OpenCL 中的矩阵求逆

发布于 2024-09-03 13:26:54 字数 285 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我正在尝试使用 OpenCL 加速一些计算,算法的一部分包括反转矩阵。是否有任何开源库或免费可用的代码来计算用 OpenCL 或 CUDA 编写的矩阵的 lu 分解(lapack dgetrf 和 dgetri)或一般求逆?该矩阵是实数且为方阵,但除此之外没有任何其他特殊属性。到目前为止,我只在 GPU 上找到了基本的 blas 矩阵向量运算实现。

矩阵相当小,只有大约 60-100 行和列,因此它可以在 cpu 上计算得更快,但它在算法中间使用,所以我必须将其传输到主机,计算逆矩阵,然后然后将结果传输回设备,然后将其用于更大的计算。

I am trying to accelerate some computations using OpenCL and part of the algorithm consists of inverting a matrix. Is there any open-source library or freely available code to compute lu factorization (lapack dgetrf and dgetri) of matrix or general inversion written in OpenCL or CUDA? The matrix is real and square but doesn't have any other special properties besides that. So far, I've managed to find only basic blas matrix-vector operations implementations on gpu.

The matrix is rather small, only about 60-100 rows and cols, so it could be computed faster on cpu, but it's used kinda in the middle of the algorithm, so I would have to transfer it to host, calculate the inverse, and then transfer the result back on the device where it's then used in much larger computations.

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肤浅与狂妄 2024-09-10 13:26:54

我在 Open CL 中没有实现,但都有 "Numerical Recipes" Gil Strang 的“深入应用数学” 有精彩的解释,很容易理解代码。 “NR”有您可以改编的 C 代码。


这是不正确的。您不是用 LU 分解计算逆矩阵,而是分解矩阵。如果你想要逆,你必须用一系列单位向量进行前向反向替换。这是一个很小但很重要的区别。

I don't have an implementation in Open CL, but both "Numerical Recipes" and Gil Strang's "Into to Applied Math" have wonderful explanations that would be easy to code. "NR" has C code that you could adapt.

calculate the inverse

This is incorrect. You aren't calculating an inverse with LU decomposition, you're decomposing the matrix. If you wanted the inverse, you'd have to do forward back substitution with a series of unit vectors. It's a small but important difference.

远昼 2024-09-10 13:26:54

我知道这有点晚了,但如果您尝试在这么小的矩阵(60-100 行)上进行任何矩阵计算,那么在 CPU 上而不是在 GPU 上计算会快得多,因为将信息从主存复制到 GPU 内存所需的时间。如果您想这样做,那么我建议您考虑使用并行语言,例如 OpenMP 或 MPI,因为这些语言可以让您并行化代码以加快 CPU 上的计算速度。

I know this is kind of late, but if you are trying to do any matrix calculations on a matrix that is that small (60-100 rows), then the computations are going to be much faster on a CPU rather than a GPU because of the time it takes to copy the information from main memory to the GPU's memory. If you are wanting to do this, then I would suggest looking into using a parallel language such as OpenMP or MPI as these would allow you to parallelize your code to speed up the calculations on the CPU.

嘿咻 2024-09-10 13:26:54

我使用 eigen lib 使用多线程在 CPU 上进行微积分高达 2k x 2k,因此现在比使用一个线程快 3.5-3.65 倍(取决于矩阵大小)。
我使用了 Intel Xeon 3.5Ghz E5-1620 v3 处理器和 16Gb 内存。 (不幸的是,我删除了旧版本以添加精确值,但如果有一些优先级,我可以重写sw)

这是我用来比较的矩阵逆算法。 (正如我所说,再次进行大量测试,结果是正确的):

Uses 2D arrays.
Main routines are:
init_2Dvector() that initializes any 2d vector (can be uchar, char, int, float or double)

