For a back office application which is going to be used in house and users trained to use it, does it make sense to have browser side validation. After training users will seldom make mistakes. These mistakes would get caught at the server side. Also bearing in mind that the bandwidth availability is a lesser concern I feel we should avoid browser side validations. This will save the effort of maintaining the same functionality at two places.
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通过在一处定义一些常量并将它们注入 JavaScript 中,您可以最大限度地减少保持两个功能同步的工作量。例如,这对于文本框的输入限制等事情非常有用。
You always need the server-side validation.
As far as the client-side validation goes, not only does it save traffic but it also improves usability (immediate response, no round-trip to server). It is optional though.
You can minimize efforts for keeping two functionalities in sync by defining some constants in one place and injecting them into your JavaScript. That would work nice for such things as the input limit on textboxes, for example.
在Java中,您可以使用诸如 Spring 模块验证< /a>.您可以使用注释在 Java 代码中指定验证规则,该库会生成用于客户端验证的 JavaScript 和用于服务器端验证的 Java。整洁的。原始项目已分叉,现在再次开发中。
First deploy your application without client-side validation. Then observe your users to decide whether the effort of adding client-side validation would be worth the benefit.
Even with expert users on a fast network, client-side validation can make the application just that little bit faster and more pleasant to use.
In Java you can use libraries such as Spring Modules Validation. You specify your validation rules in your Java code using annotations, and the library generates JavaScript for client-side validation and Java for server-side. Neat. The original project has been forked and is now under development again.
Given the circumstances you describe, I'd tend to agree: the benefits of client-side validation don't seem to weigh heavily in your case. Just make sure that the server-side validation results in useful error messages and the form contents are not lost.
Client-side validation isn't just about bandwidth, it's also about user experience. Even expert users still slip-up when using an application, so I'd consider it mandatory for any modern web app.
I would argue that since you have serverside validation and your target audience is limited this could be an ok solution.
If the serversidevalidation gives you some decent error-messages that is displayed to a user, this seems acceptable to me.
If you're going to want to use your app from home to check on some work-related issues, bandwidth might still be a problem. Also, what's the point in sending potentially invalid data to the server, if you could check on it right away?
认为我们需要回顾一下为什么我们需要服务器端验证,除了确保数据在写入时有效之外,我们还需要进行适当的编码以确保用户不会插入任何可能导致诸如此类的恶意输入sql 注入、跨站请求伪造或跨站脚本。你永远不知道你的用户什么时候会尝试做一些有趣的事情。
Think we need to look back at why we need server side validation, besides ensuring that the data is valid while we are writing it, we also need to do proper encoding to ensure that the user is not inserting any malicious inputs that might cause things like sql injection, Cross Site Request Forgery or Cross Site Scripting. U never know when your users might try to do something funny.
The main point of client side validation is mainly user experience, is the user experience important? If the app is going to be use quite frequently, it might be worthwhile to build in the validation. Save the user some effort is typing in wrong data and waiting for the page to come back. Sometimes as developers we don't really put too much effort into making the program usable, we tend to look at it from a functional perspective.
Of course if time is a constraint, server side validation is a must have.
对于任何应用程序来说,拥有客户端 ID 验证总是好的。
注意:- 使用客户端和客户端创建应用程序始终是良好的做法。服务器端验证。尽管您应用了客户端验证,但您应该编写服务器端验证代码,因为用户可能会禁用浏览器的 Javascript。
Browser Side Validation oftenly called as CLIENT SIDE VALIDATION.
for any application it's always good to have a client id's validations.
NOTE:- It's always good practise to create an application with Both Client Side & Server Side Validations. You should write a code for server side validation though you apply a client side validations because it may possible that user can disable a Browser's Javascript.