如何在不使用 RMAN 的情况下在 VMware 中备份 Oracle 数据库(约 1TB 大小)?
It's been a while since I am struggling to find a backup solution for cold backup of Oracle database on Linux in VMware. I am obviously not looking for entire vm image backup.
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您想要冷备份还是热备份?您是否使用 ARCHIVELOG 模式?不过,我真的不建议不使用 RMAN,这对我来说听起来很疯狂;)
You want a cold backup or a hot backup ? Are you using ARCHIVELOG mode or not ? Though, I really do not recommend not using RMAN, that sounds like a crazy thing to me ;)
您可能会在 ServerFault 上得到更好的答案。
底层存储的硬件是什么。复杂的 RAID 设置可以让您分离一个镜像进行备份,从而最大限度地减少停机时间。
You may get a better answer on ServerFault.
What is the hardware for the underlying storage. A sophisticated RAID setup may allow you to split off a mirror for backup which could minimise the downtime.
如果您不想使用 rman(无论出于何种原因)。那么你唯一的选择就是
If you don't want to use rman ( for whatever reason ). Then your only option is
Step two is obviously the difficult part.. but this can't really be answered without better knowledge of what hardware your disks are running on.
Given the size of the database, and assuming that you want to minimize downtime, then I'd hope you are running on some kind of filesystem which allows you to take a snapshot, which can then be moved offsite.