#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

void print_2Dvector(vector<vector<double> >& vec)
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec.size();
    xmax = vec[0].size(); 

    int x, y;
    for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
            cout << vec[y][x] << " \t";
        cout << endl;

void print_2Dvector(vector<vector<double> >& vec,char *format="%lg \t")
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec.size();
    xmax = vec[0].size();

    int x, y;
    for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
                printf(format, vec[y][x]);
        cout << endl;

//Resizes to y_dim,x_dim any kind of 2d array:
template<typename T>
void init_2Dvector(vector<vector<T> >& vec, size_t y_dim, size_t x_dim)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
//Returns vec1*vec2. vec1 and 2 are not touch
vector< vector<double> > multiply_2Dvector(vector< vector<double> > vec1, vector< vector<double> > vec2)
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec1.size();   
    xmax = vec1[0].size();
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    if ((ymax != vec2[0].size()) || (xmax != vec2.size()))
        cout << "ERROR on dim2_multiply() dimensions of vec2 not corresponding with vec1 ones" << endl; getchar(); return{};//returns a null
    init_2Dvector(vec3, ymax, ymax);
    cout << "dimensions of vec3=" << vec3.size() << " x " << vec3[0].size() << endl;
    double xx;
    for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < ymax; x++)
            xx = 0.0;
            for (int t = 0; t < xmax; t++)
                xx += vec1[y][t] * vec2[t][x];
            vec3[y][x] = xx;
    return vec3;//ok

//returns inverse of x2, x2 is not modified
vector< vector<double> > inverse(vector< vector<double> > x)
    if (x.size() != x[0].size())
        cout << "ERROR on inverse() not square array" << endl; getchar(); return{};//returns a null

    size_t dim = x.size();
    int i, j, ord;
    vector< vector<double> > y(dim,vector<double>(dim));//output
    //init_2Dvector(y, dim, dim);
    //1. Unity array y: 
    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        y[i][i] = 1.0;
        for (j = i+1; j < dim; j++)
            y[i][j]= y[j][i] = 0.0;

    double diagon, coef;
    double *ptrx, *ptry, *ptrx2, *ptry2;
    for (ord = 0; ord<dim; ord++)
        //2 Hacemos diagonal de x =1
        int i2;
        if (fabs(x[ord][ord])<1e-15) //Si el elemento diagonal es 0 sumamos una columna que no sea 0 el elemento correspondiente
            for (i2 = ord + 1; i2<dim; i2++)
                if (fabs(x[i2][ord])>1e-15) break;
            if (i2 >= dim)
                return{};//error, returns null
            for (i = 0; i<dim; i++)//sumo la linea que no es 0 el de la misma fila de ord
                x[ord][i] += x[i2][i];
                y[ord][i] += y[i2][i];
        diagon = 1.0/x[ord][ord];
        ptry = &y[ord][0];
        ptrx = &x[ord][0];
        for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            *ptry++ *= diagon;
            *ptrx++ *= diagon;

        //Hacemos '0' la columna ord salvo elemento diagonal:
        for (i = 0; i<dim; i++)//Empezamos por primera fila
            if (i == ord) continue;
            coef = x[i][ord];//elemento ha hacer 0 
            if (fabs(coef)<1e-15) continue; //si es cero se evita
            ptry = &y[i][0];
            ptry2 = &y[ord][0];
            ptrx = &x[i][0];
            ptrx2 = &x[ord][0];
            for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                *ptry++ = *ptry - coef * (*ptry2++);//1ª matriz
                *ptrx++ = *ptrx - coef * (*ptrx2++);//2ª matriz
    }//end ord
    return y;

void test_5_inverse()
    vector< vector<double> > vec1 = {
        {72,0,-11,7,9,33,5 },
        {-13,31,-5,15,29,30,24 },
        {-24,9,8,-23,31,-12,4 },
        {-3,-22,4,-24,-5,27,-10 },
        {-10,-21,-16,-32,-11,20,14 },
        {5,30,13,-32,29,-13,-13 }
    vector< vector<double> > vec2;
    vec2 = inverse(vec1);
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    vec3 = multiply_2Dvector(vec1, vec2);

