所有 XPCOM 用户文档在哪里?
Google 找不到太多 XPCOM 的用户文档。当然,它可以找到无数关于用 C++ 制作新 XPCOM 组件的参考资料,但这对于任何需要知道如何使用 JavaScript 中现有组件的人来说完全没有用处。这是一个巨大的差距,创建实例和调用方法的简单示例偶尔会触及这一点。没有人对组件有更深入的了解,写过有关其使用的文章吗?使用具有多个接口的组件?实现监听器来处理异步行为?
“使用 Mozilla 进行快速应用程序开发”没有任何帮助(广度很大,但深度很少)。 存在对已不存在的 XULPlanet 重定向到 Mozilla 开发中心的参差不齐的引用,但这毫无用处。 Mozilla 开发中心的文章指向 XULPlanet,这是一个笑话。
Google can't find much user documentation for XPCOM. Sure, it can find endless references to making new XPCOM components in C++, but that's utterly useless to anyone who needs to know how to use the existing components from JavaScript. This is a huge gap, occasionally touched on by trivial examples of creating an instance and calling a method. Has nobody with a more in-depth knowledge of the componentry written anything about its use? Using components with multiple interfaces? Implementing listeners for handling asynchronous behaviour?
"Rapid Application Development with Mozilla" is no help (great breadth but little depth).
Spotty references that exist to the defunct XULPlanet redirect to Mozilla Development Center, but that's pretty useless.
Mozilla Development Center articles point back to XULPlanet, which is a joke.
Is this the best an army of open source advocates can muster to promote the extension of The Beast?
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XPCOM 的所有文档均位于 Mozilla 开发者网络。
All the documentation for XPCOM is the Mozilla Developer Network.
@PaulButcher:Facepalm!如果它现在的目的是向 JavaScript 提供其组件的功能,那么它与 JavaScript 并不是无关的,不是吗?你认为你的“专家”洞察力会如何帮助这个人?
@sdwilsh:Tomayto/tomahto - Mozilla 开发中心/Mozilla 开发者网络。
@PaulButcher: Facepalm! It's not irrelevant to JavaScript if its intention is to offer up the functionality of its components to JavaScript now, is it? How'd you figure your "expert" insight is going to help this guy?
@sdwilsh: Tomayto/tomahto - Mozilla Development Center / Mozilla Developer Network.