您能给我一个关于我的 Java 游戏的评论吗?

发布于 2024-09-03 13:58:41 字数 1436 浏览 19 评论 0原文

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她说她爱他 2024-09-10 13:58:42

彼得,这是一个有趣的游戏。谢谢。 :) 我不确定它会取代我对《愤怒的小鸟》的沉迷,但玩完教程绝对很有趣。



当资金达到 0 时,将资金退回是一个巨大的帮助。好主意。

谢谢,祝你玩得开心。 :)

Peter, it's a fun game. Thanks. :) I'm not sure it'll displace my Angry Birds addiction, but playing through the tutorial was definitely fun.

I'm very glad I read about the "shift" speedup here, before playing, though. By the time it was mentioned in the tutorial, I would have been very tired of repeated clicking without it.

In fact, I'd suggest removing the 'shift' aspect, and make 'place the selected item again' the default behaviour, without modifiers.

Bouncing the money when it reached 0 was a giant help. Good idea there.

Thanks, and have fun. :)

森罗 2024-09-10 13:58:42


Please give the players the option to lower and / or mute the sound!

渔村楼浪 2024-09-10 13:58:42


  1. 地图上的入口/出口并不总是很明显。也许指向游戏区域的进/出的简单箭头会起作用。

  2. 在教程工具提示中,您必须单击的情况并不明显。

  3. 如果所有统计数据都是合理的,塔楼、陷阱等上的工具提示文本可能看起来会更好

  4. 重申对金钱/生命的需求更加明显。也许无论塔的放置与塔的升级模式如何,持久显示都不会改变。

Kudos on a game that runs quickly and smoothly!

  1. Entrance/Exit on the maps is not always obvious. Perhaps simple arrows pointing in/out of the game play area would work.

  2. Not obvious that you have to click during the tutorial tooltips.

  3. Tooltip text over towers, traps, etc might look nicer if all of the stats were justified

    Fast Tower
      Cost: XXX
    Damage: XXX
     Speed: XXX
     Range: XXX
  4. Reiterate the need to money/lives more obvious. Perhaps a persistent display that doesn't change regardless of tower placement vs. tower upgrade mode.
铜锣湾横着走 2024-09-10 13:58:41


  1. 游戏看起来可靠且稳定。游戏半小时后没有崩溃。

  2. 音乐对于独立游戏来说非常好。大多数独立开发者要么跳过音乐和声音,要么使用一些他们发现的免费样本,这些样本无聊、重复,或者听起来非常痛苦,让我发疯。


  1. 你会因为一个非原创的想法而失去分数。您基本上已经创建了一个桌面塔防克隆。别误会我的意思,你们的关系很好。这是一种引人入胜的游戏玩法,而且您并不是第一个效仿它的人。如果您这样做是为了学习新语言或尝试工具,那么您会获得更多权力,但链接到原始创建者不会有什么坏处。如果您给予应有的认可,并不会让您的游戏变得不那么有趣。

  2. 欢迎菜单上,文本的前景色和背景色太相似。这使得文本难以阅读。考虑使用对比度更高的颜色对。

  3. 如果鼠标光标向左或向右距离太远,播放屏幕中的工具提示可能会被切断。由于前景和背景之间的对比度较低,它们同样难以阅读。考虑将背景图层更改为不太透明。

  4. 在游戏过程中,屏幕右侧的统计数据和信息面板不清楚。考虑将其分成几个部分:

    • 这一波

    • 下一波

    • 金钱与金钱生活

  5. 金钱与金钱生命更重要,所以把它们放在首位。金钱也与购买相关,因此将其靠近塔购买按钮是有意义的。

  6. 我不太清楚带有彩色斑点的“R”和“W”指示器试图向我展示什么。

  7. 我通常想同时放置多个塔,尤其是在游戏开始时。允许我在放置第一个塔后立即放置另一个塔,不要让我返回右侧面板并再次选择我想要的塔。

  8. 您说“我愿意向其分享代码(根据要求)”。我认为将代码留给自己是一个坏主意。只需将代码放到 Github 上并根据开源许可证发布即可。隐藏它不会给你带来任何好处。


  1. The game appears reliable and stable. No crashes after a half hour of gameplay.

  2. Music is pretty good for an indy game. Most independent developers either skip music and sound all together, or use some freebie sample they found that drives me crazy by being boring, repetitive, or just downright painful to listen to.