    cout << "initial array (must be unmodified):" << endl;

    cout << "Must be diagon array:" << endl;
    print_2Dvector(vec3," %8.3lf");
    cout << endl;

void test_6_inverse(int dim)
    vector< vector<double> > vec1(dim, vector<double>(dim));
    for (int i=0;i<dim;i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
            vec1[i][j] = (-1.0 + 2.0*rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10000;

    vector< vector<double> > vec2;
    double ini, end;
    ini = (double)clock();
    vec2 = inverse(vec1);
    end = (double)clock();
    cout << "Time inverse =" << (end - ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    vec3 = multiply_2Dvector(vec1, vec2);

    cout << "initial array (must be unmodified):" << endl;

    cout << "Must be diagon array:" << endl;
    //print_2Dvector(vec3, " %8.3lf");
    cout << endl;

int main()
    vector< vector<double> > vec1;
    init_2Dvector(vec1, 10, 5);    //size_t ymax = vec1.size(),xmax = vec1[0].size();
    cout << endl << "=== END ===" << endl; getchar(); 
    return 1;

I make calculus up to 2k x 2k at CPU using multithread using eigen lib, so it is now 3.5-3.65 times faster (depends of matrix size) than using one thread.
I used an Intel Xeon 3.5Ghz E5-1620 v3 processor and 16Gb ram. (Unfortunately I deleted the old version to add exact values, but if has some priority I could rewrite the sw)

This is my matrix inverse algorithm I used to compare with. (It is correct as I stated making a lot of tests again excel result):

Uses 2D arrays.
Main routines are:
init_2Dvector() that initializes any 2d vector (can be uchar, char, int, float or double)

#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

void print_2Dvector(vector<vector<double> >& vec)
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec.size();
    xmax = vec[0].size(); 

    int x, y;
    for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
            cout << vec[y][x] << " \t";
        cout << endl;

void print_2Dvector(vector<vector<double> >& vec,char *format="%lg \t")
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec.size();
    xmax = vec[0].size();

    int x, y;
    for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
                printf(format, vec[y][x]);
        cout << endl;

//Resizes to y_dim,x_dim any kind of 2d array:
template<typename T>
void init_2Dvector(vector<vector<T> >& vec, size_t y_dim, size_t x_dim)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
//Returns vec1*vec2. vec1 and 2 are not touch
vector< vector<double> > multiply_2Dvector(vector< vector<double> > vec1, vector< vector<double> > vec2)
    size_t xmax, ymax;
    ymax = vec1.size();   
    xmax = vec1[0].size();
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    if ((ymax != vec2[0].size()) || (xmax != vec2.size()))
        cout << "ERROR on dim2_multiply() dimensions of vec2 not corresponding with vec1 ones" << endl; getchar(); return{};//returns a null
    init_2Dvector(vec3, ymax, ymax);
    cout << "dimensions of vec3=" << vec3.size() << " x " << vec3[0].size() << endl;
    double xx;
    for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < ymax; x++)
            xx = 0.0;
            for (int t = 0; t < xmax; t++)
                xx += vec1[y][t] * vec2[t][x];
            vec3[y][x] = xx;
    return vec3;//ok

//returns inverse of x2, x2 is not modified
vector< vector<double> > inverse(vector< vector<double> > x)
    if (x.size() != x[0].size())
        cout << "ERROR on inverse() not square array" << endl; getchar(); return{};//returns a null

    size_t dim = x.size();
    int i, j, ord;
    vector< vector<double> > y(dim,vector<double>(dim));//output
    //init_2Dvector(y, dim, dim);
    //1. Unity array y: 
    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        y[i][i] = 1.0;
        for (j = i+1; j < dim; j++)
            y[i][j]= y[j][i] = 0.0;

