MediaWiki 标记相当于 WMD 实时预览编辑器? (不是所见即所得)
可以推荐什么编辑器,例如 WMD 编辑器,但使用 MediaWiki 标记而不是 Markdown?我们的网站已经在使用 MediaWiki 标记,但我们想要一个更流畅的编辑器,而不需要完全更改标记。
- 实时预览您正在键入的标记下方的格式化文本
- 用于常见格式设置的工具栏(粗体、斜体、链接、项目符号、编号列表、代码等)
- 每个工具栏按钮的键盘快捷键(例如,CTRL+ B 表示粗体)
- 通过键盘快捷键 (CTRL+Z/CTRL+Y) 或工具栏按钮撤消/重做
- 在常用的流行浏览器(包括 Internet Explorer 6!)中效果很好
- 开源将是首选
我发现了一些选项所见即所得编辑器,但所有这些似乎都是所见即所得编辑器这并不完全是我想要的,因为完整的所见即所得编辑器在标记级别上往往容易出错且复杂。相反,我们需要一个带有客户端预览器的纯文本标记编辑器,以及一些 UI 细节(工具栏、撤消、键盘快捷键),以便更轻松地编辑标记。
What editor like the WMD editor can be recommended, but using MediaWiki markup instead of Markdown? Our site is already using MediaWiki markup, but we want a slicker editor without changing Markup completely.
Requirements include:
- live preview of formatted text underneath the markup you're typing
- a toolbar for common formatting (bold, italic, links, bullets, numbered-list, code, etc.)
- keyboard shortcuts for each toolbar button (for example, CTRL+B for bold)
- Undo/redo via keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+Z/CTRL+Y) or toolbar buttons
- works well in the usual set of popular browsers (including Internet Explorer 6!)
- open source would be preferred
I've found a few options at WYSIWYG editor, but all of these seem to be WYSIWYG editors which is not exactly what I want since full-on WYSIWYG editors tend to be bug-prone and complicated at the markup level. Instead we want a plain-text markup editor with a client-side previewer, plus some UI niceties (toolbar, undo, keyboard shortcuts) to make editing markup easier.
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自从提出这个问题以来,MediaWiki 开发了一个新的所见即所得编辑器,VisualEditor。与它的前身不同,它是一个事实上的标准。请注意,维基文本编辑器的纯粹实时预览不会比这简单得多,因为 MW 维基文本可能非常复杂,因此需要复杂的解析器,就像 Parsoid 由可视化编辑器使用。
Since the time this question was asked, a new WYSIWYG editor for MediaWiki was developed, VisualEditor. Unlike its predecessors, it is a de facto standard. Note that purely live preview for a wikitext editor would not be much simpler than this because MW wikitext can be insanely complex so a complicated parser would be needed, just like Parsoid used by VisualEditor.