                    top.location.hash = flexAppUrl;
                // We also have to maintain the history by hand for Safari
                historyHash[history.length] = flexAppUrl;
            } else {
                // Otherwise, write an anchor into the page and tell the browser to go there
        backStack.push(createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl));

    function _storeStates() {
        if (browser.safari) {
            getRememberElement().value = historyHash.join(",");

    function handleBackButton() {
        //The "current" page is always at the top of the history stack.
        var current = backStack.pop();
        if (!current) { return; }
        var last = backStack[backStack.length - 1];
        if (!last && backStack.length == 0){
            last = initialState;

    function handleForwardButton() {
        //summary: private method. Do not call this directly.

        var last = forwardStack.pop();
        if (!last) { return; }

    function handleArbitraryUrl() {
        //delete all the history entries
        forwardStack = [];

    /* Called periodically to poll to see if we need to detect navigation that has occurred */
    function checkForUrlChange() {

        if ( {
            if (currentHref != document.location.href && currentHref + '#' != document.location.href) {
                //This occurs when the user has navigated to a specific URL
                //within the app, and didn't use browser back/forward
                //IE seems to have a bug where it stops updating the URL it
                //shows the end-user at this point, but programatically it
                //appears to be correct.  Do a full app reload to get around
                //this issue.
                if (browser.version < 7) {
                    currentHref = document.location.href;
                } else {
                    if (getHash() != getIframeHash()) {
                        // this.iframe.src = this.blankURL + hash;
                        var sourceToSet = historyFrameSourcePrefix + getHash();
                        getHistoryFrame().src = sourceToSet;

        if (browser.safari) {
            // For Safari, we have to check to see if history.length changed.
            if (currentHistoryLength >= 0 && history.length != currentHistoryLength) {
                //alert("did change: " + history.length + ", " + historyHash.length + "|" + historyHash[history.length] + "|>" + historyHash.join("|"));
                // If it did change, then we have to look the old state up
                // in our hand-maintained array since document.location.hash
                // won't have changed, then call back into BrowserManager.
                currentHistoryLength = history.length;
                var flexAppUrl = historyHash[currentHistoryLength];
                if (flexAppUrl == '') {
                    //flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
                //ADR: to fix multiple
                if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                    var pl = getPlayers();
                    for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                } else {
        if (browser.firefox) {
            if (currentHref != document.location.href) {
                var bsl = backStack.length;

                var urlActions = {
                    back: false, 
                    forward: false, 
                    set: false

                if ((window.location.hash == initialHash || window.location.href == initialHref) && (bsl == 1)) {
                    urlActions.back = true;
                    // FIXME: could this ever be a forward button?
                    // we can't clear it because we still need to check for forwards. Ugg.
                    // clearInterval(this.locationTimer);

                // first check to see if we could have gone forward. We always halt on
                // a no-hash item.
                if (forwardStack.length > 0) {
                    if (forwardStack[forwardStack.length-1].flexAppUrl == getHash()) {
                        urlActions.forward = true;

                // ok, that didn't work, try someplace back in the history stack
                if ((bsl >= 2) && (backStack[bsl - 2])) {
                    if (backStack[bsl - 2].flexAppUrl == getHash()) {
                        urlActions.back = true;

                if (!urlActions.back && !urlActions.forward) {
                    var foundInStacks = {
                        back: -1, 
                        forward: -1

                    for (var i = 0; i < backStack.length; i++) {
                        if (backStack[i].flexAppUrl == getHash() && i != (bsl - 2)) {
                            arbitraryUrl = true;
                            foundInStacks.back = i;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forwardStack.length; i++) {
                        if (forwardStack[i].flexAppUrl == getHash() && i != (bsl - 2)) {
                            arbitraryUrl = true;
                            foundInStacks.forward = i;

                // Firefox changed; do a callback into BrowserManager to tell it.
                currentHref = document.location.href;
                var flexAppUrl = getHash();
                if (flexAppUrl == '') {
                    //flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
                //ADR: to fix multiple
                if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                    var pl = getPlayers();
                    for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                } else {
        //setTimeout(checkForUrlChange, 50);

