
发布于 2024-09-04 10:49:11 字数 537 浏览 3 评论 0原文



我不久前读过这篇文章,大约有 10 或 20 行,但这是因为屏幕只能容纳这么多行。现在,随着屏幕尺寸变得更大,这种情况不再适用。

假设函数的任何部分都没有在其他地方使用,即忽略 DRY 原则。




Possible Duplicate:
How many lines of code should a function/procedure/method have?

I would like to know how many lines of code should be function have? How many lines is too much.

I read this a while back, it around 10 or 20 lines but it was because the screen would only accommodate so many lines. Now as the screen size become larger, that would not hold true.

Let's assume that the no part of the function is used anywhere else i.e. disregard DRY principle.

I'd like to hear what others have to say about this.


Note: Duplicate of When is a function too long?, could not find it when I posted.

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白昼 2024-09-11 10:49:11



Lines are irrelevant, but complexity is.

A function should do one task, and it should be readily apparent. It shouldn't take you more than a few moments to understand exactly how and what the function does.

各自安好 2024-09-11 10:49:11

此类问题在Code Complete 中得到了很好的解答。 Steve McConnel 写了一整页来回答这个问题。他的结论是:

例程。 让诸如

This kind of question is well answered in Code Complete. Steve McConnel wrote an entire page to answer this question. His conclusion:

Decades of evidence say that routines
of such length (>100 lines) are no
more error prone than shorter
routines. Let issues such as the
routine's cohesion, number of decision
points, number of comments needed to
explain the routine, and other
complexity-related considerations
dictate the length of the routine
rather than imposing a length
restriction per se.
That said, if you
want to write routines longer than
about 200 lines, be careful.

划一舟意中人 2024-09-11 10:49:11


我不认为将函数行数限制为屏幕大小有任何意义(公平地说,直到屏幕可以容纳超过 10-20 行之后我才开始编程 - 也许这在某些环境中确实有意义) 。只需编写有意义的函数即可。当它变得如此之大以至于代码片段开始重复时,请将这些片段重构为其他函数/类/组件。

It should have as many as it needs.

I don't see any point in restricting a function line-count to screen size (ok to be fair, I didn't start programming until after screens could accomadate more than 10-20 lines - maybe this did make sense in some environments). Just write the function as it makes sense to. When it gets so large that pieces of code start repeating, refactor those pieces to other functions/classes/components.

秋意浓 2024-09-11 10:49:11

这是一个相当任意的经验法则。有些人喜欢 20 行,有些人喜欢无滚动规则。最后,只要确保它可读并且一目了然即可理解。仔细阅读您的SOLIDprinciples并确保该方法只有 1 个职责, ETC。

It's a pretty arbitrary rule of thumb. Some like 20 lines, others like the no-scroll rule. In the end, just make sure it's readable and easily understood at a glance. Read over your SOLID principles and make sure the method has only 1 responsibility, etc.

狼性发作 2024-09-11 10:49:11


我将 5-10 行作为经验法则,但如果有一些逻辑无法轻松(重新)分解为多个函数,我会在必要时编写更长的代码。另一方面,我经常拥有只有一两行长的函数。


As long as necessary, as short as possible.

I take 5-10 Lines as a rule of thumb but if there is some logic that can't be (re)factored easily into multiple functions i write longer where necessary. On the other hand i often have functions that are just a line or two long.

If you do not immedatly understand what a part of code does, write a new function for it.

绳情 2024-09-11 10:49:11

我以前也听说过屏幕尺寸指标,但显然无意成为硬性限制或随显示器尺寸缩放。它只是为了传达 DRY 原则,并且保持函数尽可能小是编写可扩展代码(按项目大小)的最佳方法之一。

I've heard the screen size metric before too but obviously not intended to be a hard limit or to scale with monitor size. It's just intended to convey the principle of DRY and that keeping functions as small as possible is one of the best ways to write code that can scale (in project size).

┊风居住的梦幻卍 2024-09-11 10:49:11

Linux 内核编码风格文档说:

(ISO/ANSI 屏幕尺寸为 80x24,如


总而言之,函数长度不应该受到某些人为规则的限制;如果有意义,并且因为它使内容更容易阅读,则将其排除在外,但关于 1-2 个屏幕的规则并不是一成不变的。

The Linux Kernel Coding Style document says:

Functions should be short and sweet,
and do just one thing. They should
fit on one or two screenfuls of text
(the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24, as
we all know), and do one thing and do
that well.

Now, I realize this is in the context of kernel code, but I think some of the points it makes re: function length are generally valid. Find a copy here. The section on functions is Chapter 4.

All in all, function length shouldn't be constrained by some artificial rule; factor stuff out if it makes sense, and because it makes stuff easier to read, but the rule about 1-2 screens is not written in stone.

非要怀念 2024-09-11 10:49:11


我更喜欢将我的方法保留在工作的逻辑单元中,并且并不真正关心像 LoC 这样的指标。这使得正确命名你的方法也变得非常容易,并防止它们变得臃肿。

一个非常简单的函数示例是,我不会添加一个在循环中内联计算斐波那契序列的函数,而是添加一个由 fibonacci() 函数调用的 successor(int a,int b) 函数。

OO 风格中更复杂的示例是执行 GET 请求的 http 客户端。我会把它分解成这样的:

Connection getConnection(String host, int port)
Request createRequest(String[] params)
void sendRequest(Request r)
String getResponse(Connection c,Request r)

this is just an opinion from an oo-perspective:

i prefer to keep my methods in logical units of work and dont really care about metrics like LoC. this makes it also quite easy to properly name your methods, and keeps them from getting bloated.

a very trivial functional example would be instead of having a function that calculates the fibonacci sequence inline in a loop i would add a successor(int a,int b) function, that gets called by the fibonacci() function.

a more complex example in oo fashion would be a http client that performs a GET request. i'd break that up into something like this:

Connection getConnection(String host, int port)
Request createRequest(String[] params)
void sendRequest(Request r)
String getResponse(Connection c,Request r)
征﹌骨岁月お 2024-09-11 10:49:11


Functions should be exactly small enough to do their job, but no smaller.

柳絮泡泡 2024-09-11 10:49:11



I don't think it matters how many lines it has...as long as it's efficient.

Any code that can be reused anywhere in your codebase should be moved to another function/method in the same class or a shared class and called.

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