网站的 A/B 测试是什么意思?
请解释(举例)网站 A/B 测试的含义。
Please explain (with examples) what is meant by A/B testing of a website.
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请解释(举例)网站 A/B 测试的含义。
Please explain (with examples) what is meant by A/B testing of a website.
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与往常一样,A/B 测试是一种统计技术,您需要足够大的样本来正确评估变更的影响。
这是由 Amazon 和 Google 知名网络公司完成的。
关于网络 A/B 测试的一篇非常好的文章(从营销角度)是: 3349901
为了完整起见,以下是维基百科上完整的 A/B 测试定义:
In the context of a web site it means that some users of the site/webapp get slightly modified version(s) and you verify how each modification affects the usability/user's behavior compared to baseline "control" version.
As always with A/B testing, which is a statistical technique, you need a large enough sample to properly assess impact of change.
This was done by both Amazon and Google among well known web companies.
A VERY good article (with marketing angle) on web A/B testing is :
In the interest of completeness, here's the full A/B testing definition from Wikipedia:
免责声明:我拥有一家名为 Visual Website Optimizer
A/B 的 A/B 测试初创公司测试是一种向访问者展示网站的两个或多个不同版本的方法。例如,假设您有一个网站,然后您的老板/合作伙伴建议将注册表单从左向右移动可能会增加注册总数,因为它可以减少摩擦。现在,您可以对上帝有信心并立即实施建议,或者您可以出于好奇并制作一个表单位于左侧的页面版本。然后,您将 50% 的流量重定向到右表单,将 50% 的流量重定向到左表单。然后你观察哪个版本实际上获得了更多的注册。
这个问题变得有点复杂,因为您必须通过统计证明一个版本比另一个版本更好。为此,您可以使用在线计算器,例如我的网站 http://visualwebsiteoptimizer 上提供的计算器。 com/ab-split-significance-calculator/
Disclaimer: I own an A/B testing startup called Visual Website Optimizer
A/B testing is a method whereby you present two or more different versions of a website to visitors. For example, suppose you have a website and then your boss/partner suggests that moving sign up form from left to right may increase total number of signups because it reduces friction. Now either you can have faith in god and implement the suggestion right away or you can be curious and make a version of page where form is on the left. Then you redirect 50% of traffic to right-form and 50% to left-form. Then you observe which version actually gets more sign ups.
The issue becomes a bit complicated because you have to statistically prove that one version is better than the other. For that you can use online calculators such as the one available on my site
If you are looking for real-world case studies, again there are lots of them on my site
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask. I LOVE this topic :)