    /* Write an anchor into the page to legitimize it as a URL for Firefox et al. */
    function addAnchor(flexAppUrl)
       if (document.getElementsByName(flexAppUrl).length == 0) {
           getAnchorElement().innerHTML += "<a name='" + flexAppUrl + "'>" + flexAppUrl + "</a>";

    var _initialize = function () {
        if (
            var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
            for (var i = 0, s; s = scripts[i]; i++) {
                if (s.src.indexOf("history.js") > -1) {
                    var iframe_location = (new String(s.src)).replace("history.js", "historyFrame.html");
            historyFrameSourcePrefix = iframe_location + "?";
            var src = historyFrameSourcePrefix;

            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
   = 'ie_historyFrame';
   = 'ie_historyFrame';
            //iframe.src = historyFrameSourcePrefix;
            try {
            } catch(e) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 0);

        if (browser.safari)
            var rememberDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'safari_rememberDiv';
            rememberDiv.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="safari_remember_field" style="width: 500px;">';

            var formDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'safari_formDiv';

            var reloader_content = document.createElement('div');
   = 'safarireloader';
            var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
            for (var i = 0, s; s = scripts[i]; i++) {
                if (s.src.indexOf("history.js") > -1) {
                    html = (new String(s.src)).replace(".js", ".html");
            reloader_content.innerHTML = '<iframe id="safarireloader-iframe" src="about:blank" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>';
   = 'absolute';
   = = '-9999px';
            iframe = reloader_content.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];

            if (document.getElementById("safari_remember_field").value != "" ) {
                historyHash = document.getElementById("safari_remember_field").value.split(",");


        if (browser.firefox)
            var anchorDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'firefox_anchorDiv';

        //setTimeout(checkForUrlChange, 50);

    return {
        historyHash: historyHash, 
        backStack: function() { return backStack; }, 
        forwardStack: function() { return forwardStack }, 
        getPlayer: getPlayer, 
        initialize: function(src) {
        setURL: function(url) {
            document.location.href = url;
        getURL: function() {
            return document.location.href;
        getTitle: function() {
            return document.title;
        setTitle: function(title) {
            try {
                backStack[backStack.length - 1].title = title;
            } catch(e) { }
            //if on safari, set the title to be the empty string. 
            if (browser.safari) {
                if (title == "") {
                    try {
                    var tmp = window.location.href.toString();
                    title = tmp.substring((tmp.lastIndexOf("/")+1), tmp.lastIndexOf("#"));
                    } catch(e) {
                        title = "";
            document.title = title;
        setDefaultURL: function(def)
            defaultHash = def;
            def = getHash();
            //trailing ? is important else an extra frame gets added to the history
            //when navigating back to the first page.  Alternatively could check
            //in history frame navigation to compare # and ?.
            if (
                window['_ie_firstload'] = true;
                var sourceToSet = historyFrameSourcePrefix + def;
                var func = function() {
                    getHistoryFrame().src = sourceToSet;
                    window.location.replace("#" + def);
                    setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);
                try {
                } catch(e) {
                    window.setTimeout(function() { func(); }, 0);

            if (browser.safari)
                currentHistoryLength = history.length;
                if (historyHash.length == 0) {
                    historyHash[currentHistoryLength] = def;
                    var newloc = "#" + def;
                } else {
                setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);

            if (browser.firefox || browser.opera)
                var reg = new RegExp("#" + def + "$");
                if (window.location.toString().match(reg)) {
                } else {
                    var newloc ="#" + def;
                setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);


        /* Set the current browser URL; called from inside BrowserManager to propagate
         * the application state out to the container.
        setBrowserURL: function(flexAppUrl, objectId) {
            if ( && typeof objectId != "undefined") {
                currentObjectId = objectId;
           //fromIframe = fromIframe || false;
           //fromFlex = fromFlex || false;
           //alert("setBrowserURL: " + flexAppUrl);
           //flexAppUrl = (flexAppUrl == "") ? defaultHash : flexAppUrl ;

           var pos = document.location.href.indexOf('#');
           var baseUrl = pos != -1 ? document.location.href.substr(0, pos) : document.location.href;
           var newUrl = baseUrl + '#' + flexAppUrl;

           if (document.location.href != newUrl && document.location.href + '#' != newUrl) {
               currentHref = newUrl;
               addHistoryEntry(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);
               currentHistoryLength = history.length;

           return false;

        browserURLChange: function(flexAppUrl) {
            var objectId = null;
            if ( && currentObjectId != null) {
                objectId = currentObjectId;
            pendingURL = '';

            if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                var pl = getPlayers();
                for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                    try {
                    } catch(e) { }
            } else {
                try {
                } catch(e) { }

            currentObjectId = null;



