如何使用 W3C.org 验证 PHP 文件
我想验证我的 PHP 项目是否符合 W3C 标准。有人可以解释一下如何使用 W3C.org 进行 PHP 文件验证吗?
是否可以从 Linux 控制台验证 PHP 文件?
I want to validate my PHP project to meet the W3C standard. Can some one explain how to do the PHP file validation using W3C.org?
Is it possible to validate PHP files from the linux console?
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您无需在 W3C 验证器上验证 PHP 文件。验证器验证的是 (X)HTML 标记,PHP 页面的输出。
如果您的 PHP 项目托管在网络上,只需将 URL 提供给验证器即可。
如果您的 PHP 项目托管在本地,您必须将输出保存到文本文件并将其上传到验证器。为此,请从浏览器中打开“文件”菜单并选择“将页面另存为”...(或按 CTRL + S)。
或者,您的浏览器可以使用多种验证器插件。以下是 Firefox 和 Chrome。
You do not validate the PHP file on the W3C Validator. What the validator validates is the (X)HTML markup, the output of your PHP pages.
If your PHP project is hosted on the net, simply give the URL to the validator.
If your PHP project is hosted locally, you will have to save the output to a text file and upload this to the validator. To do this, from your browser, open the "File" menu and choose "Save Page As"... (or press CTRL + S).
Alternatively, there are a variety of validator plugins available for your browser. Here are some for Firefox and Chrome.
W3C 没有对 php 进行标准化,因此您无法验证 php 文件本身。但是,要验证网站的 HTML 或 XHTML 内容,只需将 URL 粘贴到 W3C validator 中即可。
W3C doesn't standardize php, so you can't validate the php files themselves. But, to validate the HTML or XHTML content of your site, just paste the url into the W3C validator.
安德鲁摩尔是正确的,但我想添加一条信息。对于遇到此问题的其他人。当在本地托管时(例如当我使用 XAMPP 时),只需在浏览器中右键单击并选择“查看页面源代码 (FireFox)”或“查看源代码 (IE)”来复制浏览器中的所有渲染代码。然后突出显示并复制所有代码。之后,将该代码放入 W3C 验证器端的“通过直接输入验证”部分 (http://validator. w3.org/#validate_by_input)并按“检查”。每次都对我有用。
Andrew Moore is correct but I would like to add one piece of info. for others who hove come across this issue. When hosting locally (like when I use XAMPP) just copy all of the rendered code that is in the browser by right-clicking in the browser and choosing View Page Source (FireFox) or View Source (IE). Then highlight and copy all of the code. After that past that code into the 'Validate by Direct Input' section of the W3C validator side (http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input) and press 'Check'. It has worked every time for me.
W3C 验证客户端标记内容,例如 XHTML、CSS、HTML 等。它不会验证服务器端内容,例如 PHP。
因此,您可以验证 PHP 页面的输出,而不是 PHP 代码本身。
W3C validates client side markup content, like XHTML, CSS, HTML, etc. It does not validate server side content like PHP.
So, you can validate the output of your PHP pages, not the PHP code itself.
您无法在 W3C 验证器上验证 PHP 代码,您只能验证 HTML 和 HTML 代码。 CSS 代码。
W3C 验证步骤:
(1) 首先输入 HTML 格式的 PHP 代码。
(1) 转到您要验证的网站,右键单击屏幕并选择“查看源代码”或按“CTRL + U”。
(2) 复制该代码并将其粘贴到编辑器中计算机上的任何 txt 文件中。
(3) 前往 https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_upload 并上传该文件您保存代码的位置。
(3) 前往 https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input 并粘贴您的代码这里。
(4) 单击“检查”按钮。
(5) 你会看到一些错误&代码的警告。
解决它,您的代码将通过 W3C 验证。
You can't validate PHP code on W3C validator, You only validate HTML & CSS code.
Steps for W3C validation:
(1) First take the input of that PHP code which will be in HTML.
(1) Go to your website which you want to validate and right click on the screen and select "View Source" or press "CTRL + U".
(2) Copy that code and paste it in your editor in any txt file on your computer.
(3) Go to https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_upload and upload that file where your saved your code.
(3) Go to https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input and paste your code here.
(4) Click on "Check" button.
(5) You will see some errors & warnings of the code.
Solve it and your code will become W3C validate.