    double diagon, coef;
    double *ptrx, *ptry, *ptrx2, *ptry2;
    for (ord = 0; ord<dim; ord++)
        //2 Hacemos diagonal de x =1
        int i2;
        if (fabs(x[ord][ord])<1e-15) //Si el elemento diagonal es 0 sumamos una columna que no sea 0 el elemento correspondiente
            for (i2 = ord + 1; i2<dim; i2++)
                if (fabs(x[i2][ord])>1e-15) break;
            if (i2 >= dim)
                return{};//error, returns null
            for (i = 0; i<dim; i++)//sumo la linea que no es 0 el de la misma fila de ord
                x[ord][i] += x[i2][i];
                y[ord][i] += y[i2][i];
        diagon = 1.0/x[ord][ord];
        ptry = &y[ord][0];
        ptrx = &x[ord][0];
        for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            *ptry++ *= diagon;
            *ptrx++ *= diagon;

        //Hacemos '0' la columna ord salvo elemento diagonal:
        for (i = 0; i<dim; i++)//Empezamos por primera fila
            if (i == ord) continue;
            coef = x[i][ord];//elemento ha hacer 0 
            if (fabs(coef)<1e-15) continue; //si es cero se evita
            ptry = &y[i][0];
            ptry2 = &y[ord][0];
            ptrx = &x[i][0];
            ptrx2 = &x[ord][0];
            for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                *ptry++ = *ptry - coef * (*ptry2++);//1ª matriz
                *ptrx++ = *ptrx - coef * (*ptrx2++);//2ª matriz
    }//end ord
    return y;

void test_5_inverse()
    vector< vector<double> > vec1 = {
        {72,0,-11,7,9,33,5 },
        {-13,31,-5,15,29,30,24 },
        {-24,9,8,-23,31,-12,4 },
        {-3,-22,4,-24,-5,27,-10 },
        {-10,-21,-16,-32,-11,20,14 },
        {5,30,13,-32,29,-13,-13 }
    vector< vector<double> > vec2;
    vec2 = inverse(vec1);
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    vec3 = multiply_2Dvector(vec1, vec2);

    cout << "initial array (must be unmodified):" << endl;

    cout << "Must be diagon array:" << endl;
    print_2Dvector(vec3," %8.3lf");
    cout << endl;

void test_6_inverse(int dim)
    vector< vector<double> > vec1(dim, vector<double>(dim));
    for (int i=0;i<dim;i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
            vec1[i][j] = (-1.0 + 2.0*rand() / RAND_MAX) * 10000;

    vector< vector<double> > vec2;
    double ini, end;
    ini = (double)clock();
    vec2 = inverse(vec1);
    end = (double)clock();
    cout << "Time inverse =" << (end - ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    vector< vector<double> > vec3;
    vec3 = multiply_2Dvector(vec1, vec2);

    cout << "initial array (must be unmodified):" << endl;

    cout << "Must be diagon array:" << endl;
    //print_2Dvector(vec3, " %8.3lf");
    cout << endl;

int main()
    vector< vector<double> > vec1;
    init_2Dvector(vec1, 10, 5);    //size_t ymax = vec1.size(),xmax = vec1[0].size();
    cout << endl << "=== END ===" << endl; getchar(); 
    return 1;
故事还在继续 2024-09-10 13:26:54

最初的问题(现在已经7年了)实际上在4年后在 描述基于 Gauss-Jordan 的 CUDA 矩阵求逆的论文。它尝试将计算分布在不同的线程上,并为最大 2048 的矩阵提供详细的性能指示。

虽然不是 OpenCL,但一般思想可以很容易地从 CUDA 转化而来。

The original question (now 7 years old) actually was solved 4 years later in a paper describing matrix inversion in CUDA based on Gauss-Jordan. It attempts to distribute the calculations across different threads, and gives detailed performance indications for matrices up to 2048 in size.

While not OpenCL, the general ideas will translate from CUDA quite easily.

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