// Initialization

// Automated unit testing and other diagnostics

function setURL(url)
    document.location.href = url;

function backButton()

function forwardButton()

function goForwardOrBackInHistory(step)

//BrowserHistoryUtils.addEvent(window, "load", function() { BrowserHistory.initialize(); });
(function(i) {
    var u =navigator.userAgent;var e=/*@cc_on!@*/false; 
    var st = setTimeout;
            var dr=document.readyState;
    } else if((/mozilla/i.test(u)&&!/(compati)/.test(u)) || (/opera/i.test(u))){
    } else if(e){
        var t=document.createElement('doc:rdy');
    } else{
})( function() {BrowserHistory.initialize();} );

I have a javascript file for history management. It is not supported by chrome when i am trying to navigate to back page with back button in the browser.I can see the url change but it doesnt go to preceeding page.

BrowserHistoryUtils = {
    addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
        useCapture = useCapture || false;
        if (elm.addEventListener) {
            elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
            return true;
        else if (elm.attachEvent) {
            var r = elm.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn);
            return r;
        else {
            elm['on' + evType] = fn;

BrowserHistory = (function() {
    // type of browser
    var browser = {
        ie: false, 
        firefox: false, 
        safari: false, 
        opera: false, 
        version: -1

    // if setDefaultURL has been called, our first clue
    // that the SWF is ready and listening
    //var swfReady = false;

    // the URL we'll send to the SWF once it is ready
    //var pendingURL = '';

    // Default app state URL to use when no fragment ID present
    var defaultHash = '';

    // Last-known app state URL
    var currentHref = document.location.href;

    // Initial URL (used only by IE)
    var initialHref = document.location.href;

    // Initial URL (used only by IE)
    var initialHash = document.location.hash;

    // History frame source URL prefix (used only by IE)
    var historyFrameSourcePrefix = 'history/historyFrame.html?';

    // History maintenance (used only by Safari)
    var currentHistoryLength = -1;

    var historyHash = [];

    var initialState = createState(initialHref, initialHref + '#' + initialHash, initialHash);

    var backStack = [];
    var forwardStack = [];

    var currentObjectId = null;

    //UserAgent detection
    var useragent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    if (useragent.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
        browser.opera = true;
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("msie") != -1) { = true;
        browser.version = parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('msie') + 4));
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1) {
        browser.safari = true;
        browser.version = parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('safari') + 7));
    } else if (useragent.indexOf("gecko") != -1) {
        browser.firefox = true;

    if ( == true && browser.version == 7) {
        window["_ie_firstload"] = false;

    // Accessor functions for obtaining specific elements of the page.
    function getHistoryFrame()
        return document.getElementById('ie_historyFrame');

    function getAnchorElement()
        return document.getElementById('firefox_anchorDiv');

    function getFormElement()
        return document.getElementById('safari_formDiv');

    function getRememberElement()
        return document.getElementById("safari_remember_field");

    // Get the Flash player object for performing ExternalInterface callbacks.
    // Updated for changes to SWFObject2.
    function getPlayer(id) {
        if (id && document.getElementById(id)) {
            var r = document.getElementById(id);
            if (typeof r.SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return r;
            else {
                var o = r.getElementsByTagName("object");
                var e = r.getElementsByTagName("embed");
                if (o.length > 0 && typeof o[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                    return o[0];
                else if (e.length > 0 && typeof e[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                    return e[0];
        else {
            var o = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
            var e = document.getElementsByTagName("embed");
            if (e.length > 0 && typeof e[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return e[0];
            else if (o.length > 0 && typeof o[0].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return o[0];
            else if (o.length > 1 && typeof o[1].SetVariable != "undefined") {
                return o[1];
        return undefined;

    function getPlayers() {
        var players = [];
        if (players.length == 0) {
            var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
            players = tmp;

        if (players.length == 0 || players[0].object == null) {
            var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
            players = tmp;
        return players;

    function getIframeHash() {
        var doc = getHistoryFrame().contentWindow.document;
        var hash = String(;
        if (hash.length == 1 && hash.charAt(0) == "?") {
            hash = "";
        else if (hash.length >= 2 && hash.charAt(0) == "?") {
            hash = hash.substring(1);
        return hash;

