有谁知道如何显示 基于 CurrentCulture 的日期时间的日期,但时间遵循此模式 "HH:mm:ss.fff"
DateTime NewDate = DateTime.Now; NewDate.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
结果:2010 年 4 月 6 日 14:49:41。
预计时间:2010 年 4 月 6 日 14.49.41,495。
Does anybody know how to display
the date of a datetime based on a CurrentCulture but the Time follow this pattern "HH:mm:ss.fff"
I've tried to use:
DateTime NewDate = DateTime.Now;
It results: 4-6-2010 14:49:41.
Expected: 4-6-2010 14.49.41,495.
For the Time, I also need to show the miliseconds but the Date format must be still based on the culture.
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如果不希望使用当前区域性来格式化日期字符串,您可以创建 CultureInfo 的实例并将其传递给 ToString 方法
If do not wish to use the current culture to format your datestring you can create an instance of CultureInfo and pass it to your ToString method
来自 MSDN:
此方法使用从当前区域性派生的格式信息。特别是,它组合了由 Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat 属性返回的 DateTimeFormatInfo 对象的 ShortDatePattern 属性返回的自定义格式字符串和 LongTimePattern 属性。
From MSDN:
This method uses formatting information derived from the current culture. In particular, it combines the custom format strings returned by the ShortDatePattern and LongTimePattern properties of the DateTimeFormatInfo object returned by the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat property