将网上商店存储迁移到 NoSQL 解决方案

发布于 2024-09-03 12:15:48 字数 471 浏览 2 评论 0原文

如果您有一个基于 SQL Server 关系数据库的网上商店解决方案,那么迁移到 NoSQL 存储的原因是什么(如果有)?将严重依赖关系的数据存储迁移到 NoSQL 是否有意义?如果从头开始,对于网店项目,您会选择 NoSQL 解决方案而不是关系型解决方案吗?过了一段时间,该项目将再次以一堆表(例如文章、分类、税率、价格表等)以及它们之间的大量关系结束?

.NET (4.0) 对 MongoDB 的支持如何,或者 MongoDB 对 .NET 4.0 的支持如何?我可以依靠类似于 EF 向导、L2SQL 向导等丰富的 MongoDB 代码生成工具吗?

因为正如我到目前为止所读到的,NoSQL 最适合文档存储、更简单的对象模型。


更新:如果我正在围绕 ASP.NET MVC 开发解决方案并严重依赖 Model 类,那么选择 DB4o 来简单地在数据存储中序列化和反序列化我的对象是否是最简单的方法?

If you had a webshop solution based on SQL Server relational DB what would be the reasons, if any, to move to NoSQL storage ? Does it even make sense to migrate datastores that rely on relations heavily to NoSQL? If starting from scratch, would you choose NoSQL solution over relational one for a webshop project, which will, after a while, again end up with a bunch of tables like Articles, Classifications, TaxRates, Pricelists etc. and a magnitude of relations between them?

What's the support like in .NET (4.0) for MongoDB or MongoDB's support for .NET 4.0? Can I count on rich code generation tools similar to EF wizard, L2SQL wizard etc. for MongoDB?

Because as what I have read so far, NoSQL's are mostly suited for document storage, simpler object models.

Your answer to this question will help me make the right infrastructure design decisions.

UPDATE: If I was developing my solution around ASP.NET MVC and rely heavily on Model classes, would it be the easiest way to go to choose DB4o to simply serialize and deserialize my objects to and from datastore?

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聊慰 2024-09-10 12:15:48


迁移到现有软件的 NoSQL 数据存储


将严重依赖关系的数据存储迁移到 NoSQL 是否有意义?


  • 在关系世界中,您规范化数据并在运行时将它们连接在一起。只要数据大小不太大,这种方法就可以正常工作。问题通常就从这里开始:当您有大量规范化数据时,您需要进行大量连接,这会消耗大量性能。当然,对象和表之间的映射可能非常棘手。
  • 在对象数据库中,每个对象都单独存储,“关系”以指针的形式存储。因此,当对象 A 具有对对象 B 的引用时,对象数据库会存储该引用。因此,要检索“关系”,不需要连接操作。因此,“关系”是廉价的。总之,对象数据库非常擅长处理关系。
  • 在像 MongoDB 这样的文档数据库中,完整的对象图被存储为文档。文档数据库与文档级一起工作。所以这里不存在真正的“关系”。您通常只需存储/加载文档。因此,当您可以对场景进行建模以便大多数操作仅适用于单个文档时,它的性能非常高且简单。

这是一个很好的 博客文章比较了 MongoDB(文档数据库)和 db4o(对象数据库)的设计差异

最终您的模型应该适合您的数据库。例如,不要尝试使用关系数据库的模型并将其 1:1 存储在文档数据库中。另请参阅 Ayende 关于对象数据库建模的博客

.NET (4.0) 对 MongoDB 的支持如何,或者 MongoDB 对 .NET 4.0 的支持如何?

盖茨副总裁已经针对 MongoDB 回答了这个问题。 db4o 的 .NET 4.0 版本正在开发中。同时3.5版本在4.0框架上也运行良好。

我可以依靠类似于 EF 向导、L2SQL 向导等 MongoDB 的丰富代码生成工具吗?

对于 MongoDB 和 db4o,您都不需要生成代码。您的课程就是架构。您只需存储对象,数据库就会处理其余的事情。另请参阅盖茨副总裁的回答

因为据我到目前为止所读到的内容,NoSQL 最适合文档存储、更简单的对象模型。



Well quite a open-ended question.

Migration to a NoSQL-datastore for an existing software

Well often there's a lot of experience and knowledge for the existing relational technologies. When you're application runs fine, its probably not worth the effort. However when you have unsolvable issues with the current solution, then it's an option.

Does it even make sense to migrate datastores that rely on relations heavily to NoSQL?

Well you have to consider that the three technologies (Document-DB, RDBMS, Object Database) are very different from each other.

