keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=rahul,ou=OU,o=DEV,c=IN" -alias rahul12 -keypass rahul12 -keystore rahul12.jks -storepass rahul12 -validity 366
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias rahul12 -keypass rahul12 -keystore rahul12.jks -storepass rahul12 -file rahul12.cert
keytool -import -alias rahul12 -file rahul12.cert -keystore rahul_adapter -storepass rahul_adapter
在第一个命令中,我生成密钥库,在第二个命令中,我生成证书,在第三步中,我在 rahul_adapter(universal keystore) 中导入该证书。导入时出现错误 java.lang.Exception: 输入不是 X.509 证书。任何人都可以告诉我为什么会收到此错误。如何解决该错误并且我还需要证书应该是采用 CSR(证书签名请求)格式而不采用任何其他格式,该怎么做,请帮助我???
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname "cn=rahul,ou=OU,o=DEV,c=IN" -alias rahul12 -keypass rahul12 -keystore rahul12.jks -storepass rahul12 -validity 366
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias rahul12 -keypass rahul12 -keystore rahul12.jks -storepass rahul12 -file rahul12.cert
keytool -import -alias rahul12 -file rahul12.cert -keystore rahul_adapter -storepass rahul_adapter
In 1st command i am generating KeyStore, In 2nd command i am generating certificate and in 3rd step i am importing that certificate in rahul_adapter(universal keystore) . While importing it is giving Error java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate.Can anybody tell me why i am getting this error.How to resolve that error and i also need certificate should be in CSR(Certificate Signing Requests) format not in any other format how to do that please help me????
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答案非常明显 - 第二步中会生成 CSR,并将其导入到 keytsore 中。
CSR 与证书不同,必须使用它从证书颁发机构获取实际证书。
顺便说一句,如果这是您尝试设置的开发环境,那么最好使用自签名证书。此外,使用 JDK 6 作为 keytool 的 genkeypair 选项JDK 6 中的 自动创建一个私钥和一个公钥(带有 X.509 证书),可以使用 exportcert 选项将其导出。
The answer to this is quite obvious - a CSR is being generate in the second step, and the same is being imported into the keytsore.
A CSR is not the same as a certificate, and it must be utilized to obtain the actual certificate from a certificate authority.
By the way, if this is a development environment that you are trying to setup, you are better off using self-signed certificates. Moreover, use JDK 6, as the genkeypair option of keytool in JDK 6 automatically creates a private key and a public key (with a X.509 certificate), which can be exported using the exportcert option.