    /* Get the current location hash excluding the '#' symbol. */
    function getHash() {
       // It would be nice if we could use document.location.hash here,
       // but it's faulty sometimes.
       var idx = document.location.href.indexOf('#');
       return (idx >= 0) ? document.location.href.substr(idx+1) : '';

    /* Get the current location hash excluding the '#' symbol. */
    function setHash(hash) {
       // It would be nice if we could use document.location.hash here,
       // but it's faulty sometimes.
       if (hash == '') hash = '#'
       document.location.hash = hash;

    function createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl) {
        return { 'baseUrl': baseUrl, 'newUrl': newUrl, 'flexAppUrl': flexAppUrl, 'title': null };

    /* Add a history entry to the browser.
     *   baseUrl: the portion of the location prior to the '#'
     *   newUrl: the entire new URL, including '#' and following fragment
     *   flexAppUrl: the portion of the location following the '#' only
    function addHistoryEntry(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl) {

        //delete all the history entries
        forwardStack = [];

        if ( {
            //Check to see if we are being asked to do a navigate for the first
            //history entry, and if so ignore, because it's coming from the creation
            //of the history iframe
            if (flexAppUrl == defaultHash && document.location.href == initialHref && window['_ie_firstload']) {
                currentHref = initialHref;
            if ((!flexAppUrl || flexAppUrl == defaultHash) && window['_ie_firstload']) {
                newUrl = baseUrl + '#' + defaultHash;
                flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
            } else {
                // for IE, tell the history frame to go somewhere without a '#'
                // in order to get this entry into the browser history.
                getHistoryFrame().src = historyFrameSourcePrefix + flexAppUrl;
        } else {

            if (backStack.length == 0 && initialState.flexAppUrl == flexAppUrl) {
                initialState = createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);
            } else if(backStack.length > 0 && backStack[backStack.length - 1].flexAppUrl == flexAppUrl) {
                backStack[backStack.length - 1] = createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);

            if (browser.safari) {
                // for Safari, submit a form whose action points to the desired URL
                if (browser.version <= 419.3) {
                    var file = window.location.pathname.toString();
                    file = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
                    getFormElement().innerHTML = '<form name="historyForm" action="'+file+'#' + flexAppUrl + '" method="GET"></form>';
                    //get the current elements and add them to the form
                    var qs =;
                    var qs_arr = qs.split("&");
                    for (var i = 0; i < qs_arr.length; i++) {
                        var tmp = qs_arr[i].split("=");
                        var elem = document.createElement("input");
                        elem.type = "hidden";
               = tmp[0];
                        elem.value = tmp[1];
                } else {
                    top.location.hash = flexAppUrl;
                // We also have to maintain the history by hand for Safari
                historyHash[history.length] = flexAppUrl;
            } else {
                // Otherwise, write an anchor into the page and tell the browser to go there
        backStack.push(createState(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl));

    function _storeStates() {
        if (browser.safari) {
            getRememberElement().value = historyHash.join(",");

    function handleBackButton() {
        //The "current" page is always at the top of the history stack.
        var current = backStack.pop();
        if (!current) { return; }
        var last = backStack[backStack.length - 1];
        if (!last && backStack.length == 0){
            last = initialState;

    function handleForwardButton() {
        //summary: private method. Do not call this directly.

        var last = forwardStack.pop();
        if (!last) { return; }

    function handleArbitraryUrl() {
        //delete all the history entries
        forwardStack = [];

    /* Called periodically to poll to see if we need to detect navigation that has occurred */
    function checkForUrlChange() {

        if ( {
            if (currentHref != document.location.href && currentHref + '#' != document.location.href) {
                //This occurs when the user has navigated to a specific URL
                //within the app, and didn't use browser back/forward
                //IE seems to have a bug where it stops updating the URL it
                //shows the end-user at this point, but programatically it
                //appears to be correct.  Do a full app reload to get around
                //this issue.
                if (browser.version < 7) {
                    currentHref = document.location.href;
                } else {
                    if (getHash() != getIframeHash()) {
                        // this.iframe.src = this.blankURL + hash;
                        var sourceToSet = historyFrameSourcePrefix + getHash();
                        getHistoryFrame().src = sourceToSet;

