如何从 BizTalk SendPort 执行存储过程?
我想从 SendPort 调用存储过程。我想避免编排,而是根据接收端口和消息类型创建消息框的订阅。我还需要使用收到的消息 xml 中的属性作为存储过程的参数。
我的假设是我应该使用 WCF-SQL 适配器。然而,我发现的唯一例子需要 20 个步骤的过程和一些魔法/运气……哦,是的,还有一个编排。我是否疯狂地认为这应该比看起来简单得多?有人可以为我提供资源或建议吗?
I would like to call a stored procedure from a SendPort. I want to avoid an orchestration and instead, create a subscription to the message box based on the receive port and message type. I also need to use attributes from the received message xml as parameters for my stored procedure.
My assumption is that I should use WCF-SQL adapter. However, the only examples I have found require a 20 step process and some magic/luck... oh yeah, and an orchestration. Am I crazy for thinking this should be way simpler than it seems? Can anyone provide me with resources or advice?
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您查看的示例之一是理查德·塞罗特 (Richard Seroter) 书中摘录的吗?
http://www.packtpub.com/article/soa-capability- in-bizTalk-wcf
Is one of the examples you looked at the excerpt from Richard Seroter's book?
What you want to do can be done without an Orchestration.