帮助解决 Visual Studio 2008 的烦恼
我真的很喜欢 VS2008,但我想知道是否有人有解决这些烦恼的解决方法:
- 当我打开
/* ... */
注释块时,VS 坚持在每个新行上放置一个 '*' 字符。这很好,但有时我根本不想要这样。有办法把它关掉吗? C# 编辑器的“选项”对话框中的格式设置部分似乎没有提供可调整的选项。我也尝试过执行 Shift+Enter 之类的操作,但没有成功。 - VS2003 用于在主窗口标题中显示活动文件名及其所属项目(如果有)。例如,“ProjectFoo - AssemblyInfo.cs - Microsoft Visual Studio”或其他内容。这似乎已经消失了,无法打开它。我曾经依靠项目部分来快速导航解决方案资源管理器,但现在我发现自己坐在那里思考我正在寻找的文件属于哪个项目。当一个解决方案中有 30 个项目时,这往往会变得过时。而且自动同步功能在这里不是一个选项,因为我注意到 2008 年的速度比 2003 年的速度要慢。
- VS2003 过去在编译单个文件及其所有依赖项已更改的项目时速度快如闪电。 VS2008 似乎需要更长的时间才能完成同样的事情。为什么?我查看了这些选项,我所能找到的只是“仅编译足以在调试时运行”,但这似乎对构建速度没有任何影响。这是 MSBuild 的“功能”还是什么?
- 有没有办法关闭当我按 Ctrl+Tab 时出现的炫目的选择器,然后将其切换到下一个文件?
- 为什么 VS2008 将新打开文件的选项卡放置在选项卡选择器的开头而不是末尾?我知道这是某些编辑器中的一个选项,有些人更喜欢它,但我希望我打开的最后一个文件位于选项卡选择器的末尾。这似乎也不是一个选择。
- 当我调试时,我注意到有一个非常烦人的延迟。当我单步执行代码时,VS 似乎将每个打开的文件设置为只读并返回。我的意思是我可以看到蓝色的小锁图标在文件标题旁边的选项卡选择器中出现和消失。我确实需要单步执行我的代码,而不必在每次按 F10 时看到整个窗框闪烁。有办法解决这个问题吗?
I really like VS2008 but I was wondering if someone has workarounds for these annoyances:
- When I open a
/* ... */
comment block, VS insists on placing a '*' character on every new line. That's nice, but sometimes I don't want that at all. Is there a way to turn it off? The formatting section in the Options dialog for the C# editor doesn't seem to offer that as an adjustable option. I've also tried doing Shift+Enter and whatnot without success. - VS2003 used to display the active filename and the project (if any) it belonged to in the main window title. E.g., "ProjectFoo - AssemblyInfo.cs - Microsoft Visual Studio" or something. That seems to be gone with no way to turn it on. I used to rely on the project part to navigate the solution explorer quickly, but now I find myself sitting there thinking which project the file I'm looking for belongs to. When you have 30 projects in a solution this tends to get old. And the auto sync thing is not an option here because I noticed it's slower in 2008 than it was in 2003 to begin with.
- VS2003 used to be lightning fast at compiling a project where a single file had changed and all its dependencies. It seems that VS2008 takes a hell of a lot longer to do the same thing. Why? I've looked at the options and all I can find is the "only compile enough to run when debugging" but that doesn't seem to make any difference in the speed of the builds. Is this a "feature" of MSBuild or something?
- Is there a way to turn off that glitzy selector that appears when I hit Ctrl+Tab and just have the thing switch to the next file?
- Why does VS2008 place tabs of newly-opened files at the beginning of the tab selector rather than at the end? I know this is an option in some editors and some people prefer it, but I want the last file I opened to be at the end of the tab selector. This doesn't seem to be an option, either.
- There is a really annoying lag I've noticed when I debug. As I step through code VS seems to be setting each opened file to read only and back. I mean I can see little blue lock icons appear and disappear in the tab selectors next to the file titles. I really need to just step through my code without having to see the whole window frame flash and flicker with every F10. Is there a way to fix this?
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答案可以在 这个重复:
That's too many questions for me to answer so I'll just take one and let others chime in
with the rest.
The answer is found in this duplicate:
这可以通过将 VS 设置为仅构建启动项目及其依赖项来实现,如 此处:
Let me take another question:
This can be achieved by setting VS to only build the startup project and its dependencies as described here:
我知道这个问题很老了,但是在 VS2008 中你需要打开工具 ->选项->如果您希望停止此行为,请调试并禁用“编辑并继续”。
I know this question is dirt old, but in VS2008 you need to open up tools -> Options -> Debugging and disable "Edit and Continue", if you want this behavior to stop.
我希望这可以帮助那些寻找 VS2008 烦恼解决方案的人。当单步执行本机 C++ 代码时,如果光标位于源文件窗口中,我会出现奇怪的延迟。我终于想出了如何摆脱它。
1) 转到“控制面板\所有控制面板项目\个性化”并选择“更改鼠标指针”
2) 选择“指针”选项卡
3) 禁用/取消选中“启用指针阴影”
I hope this helps someone searching for solutions to VS2008 annoyances. When stepping in native C++ code, I was getting a strange lag if my cursor was in a source file window. I finally figured out how to get rid of it.
1) Go to "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Personalization" and select "Change mouse pointers"
2) Select "Pointers" tab
3) Disable/Uncheck "Enable pointer shadow"
Now I don't have to close my watch windows, auto window, etc..