I have seen no "hard and fast" rule on how to check preconditions, but I generally treat it like method documentation. If it is publicly scoped, I assert that the preconditions are met. The logic behind this would be that the scope dictates that you are expecting consumption on a broader scale and with less influence.
Personally, the effort to put assertions around private methods is something I reserve for "mission critical" methods, which would basically be ones that either perform a critical task, are subject to external compliance requirements, or are non-recoverable in the event of an exception. These are largely "judgment calls".
The time saved can be reinvested in thorough unit and integration test enhancement to try and flush out these issues and puts the tooling in place to help enforce the quality of the input assertions as it would be consumed by a client, whether it is a class in your control or not.
I think it depends on how the team is organized: check inputs which come from outside your team.
Check inputs from end-users
Check inputs from software components written by other teams
Trust inputs received from within your own component / within your own team.
The reason for this is for support and maintenance (i.e. bug-fixing): when there's a bug report, you want to be able as quickly as possible to know which component is at fault, i.e. which team to assign the bug to.
if a function is delegating to another function, the first function should check them but checking them again in the second one is redundant.
What if you change the way those functions call each other? Or you introduce new validation requirements in the second function, that the first one delegates to? I'd say it's safer to always check them.
理想情况下,生产系统不会受到断言的影响,您甚至可以使用类似于 Design By Contract(TM) 的机制来静态地释放断言。
I've made the habit of distinguishing between checking and asserting the preconditions, depending (as people pointed out in the comments) on whether a call comes from the outside (unchecked exception, may happen) or the inside (assert, shouldn't happen).
Ideally, the production system won't have the penalty of the asserts, and you could even use a Design By Contract(TM)-like mechanism to discharge the assertions statically.
I think that best practice is to do these checks only if they're going to fail some day. If will help when you do the following.
There's no point to check them when several private functions in one module, which has a single maintainer, exchange data. Of course, there are exceptions, especially if your language doesn't have a static type system, or your data are "stringly typed".
However, if you expose public API, one day, someone will fail your precondition. The further is the person that maintains the calling module from you (in organizational structure and in physical location), the more likely it will happen. And when it happens, a clear statement of precondition failure, with a specification where it happened, may save hours of debugging. The Law of Leaky Abstractions is still true...
Precondition failure helps QA to debug their tests. If a unit-test for a module causes the module to yield precondition failure, it means that the test is incorrect, not your code. (Or, that your precondition check is incorrect, but that's less likely).
If one of the means to perform QA is static analysis, then precondition checks, if they have a specific notation (for example, only these checks use assert_precondition macro), will also help. In static analysis it's very important to distinguish incorrect input and source code errors.
If you don't have much time to create documentation, you may make your code aid the text that accompanies it. Clear and visible precondition checks, which are perceived separate from the rest of the implementation, "document" possible inputs to some extent. (Another way to document your code this way is writing unit tests).
// C, C++:
void example(char const* s) {
// precondition: s points to a valid null-terminated string
assert(s); // tests that s is non-null, which is required for it to point to
// a valid null-terminated string. the real test is nearly impossible from
// within this function
As with everything, evaluate your requirements to find the best solution for each situation.
When preconditions are easier to check ("pointer isn't null"), you might as well do that often. Preconditions which are hard to check ("points to a valid null-terminated string") or are expensive in time, memory, or other resources may be handled a different way. Use the Pareto principle and gather the low-hanging fruit.
// C, C++:
void example(char const* s) {
// precondition: s points to a valid null-terminated string
assert(s); // tests that s is non-null, which is required for it to point to
// a valid null-terminated string. the real test is nearly impossible from
// within this function
Guaranteeing preconditions is the responsibility of the caller. Because of this, several languages offer an "assert" construct that can optionally be skipped (e.g. defining NDEBUG for C/C++, command-line switch for Python) so that you can more extensively test preconditions in special builds without impacting final performance. However, how to use assert can be a heated debate—again, figure out your requirements and be consistent.
It is a little bit old question, but no, preconditions do not have to be checked every time. It really depends.
For example, what if you have binary search over vector. Precondition is sorted vector. Now, if you check every time if vector is sorted this takes a linear time (for each vector), so it is not efficient. Client must be aware of precondition and be sure to meet it.
I have seen no "hard and fast" rule on how to check preconditions, but I generally treat it like method documentation. If it is publicly scoped, I assert that the preconditions are met. The logic behind this would be that the scope dictates that you are expecting consumption on a broader scale and with less influence.
Personally, the effort to put assertions around private methods is something I reserve for "mission critical" methods, which would basically be ones that either perform a critical task, are subject to external compliance requirements, or are non-recoverable in the event of an exception. These are largely "judgment calls".
