我遇到 WCF 反序列化问题,客户端挂起响应超过一分钟。
I have a problem with WCF deserialization where the client hangs on the response for more than a minute.
I'd like to try to swap different deserializers and see if it affects the behavior.
Can I swap in/out different serializers (are there any others?) from configuration, and if so can I do that with any binding, or is that out of control once the service reference is imported?
Any help appreciated!
这描述了如何在同一服务的两个不同端点上使用 XmlSerializer 和 DataContractSerializer。它并不完全将它们换入和换出,但可能足以满足您的测试。
This describes how to use the XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer on two different endpoints for the same service. Its not exactly swapping them in and out but it might suffice for your testing.