如何使用 GWT 2.1 数据呈现小部件

发布于 2024-09-02 05:42:54 字数 608 浏览 15 评论 0原文

在 2010 年 Google IO 上,宣布 GWT 2.1 将包含新的数据呈现小部件。 2.1M 可供下载,并且可能包含小部件,但尚未出现任何文档。

有关于如何使用它们的简短教程或示例吗?我看到一个谣言:CellListCellTable 是有问题的类。他们的 Javadoc 充满了大量的 TODO,因此在使用方面仍然缺少相当多的内容。

At the 2010 Google IO it was announced that GWT 2.1 would include new Data Presentation Widgets. 2.1M is available for download, and presumably the widgets are included, but no documentation has yet surfaced.

Is there a short tutorial or example for how to use them? I've seen a rumor that CellList and CellTable are the classes in question. The Javadoc for them is riddled with lots of TODOs, so quite a bit is still missing in terms of usage.

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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薄荷梦 2024-09-09 05:42:54

Google I/O 2010 - GWT用户界面检修

2.1 中的 javadocs 包 com.google.gwt.cell.client

里程碑 2 的 Eclipse 更新站点

当代码位于 bikeshed 中时,将此行添加到您的 gwt.xml 文件中:

<inherits name='com.google.gwt.requestfactory.RequestFactory'/>


  • TextCells 的 CellList
    TextCells 的PageSizePager
  • CellList 带有
  • CellList 的 TextCells 带有
    SimplePager 和 PageSizePager(有问题)
  • 带有字符串标题的 CellTable 和

package dpw.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellList;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.PageSizePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.SimplePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.TextColumn;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.Header;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListViewAdapter;

public class Index implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        // create some data
        ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

        // create a ListViewAdapter
        ListViewAdapter<String> lva = new ListViewAdapter<String>();
        // give the ListViewAdapter our data

            // CellList of TextCells with PageSizePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pagesize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 2);

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the PageSizePager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pageSize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager and PageSizePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pageSize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 1);

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page

            // add the PageSizePager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellTable
            CellTable<String> ct = new CellTable<String>();

            // add a column with a simple string header
        ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {

            public String getValue(String object) {
                return object;
        }, "String Header");

        //add a column with a TextCell header
        ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {

            public String getValue(String object) {
                return "%" + object + "%";
        }, new Header<String>(new TextCell()) {

            public String getValue() {
                return "TextCell Header";

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellTable
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(ct,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page

Google I/O 2010 - GWT's UI overhaul

javadocs package com.google.gwt.cell.client in 2.1

Eclipse update site for milestone 2

While the code is in bikeshed, add this line to your gwt.xml file:

<inherits name='com.google.gwt.requestfactory.RequestFactory'/>

The following examples follow:

  • CellList of TextCells with
  • CellList of TextCells with a
  • CellList of TextCells with a
    SimplePager and PageSizePager(buggy)
  • CellTable with String header and
    TextCell header

package dpw.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellList;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.PageSizePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.SimplePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.TextColumn;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.Header;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListViewAdapter;

public class Index implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        // create some data
        ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

        // create a ListViewAdapter
        ListViewAdapter<String> lva = new ListViewAdapter<String>();
        // give the ListViewAdapter our data

            // CellList of TextCells with PageSizePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pagesize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 2);

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the PageSizePager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pageSize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager and PageSizePager
            CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
            // set the initial pageSize to 2

            // add the CellLists to the adaptor

            // create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 1);

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page

            // add the PageSizePager to the page

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellTable
            CellTable<String> ct = new CellTable<String>();

            // add a column with a simple string header
        ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {

            public String getValue(String object) {
                return object;
        }, "String Header");

        //add a column with a TextCell header
        ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {

            public String getValue(String object) {
                return "%" + object + "%";
        }, new Header<String>(new TextCell()) {

            public String getValue() {
                return "TextCell Header";

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellTable
            SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(ct,

