有没有人使用内置电子邮件组件在 CakePHP 应用程序中成功设置“域密钥识别邮件”?
我正在尝试实现 Jeff Atwood 的垃圾邮件防护帖子的第二部分:
我在网上找不到任何好的教程或示例代码来执行此操作。我也不确定我是否从正确的角度来处理这个问题。 (可能是盒子上的邮件服务器本身应该签署所有出站电子邮件,而不是应用程序?)
Has anyone successfully setup "Domain Keys Identified Mail" in a CakePHP app with the built-in email component?
I'm trying to implement part two of Jeff Atwood's spam protection post:
I'm not finding any good tutorials or sample code online for doing this. I'm not sure I'm approaching this from the right angle either. (Might it be that the mail server itself on the box should be signing all outbound emails, and not the app?)
我考虑过在 Cake 上做同样的事情,经过大量研究后,我确定让第三方处理要容易得多(很多)你的电子邮件。我推荐 PostmarkApp 甚至亚马逊的新 "="">简单电子邮件服务,具有免费套餐(每天 2,000 封免费电子邮件),可以覆盖您的整个申请。
You're on to the right path with having the mail server itself sign the emails. That will certainly help keep things DRY, especially if you have more than one application using the same mail server.
I've looked into doing the same thing from Cake and after a lot of study I determined that it was a lot (a lot) easier to let a third-party handle your emails. I'd recommend PostmarkApp or even Amazon's new Simple Email Service which has a free tier (2,000 free emails per day) which may cover the entirety of your application.