The time saved can be reinvested in thorough unit and integration test enhancement to try and flush out these issues and puts the tooling in place to help enforce the quality of the input assertions as it would be consumed by a client, whether it is a class in your control or not.
I think it depends on how the team is organized: check inputs which come from outside your team.
The reason for this is for support and maintenance (i.e. bug-fixing): when there's a bug report, you want to be able as quickly as possible to know which component is at fault, i.e. which team to assign the bug to.
In my experience, it depends on your encapsulation.
If the inner function is private then you can be pretty sure that its preconditions are set.
Guess it's all about the Law of Demeter, talk only to your friends and so on.
As a basis for best practise, if the call is public, you should check your inputs.
What if you change the way those functions call each other? Or you introduce new validation requirements in the second function, that the first one delegates to? I'd say it's safer to always check them.
理想情况下,生产系统不会受到断言的影响,您甚至可以使用类似于 Design By Contract(TM) 的机制来静态地释放断言。
I've made the habit of distinguishing between checking and asserting the preconditions, depending (as people pointed out in the comments) on whether a call comes from the outside (unchecked exception, may happen) or the inside (assert, shouldn't happen).
Ideally, the production system won't have the penalty of the asserts, and you could even use a Design By Contract(TM)-like mechanism to discharge the assertions statically.
然而,如果你公开公共API,有一天,有人会满足你的前提条件。维护呼叫模块的人距离您越远(在组织结构和物理位置上),发生这种情况的可能性就越大。当发生这种情况时,明确说明前提条件失败并说明发生的位置,可能会节省数小时的调试时间。 泄漏抽象法则仍然正确...
前提条件失败有助于 QA 调试他们的测试。如果模块的单元测试导致模块产生前提条件失败,则意味着测试不正确,而不是您的代码不正确。 (或者,您的前提条件检查不正确,但这种可能性较小)。
如果执行 QA 的方法之一是静态分析,那么前置条件检查如果有特定的符号(例如,只有这些检查使用
如果您没有太多时间创建文档,您可以让您的代码辅助其随附的文本。清晰可见的前提条件检查被认为与实现的其余部分分开,在某种程度上“记录”了可能的输入。 (以这种方式记录代码的另一种方法是编写单元测试)。
I think that best practice is to do these checks only if they're going to fail some day. If will help when you do the following.
There's no point to check them when several private functions in one module, which has a single maintainer, exchange data. Of course, there are exceptions, especially if your language doesn't have a static type system, or your data are "stringly typed".
However, if you expose public API, one day, someone will fail your precondition. The further is the person that maintains the calling module from you (in organizational structure and in physical location), the more likely it will happen. And when it happens, a clear statement of precondition failure, with a specification where it happened, may save hours of debugging. The Law of Leaky Abstractions is still true...
Precondition failure helps QA to debug their tests. If a unit-test for a module causes the module to yield precondition failure, it means that the test is incorrect, not your code. (Or, that your precondition check is incorrect, but that's less likely).
If one of the means to perform QA is static analysis, then precondition checks, if they have a specific notation (for example, only these checks use
macro), will also help. In static analysis it's very important to distinguish incorrect input and source code errors.Documentation
If you don't have much time to create documentation, you may make your code aid the text that accompanies it. Clear and visible precondition checks, which are perceived separate from the rest of the implementation, "document" possible inputs to some extent. (Another way to document your code this way is writing unit tests).
保证先决条件是调用者的责任。因此,多种语言提供了可以选择跳过的“断言”构造(例如,为 C/C++ 定义 NDEBUG、为 Python 定义命令行开关),以便您可以在特殊构建中更广泛地测试前提条件,而不会影响最终性能。然而,如何使用断言可能是一个激烈的争论——再次强调,弄清楚你的需求并保持一致。
As with everything, evaluate your requirements to find the best solution for each situation.
When preconditions are easier to check ("pointer isn't null"), you might as well do that often. Preconditions which are hard to check ("points to a valid null-terminated string") or are expensive in time, memory, or other resources may be handled a different way. Use the Pareto principle and gather the low-hanging fruit.
Guaranteeing preconditions is the responsibility of the caller. Because of this, several languages offer an "assert" construct that can optionally be skipped (e.g. defining NDEBUG for C/C++, command-line switch for Python) so that you can more extensively test preconditions in special builds without impacting final performance. However, how to use assert can be a heated debate—again, figure out your requirements and be consistent.
It is a little bit old question, but no, preconditions do not have to be checked every time. It really depends.
For example, what if you have binary search over vector. Precondition is sorted vector. Now, if you check every time if vector is sorted this takes a linear time (for each vector), so it is not efficient. Client must be aware of precondition and be sure to meet it.
The best practice is to always check them.