通过电子邮件链接访问 WordPress 页面
我有一个 Wordpress 网站,我想做的是让用户通过表单发送他们的电子邮件地址,然后我的电子邮件客户端会自动向他们发送带有特定页面链接的消息。如果没有该链接,则不应访问该页面。这可以做到吗?有没有现成的插件可以做到这一点?我使用会员插件,但我希望用户只提供他们的电子邮件而不是填写整个表格。希望你理解。谢谢。 w
I have a Wordpress site and what I would like to do is for users to send their email address through a form and then my email client would send automatically message them with a link to a certain page. That page should not be accessable without that link. Is that possible to do and are there any ready plugins for this? I use a members plugin, but I want users only to give their email and not to fill out a whole form. Hope you understand. Thanks. w
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要向用户发送邮件,只需将以下 PHP 代码放入页面中:
这将重定向没有 get 参数访问权限的任何人。该系统有两个主要缺点:
The better route is to just use the built-in sign-up system. Is there some reason that didn't work for you?
Short of that, here is a quick and dirty approach...
To send mail to a user, just put the following PHP code in a page:
The first parameter assumes the page that calls this has an textbox with the name 'user_email_address'. The subject and content of the mail follow; you can change them to reflect what you reallyw ant.
Then on the page you want to restrict access to, put the following code at the top of the file:
This redirects anyone who doesn't have the get parameter access. This system has two main shortcomings:
If you provide more details on why the built-in registration system didn't work, I might be able to help better.