  1. You lose points for an unoriginal idea. You've basically created a Desktop Tower Defense clone. Don't get me wrong, you're in good company. It's a compelling form of gameplay, and you're hardly the first to copy it. If you're doing this as a way to learn a new language, or experiment with tools, then more power to you, but linking to the original creator wouldn't hurt. It doesn't make your game less interesting if you give credit where it's due.

  2. On the welcome menu, the foreground and background colours of the text are too similar. This makes the text difficult to read. Consider using a higher contrast pair of colours.

  3. The tool tips in the Play screen can be cut off if your mouse cursor is too far to the left or right. They're similarly difficult to read to due to the low contrast between the foreground and background. Consider altering the background layer to be less transparent.

  4. During gameplay the statistics and info panel on the right side of the screen is unclear. Consider breaking it into sections:

    • This wave

    • Next wave

    • Money & lives

  5. Money & lives are more important, so put them at the top. Money is also linked to purchasing, so having it nearer the tower purchase buttons would make sense.

  6. I'm not really clear on what the "R" and "W" indicators with the coloured blobs are trying to show me.

  7. I generally want to place several towers at the same time, especially at the start of the game. Allow me to place another tower immediately after placing the first, don't make me go back to the right-hand panel and select which tower I want a second time.

  8. You say "I am willing to share the code to it (on request)". I think keeping the code to yourself is a bad idea. Just throw the code up on Github and release it under an open source license. You stand to gain nothing by keeping it hidden.

莳間冲淡了誓言ζ 2024-09-10 13:58:41

我喜欢它 - 不错的小游戏


  1. 第一次放置塔时,很难看出可以/不能放置它们的位置。当您将鼠标悬停在某个位置上时,也许会显示塔的幽灵版本?

  2. 建议让它变得非常漂亮 - 为什么不在爬行速度中加入动量/阻力系数?这将使它看起来更加流畅和动态,并且您可以创建许多更有趣的塔动态(例如,如果您阻止它们死亡,一些小兵将需要很多时间才能加快速度)

  3. 建议重组用户界面面板- 特别是我发现出现塔的子面板有点不直观,你必须按“X”才能退出才能看到你的金钱和生命等。

I like it - nice little game

A few suggestions (purely in the spirit of improving it!):

  1. When placing towers for the first time it's a bit hard to see where you can / cannot place them. Maybe show a ghost version of the tower when you are hovering over a spot?

  2. Suggestion to make it really pretty - why not put a momentum / drag factor in the creeps speed? This would make it look even more fluid and dynamic, and you could create lots more interesting tower dynamics (e.g. some creeps would take a lot of time to get up to speed if you stopped them dead)

  3. Suggest restructuring the user interface panel - in particular I found it a little unintuitive to have the sub-panel for the tower appear where you have to press "X" to escape back to see your money and lives etc.

ぃ弥猫深巷。 2024-09-10 13:58:41




此外,“抵抗/弱”部分上的工具提示将回答类似上面 Brian 的问题。我已经知道了,因为我读过帮助和策略,但很多人都会直接进入游戏。


A nice little game, and well executed. Small disclaimer: I'm not a huge fan of the tower defense clones personally. I played the original a lot, then the ants version, and then my attention turned to other games. So please don't read too much into my small enthusiasm.

Clear strengths: as others have said, the graphics are crisp, action is swift, reasonable selection of enemies and defenses, decent music.

Minor weaknesses: In addition to what Brian and Mikera have said, my only real (small) issue with the game was being able to see how much money I had left to spend. I found it by running out. Nice effect, incidentally, having the amount get larger when I run out, in case I hadn't noticed (I hadn't).

Also, a tooltip over the Resistant/Weak section would answer questions like Brian's above. I already knew, because I'd read the help and strategy, but lots of people will just jump into the game.

Well done. If this is your first attempt, I expect great things.

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