        if (browser.safari) {
            // For Safari, we have to check to see if history.length changed.
            if (currentHistoryLength >= 0 && history.length != currentHistoryLength) {
                //alert("did change: " + history.length + ", " + historyHash.length + "|" + historyHash[history.length] + "|>" + historyHash.join("|"));
                // If it did change, then we have to look the old state up
                // in our hand-maintained array since document.location.hash
                // won't have changed, then call back into BrowserManager.
                currentHistoryLength = history.length;
                var flexAppUrl = historyHash[currentHistoryLength];
                if (flexAppUrl == '') {
                    //flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
                //ADR: to fix multiple
                if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                    var pl = getPlayers();
                    for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                } else {
        if (browser.firefox) {
            if (currentHref != document.location.href) {
                var bsl = backStack.length;

                var urlActions = {
                    back: false, 
                    forward: false, 
                    set: false

                if ((window.location.hash == initialHash || window.location.href == initialHref) && (bsl == 1)) {
                    urlActions.back = true;
                    // FIXME: could this ever be a forward button?
                    // we can't clear it because we still need to check for forwards. Ugg.
                    // clearInterval(this.locationTimer);

                // first check to see if we could have gone forward. We always halt on
                // a no-hash item.
                if (forwardStack.length > 0) {
                    if (forwardStack[forwardStack.length-1].flexAppUrl == getHash()) {
                        urlActions.forward = true;

                // ok, that didn't work, try someplace back in the history stack
                if ((bsl >= 2) && (backStack[bsl - 2])) {
                    if (backStack[bsl - 2].flexAppUrl == getHash()) {
                        urlActions.back = true;

                if (!urlActions.back && !urlActions.forward) {
                    var foundInStacks = {
                        back: -1, 
                        forward: -1

                    for (var i = 0; i < backStack.length; i++) {
                        if (backStack[i].flexAppUrl == getHash() && i != (bsl - 2)) {
                            arbitraryUrl = true;
                            foundInStacks.back = i;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forwardStack.length; i++) {
                        if (forwardStack[i].flexAppUrl == getHash() && i != (bsl - 2)) {
                            arbitraryUrl = true;
                            foundInStacks.forward = i;

                // Firefox changed; do a callback into BrowserManager to tell it.
                currentHref = document.location.href;
                var flexAppUrl = getHash();
                if (flexAppUrl == '') {
                    //flexAppUrl = defaultHash;
                //ADR: to fix multiple
                if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                    var pl = getPlayers();
                    for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                } else {
        //setTimeout(checkForUrlChange, 50);

    /* Write an anchor into the page to legitimize it as a URL for Firefox et al. */
    function addAnchor(flexAppUrl)
       if (document.getElementsByName(flexAppUrl).length == 0) {
           getAnchorElement().innerHTML += "<a name='" + flexAppUrl + "'>" + flexAppUrl + "</a>";

    var _initialize = function () {
        if (
            var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
            for (var i = 0, s; s = scripts[i]; i++) {
                if (s.src.indexOf("history.js") > -1) {
                    var iframe_location = (new String(s.src)).replace("history.js", "historyFrame.html");
            historyFrameSourcePrefix = iframe_location + "?";
            var src = historyFrameSourcePrefix;

            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
   = 'ie_historyFrame';
   = 'ie_historyFrame';
            //iframe.src = historyFrameSourcePrefix;
            try {
            } catch(e) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 0);

        if (browser.safari)
            var rememberDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'safari_rememberDiv';
            rememberDiv.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="safari_remember_field" style="width: 500px;">';

            var formDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'safari_formDiv';

            var reloader_content = document.createElement('div');
   = 'safarireloader';
            var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
            for (var i = 0, s; s = scripts[i]; i++) {
                if (s.src.indexOf("history.js") > -1) {
                    html = (new String(s.src)).replace(".js", ".html");
            reloader_content.innerHTML = '<iframe id="safarireloader-iframe" src="about:blank" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>';
   = 'absolute';
   = = '-9999px';
            iframe = reloader_content.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];

            if (document.getElementById("safari_remember_field").value != "" ) {
                historyHash = document.getElementById("safari_remember_field").value.split(",");


        if (browser.firefox)
            var anchorDiv = document.createElement("div");
   = 'firefox_anchorDiv';