  • In the relational world you normalize data and join them at runtime together. This works fine, as long as the data-sizes are not to big. Here often the issues starts: When you have lot of normalized data you need to do a lot of joins, which costs a lot of performance. And of course mapping between your objects and your tables can be quite tricky.
  • In a object-database the each object is stored individually and the 'relations' are stored in forms of pointers. So when a object A has a reference to object B, the object-database stores this reference. So to retrieve the 'relation', no join operations are necessary. Therefore 'relations' are cheap. In conclusion object-databases are really good at handling relations.
  • In a document-database like MongoDB a complete object-graph is stored as a document. The document-database works with a the document-level. So here there are no real 'relations'. You normally just store/load documents. So when you can model you scenarios so that most of your operations only work on a single document, it's very performant and easy.

Here's a good blog-post which compares the design-difference of MongoDB (document database) and db4o (object-database)

In the end you model should fit to your database. For example, don't try to use a model for a relation database and store it 1:1 in a document database. See also Ayende's blog about modeling for a object-database.

What's the support like in .NET (4.0) for MongoDB or MongoDB's support for .NET 4.0?

Gates VP has already answered this for MongoDB. The .NET 4.0-version of db4o is in development. Meanwhile the 3.5 version also works fine on the 4.0 framework.

Can I count on rich code generation tools similar to EF wizard, L2SQL wizard etc. for MongoDB?

For both, MongoDB and db4o you don't need to generate code. Your classes are the schema. You just store you objects and the database takes care of the rest. See also Gates VP answer

Because as what I have read so far, NoSQL's are mostly suited for document storage, simpler object models.

Well the range is quite big. From really simple key-value-stores, to more advanced document-databases, colum-oriented-databases, graph-databases and object-databases.

Of course the document-database work excellent when you have store document-like data (for example a blog-software). While graph- and object-databases are good at handling extreme complex data structures.

花想c 2024-09-10 12:15:48



除非你有一个非常大的性能问题。事情是这样的,“网络规模”的性能问题通常是通过非规范化来解决的。 MongoDB 本质上是一个非规范化的数据库。

如果从头开始,对于网上商店项目,您会选择 NoSQL 解决方案而不是关系解决方案...

是的。 MongoDB 非常适合典型的基于 Web 的项目。然而,如果您有丰富的 SQL 经验,您可能会发现报告有点尴尬。

.NET 4.0 支持吗?我可以依靠类似于 EF 向导、L2SQL 向导等 MongoDB 的丰富代码生成工具吗?

Mongo 有一个可用于 .NET 的驱动程序。

Mongo 没有 L2SQL 或 EF 向导,但实际上不应该有。老实说,您可能最怀念的是用于分析数据库的 Enterprise Manager。

MongoDB 并不真正需要 EF 向导。 EF 是 MS 针对 DB 和对象之间“阻抗不匹配”的解决方案。 MongoDB 没有“阻抗不匹配”,只需将对象填充到数据库中即可。 L2SQL 的情况大致相同。人们已经建立了一些 Linq 支持(只需快速谷歌),但是诸如连接之类的东西将无法工作,因为 Mongo 不执行连接。

从“数据对象”的角度来看,Mongo只需要一个非常轻量级的框架。老实说,这就像将属性填充到数据库中一样简单。如果您想“添加列”,只需将属性添加到对象中,它就会开始保存在数据库中。因此,像 L2SQL 这样的东西开始变得非常不必要。

不要误会我的意思,有不同的查询范例的空间,但在这方面你处于新的领域。 (您将适用于所有键值和面向文档的商店)。

OK, that's a lot of questions, let's see which ones I can really address.

Does it make sense to migrate existing relational datastores?

Not unless you have a really big performance problem. Here's the deal, "web-scale" performance problems are typically solved by denormalization. MongoDB is an inherently denormalized database.

If starting from scratch, would you choose NoSQL solution over relational one for a webshop project...

Yes. MongoDB is a very natural fit for typical web-based projects. However, if you have lots of SQL experience, you'll probably find the reporting a little awkward.

.NET 4.0 support? Can I count on rich code generation tools similar to EF wizard, L2SQL wizard etc. for MongoDB?

Mongo has a driver available for .NET.

There's no L2SQL or EF wizard for Mongo, but there really shouldn't be. Honestly, what you'll probably miss most is Enterprise Manager for analyzing the DB.

MongoDB doesn't really need an EF wizard. EF is MS's solution for the "impedance mismatch" between DBs and objects. MongoDB doesn't have the "impedance mismatch", just stuff the objects in the DB and go. Much of the same goes for L2SQL. People have built some Linq support (just a quick google), but things like joins won't work b/c Mongo doesn't do joins.

From a "data objects" standpoint, Mongo only needs a very lightweight framework. Honestly it's as simple as stuffing the properties into the DB. If you want to "add a column", you simply add the property to your object and it starts saving in the DB. So things like L2SQL start becoming really unecessary.

Don't get me wrong, there's room for a different querying paradigm, but in that regards you're in new territory. (you will be for all key-value and document-oriented stores).

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