        //setTimeout(checkForUrlChange, 50);

    return {
        historyHash: historyHash, 
        backStack: function() { return backStack; }, 
        forwardStack: function() { return forwardStack }, 
        getPlayer: getPlayer, 
        initialize: function(src) {
        setURL: function(url) {
            document.location.href = url;
        getURL: function() {
            return document.location.href;
        getTitle: function() {
            return document.title;
        setTitle: function(title) {
            try {
                backStack[backStack.length - 1].title = title;
            } catch(e) { }
            //if on safari, set the title to be the empty string. 
            if (browser.safari) {
                if (title == "") {
                    try {
                    var tmp = window.location.href.toString();
                    title = tmp.substring((tmp.lastIndexOf("/")+1), tmp.lastIndexOf("#"));
                    } catch(e) {
                        title = "";
            document.title = title;
        setDefaultURL: function(def)
            defaultHash = def;
            def = getHash();
            //trailing ? is important else an extra frame gets added to the history
            //when navigating back to the first page.  Alternatively could check
            //in history frame navigation to compare # and ?.
            if (
                window['_ie_firstload'] = true;
                var sourceToSet = historyFrameSourcePrefix + def;
                var func = function() {
                    getHistoryFrame().src = sourceToSet;
                    window.location.replace("#" + def);
                    setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);
                try {
                } catch(e) {
                    window.setTimeout(function() { func(); }, 0);

            if (browser.safari)
                currentHistoryLength = history.length;
                if (historyHash.length == 0) {
                    historyHash[currentHistoryLength] = def;
                    var newloc = "#" + def;
                } else {
                setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);

            if (browser.firefox || browser.opera)
                var reg = new RegExp("#" + def + "$");
                if (window.location.toString().match(reg)) {
                } else {
                    var newloc ="#" + def;
                setInterval(checkForUrlChange, 50);


        /* Set the current browser URL; called from inside BrowserManager to propagate
         * the application state out to the container.
        setBrowserURL: function(flexAppUrl, objectId) {
            if ( && typeof objectId != "undefined") {
                currentObjectId = objectId;
           //fromIframe = fromIframe || false;
           //fromFlex = fromFlex || false;
           //alert("setBrowserURL: " + flexAppUrl);
           //flexAppUrl = (flexAppUrl == "") ? defaultHash : flexAppUrl ;

           var pos = document.location.href.indexOf('#');
           var baseUrl = pos != -1 ? document.location.href.substr(0, pos) : document.location.href;
           var newUrl = baseUrl + '#' + flexAppUrl;

           if (document.location.href != newUrl && document.location.href + '#' != newUrl) {
               currentHref = newUrl;
               addHistoryEntry(baseUrl, newUrl, flexAppUrl);
               currentHistoryLength = history.length;

           return false;

        browserURLChange: function(flexAppUrl) {
            var objectId = null;
            if ( && currentObjectId != null) {
                objectId = currentObjectId;
            pendingURL = '';

            if (typeof BrowserHistory_multiple != "undefined" && BrowserHistory_multiple == true) {
                var pl = getPlayers();
                for (var i = 0; i < pl.length; i++) {
                    try {
                    } catch(e) { }
            } else {
                try {
                } catch(e) { }

            currentObjectId = null;



// Initialization

// Automated unit testing and other diagnostics

function setURL(url)
    document.location.href = url;

function backButton()

function forwardButton()

function goForwardOrBackInHistory(step)

//BrowserHistoryUtils.addEvent(window, "load", function() { BrowserHistory.initialize(); });
(function(i) {
    var u =navigator.userAgent;var e=/*@cc_on!@*/false; 
    var st = setTimeout;
            var dr=document.readyState;
    } else if((/mozilla/i.test(u)&&!/(compati)/.test(u)) || (/opera/i.test(u))){
    } else if(e){
        var t=document.createElement('doc:rdy');
    } else{
})( function() {BrowserHistory.initialize();} );

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岁月苍老的讽刺 2024-09-12 10:01:22

该脚本不支持 Chrome。在大多数函数中仔细阅读它,例如 checkForUrlChange(),它会查看浏览器的名称来决定要做什么。

因为 chrome 和 safari 都是基于 webkit 的,所以你可以尝试将 useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1 行更改为 useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1 || useragent.indexOf("chrome") != -1 看看是否有效。

如果没有,请尝试使用取消焦点历史记录管理器。它支持 Chrome。


The script doesn't support chrome. Read through it in most of the functions like checkForUrlChange() it looks at the name of the browser to decide what to do.

Because chrome and safari are both based on webkit, you can try to change the line useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1 to useragent.indexOf("safari") != -1 || useragent.indexOf("chrome") != -1 to see if that works.

If not, try using unfocus history keeper. It supports Chrome.


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