            // add the CellList to the page

            // add the Pager to the page
清风夜微凉 2024-09-09 05:42:54

我有一个可编辑 CellTable 的工作原型。该原型有一个表,显示字符串、布尔值、日期、整数列,每个列都有编辑器。编辑每个单元格会更新相应的模型。

public class CellTableDemo implements EntryPoint
    public void onModuleLoad( )
        CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = createTable( );

        addColumns( cellTable );

        ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO> listViewAdapter = new ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO>( );
        listViewAdapter.setList( getData( ) );
        listViewAdapter.addView( cellTable );

        RootPanel.get( ).add( new SimplePager<SomeDTO>( cellTable, SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER ) );
        RootPanel.get( ).add( cellTable );

    private CellTable<SomeDTO> createTable( )
        CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = new CellTable<SomeDTO>( );
        cellTable.setSelectionEnabled( true );
        cellTable.setSelectionModel( new SingleSelectionModel<SomeDTO>( ) );
        cellTable.setPageSize( 5 );
        cellTable.setPageStart( 0 );
        return cellTable;

    private void addColumns( CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable )
        Column<SomeDTO, String> colA = new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new TextInputCell( ) )
            public String getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getA( );
        colA.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, String>( ) // updates changes into the backing bean
                    public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, String value )
                        object.setA( value );
                } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colA, "String Column A" );

        cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, Integer>( new CurrencyCell( ) )
            public Integer getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getB( );
        }, "Currency Column B" );

        Column<SomeDTO, Boolean> colC = new Column<SomeDTO, Boolean>( new CheckboxCell( ) )
            public Boolean getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getC( );
        colC.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Boolean>( )
            public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Boolean value )
                object.setC( value );
        } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colC, "Boolean Column C" );

        Column<SomeDTO, Date> colD = new Column<SomeDTO, Date>( new DatePickerCell( ) )
            public Date getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getD( );
        colD.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Date>( )
            public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Date value )
                object.setD( value );
        } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colD, "Date Column D" );

        cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new ActionCell<String>( "Click of summary of this row", new Delegate<String>( )
            public void execute( String row )
                Window.alert( row );
        } ) )
            public String getValue( SomeDTO row )
                return row.getSummary( );
        } );

    private ArrayList<SomeDTO> getData( )
        ArrayList<SomeDTO> tableData = new ArrayList<SomeDTO>( );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "A", 10, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AA", 200, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAA", 3000, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAA", 40, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAA", 500, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAA", 6000, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAA", 70, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAA", 800, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAA", 9000, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAA", 10, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAAA", 11, true, new Date( ) ) );
        return tableData;

    public class SomeDTO
        private String a;
        private Integer b;
        private Boolean c;
        private Date d;

        public SomeDTO( String a, Integer b, Boolean c, Date d )
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;
            this.c = c;
            this.d = d;

        public String getA( )
            return a;

        public void setA( String a )
            this.a = a;

        public Integer getB( )
            return b;

        public void setB( Integer b )
            this.b = b;

        public Boolean getC( )
            return c;

        public void setC( Boolean c )
            this.c = c;

        public Date getD( )
            return d;

        public void setD( Date d )
            this.d = d;

        public String getSummary( )
            return getA( ) + "  " + getB( ) + "  " + getC( ) + "  " + getD( );



I have a working prototype of an editable CellTable. The prototype has a Table displaying String, Boolean, Date, Integer columns with editors for each. Editing each cell updates the corresponding model.

public class CellTableDemo implements EntryPoint
    public void onModuleLoad( )
        CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = createTable( );

        addColumns( cellTable );

        ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO> listViewAdapter = new ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO>( );
        listViewAdapter.setList( getData( ) );
        listViewAdapter.addView( cellTable );

        RootPanel.get( ).add( new SimplePager<SomeDTO>( cellTable, SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER ) );
        RootPanel.get( ).add( cellTable );

    private CellTable<SomeDTO> createTable( )
        CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = new CellTable<SomeDTO>( );
        cellTable.setSelectionEnabled( true );
        cellTable.setSelectionModel( new SingleSelectionModel<SomeDTO>( ) );
        cellTable.setPageSize( 5 );
        cellTable.setPageStart( 0 );
        return cellTable;

    private void addColumns( CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable )
        Column<SomeDTO, String> colA = new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new TextInputCell( ) )
            public String getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getA( );
        colA.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, String>( ) // updates changes into the backing bean
                    public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, String value )
                        object.setA( value );
                } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colA, "String Column A" );

        cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, Integer>( new CurrencyCell( ) )
            public Integer getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getB( );
        }, "Currency Column B" );

        Column<SomeDTO, Boolean> colC = new Column<SomeDTO, Boolean>( new CheckboxCell( ) )
            public Boolean getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getC( );
        colC.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Boolean>( )
            public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Boolean value )
                object.setC( value );
        } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colC, "Boolean Column C" );

        Column<SomeDTO, Date> colD = new Column<SomeDTO, Date>( new DatePickerCell( ) )
            public Date getValue( SomeDTO object )
                return object.getD( );
        colD.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Date>( )
            public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Date value )
                object.setD( value );
        } );
        cellTable.addColumn( colD, "Date Column D" );

        cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new ActionCell<String>( "Click of summary of this row", new Delegate<String>( )
            public void execute( String row )
                Window.alert( row );
        } ) )
            public String getValue( SomeDTO row )
                return row.getSummary( );
        } );

    private ArrayList<SomeDTO> getData( )
        ArrayList<SomeDTO> tableData = new ArrayList<SomeDTO>( );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "A", 10, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AA", 200, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAA", 3000, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAA", 40, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAA", 500, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAA", 6000, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAA", 70, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAA", 800, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAA", 9000, true, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAA", 10, false, new Date( ) ) );
        tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAAA", 11, true, new Date( ) ) );
        return tableData;

    public class SomeDTO
        private String a;
        private Integer b;
        private Boolean c;
        private Date d;

        public SomeDTO( String a, Integer b, Boolean c, Date d )
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;
            this.c = c;
            this.d = d;

        public String getA( )
            return a;

        public void setA( String a )
            this.a = a;

        public Integer getB( )
            return b;

        public void setB( Integer b )
            this.b = b;

        public Boolean getC( )
            return c;

        public void setC( Boolean c )
            this.c = c;

        public Date getD( )
            return d;

        public void setD( Date d )
            this.d = d;

        public String getSummary( )
            return getA( ) + "  " + getB( ) + "  " + getC( ) + "  " + getD( );


卸妝后依然美 2024-09-09 05:42:54


package com.test.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.SimplePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.TextColumn;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListViewAdapter;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.SingleSelectionModel;

public class Index implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        // create some data
        ArrayList<String[]> values = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        values.add(new String[] { "1", "a" });
        values.add(new String[] { "2", "b" });
        values.add(new String[] { "3", "c" });
        values.add(new String[] { "4", "d" });
        values.add(new String[] { "5", "e" });
        values.add(new String[] { "6", "f" });
        values.add(new String[] { "7", "g" });
        values.add(new String[] { "8", "h" });
        values.add(new String[] { "9", "i" });
        values.add(new String[] { "10", "j" });

        // create a ListViewAdapter
        ListViewAdapter<String[]> lva = new ListViewAdapter<String[]>();
        // give the ListViewAdapter our data

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellTable
            CellTable<String[]> ct = new CellTable<String[]>();
            ct.setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModel());
            ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String[]>() {

                public String getValue(String[] object) {
                    return object[0];
            }, "First");

            ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String[]>() {

                public String getValue(String[] object) {
                    return "%" + object[1] + "%";
            }, "Second");

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellTable
            SimplePager<String[]> pager = new SimplePager<String[]>(ct, SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER);

            // add the Pager to the page

            // add the CellList to the page

To show multiple column in table you need to put array in list. The reference code to achieve this is:

package com.test.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.SimplePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.TextColumn;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListViewAdapter;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.SingleSelectionModel;

public class Index implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        // create some data
        ArrayList<String[]> values = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        values.add(new String[] { "1", "a" });
        values.add(new String[] { "2", "b" });
        values.add(new String[] { "3", "c" });
        values.add(new String[] { "4", "d" });
        values.add(new String[] { "5", "e" });
        values.add(new String[] { "6", "f" });
        values.add(new String[] { "7", "g" });
        values.add(new String[] { "8", "h" });
        values.add(new String[] { "9", "i" });
        values.add(new String[] { "10", "j" });

        // create a ListViewAdapter
        ListViewAdapter<String[]> lva = new ListViewAdapter<String[]>();
        // give the ListViewAdapter our data

        RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));

            // CellTable
            CellTable<String[]> ct = new CellTable<String[]>();
            ct.setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModel());
            ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String[]>() {

                public String getValue(String[] object) {
                    return object[0];
            }, "First");

            ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String[]>() {

                public String getValue(String[] object) {
                    return "%" + object[1] + "%";
            }, "Second");

            // create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellTable
            SimplePager<String[]> pager = new SimplePager<String[]>(ct, SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER);

            // add the Pager to the page

            // add the CellList to the page
如梦初醒的夏天 2024-09-09 05:42:54


protected void init() {
    VerticalPanel container = new VerticalPanel();

    int pageSize = 10;
    CellTable<User> cellTable = new CellTable<User>(pageSize);

    int pageStart = 0;
    loadData(pageStart, pageSize, cellTable);

    SimplePager<User> pager = createPager(cellTable);


private SimplePager<User> createPager(final CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    SimplePager<User> pager = new SimplePager<User>(cellTable,
            SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER) {
        public void onRangeOrSizeChanged(PagingListView<User> listView) {
            loadData(listView.getPageStart(), listView.getPageSize(),
    return pager;

private void setColumns(CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    cellTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<User>() {
        public String getValue(User user) {
            return user.getName();
    }, new TextHeader("Name"));

    cellTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<User>() {
        public String getValue(User user) {
            return user.getLocation();
    }, new TextHeader("Location"));

private void setSelectionModel(CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    final SingleSelectionModel<User> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<User>();
    SelectionChangeHandler selectionHandler = new SelectionChangeHandler() {
        public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
            User user = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
            Window.alert(user.getId() + ": " + user.getName());

private void setDataSize(final PagingListView<User> cellTable) {
    employeeRequest.countUsers(new AsyncCallback<Integer>() {
        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
            Window.alert("Request failure: " + caught.getMessage());

        public void onSuccess(Integer result) {
            cellTable.setDataSize(result, true);

private void loadData(int start, int size,
        final PagingListView<User> cellTable) {
    employeeRequest.getUsers(start, size,
            new AsyncCallback<PagingData<User>>() {
                public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                    Window.alert("Request failure: " + caught.getMessage());

                public void onSuccess(PagingData<User> result) {
                            result.getLength(), result.getValues());

public class PagingData<T> implements IsSerializable {

private int start;

private int length;

private List<T> values;

public PagingData() {

public PagingData(int start, int length, List<T> values) {
    this.start = start;
    this.length = length;
    this.values = values;

public int getStart() {
    return start;

public void setStart(int start) {
    this.start = start;

public int getLength() {
    return length;

public void setLength(int length) {
    this.length = length;

public List<T> getValues() {
    return values;

public void setValues(List<T> values) {
    this.values = values;

The following code is what I'm woking on, hope it'll be helpful:

protected void init() {
    VerticalPanel container = new VerticalPanel();

    int pageSize = 10;
    CellTable<User> cellTable = new CellTable<User>(pageSize);

    int pageStart = 0;
    loadData(pageStart, pageSize, cellTable);

    SimplePager<User> pager = createPager(cellTable);


private SimplePager<User> createPager(final CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    SimplePager<User> pager = new SimplePager<User>(cellTable,
            SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER) {
        public void onRangeOrSizeChanged(PagingListView<User> listView) {
            loadData(listView.getPageStart(), listView.getPageSize(),
    return pager;

private void setColumns(CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    cellTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<User>() {
        public String getValue(User user) {
            return user.getName();
    }, new TextHeader("Name"));

    cellTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<User>() {
        public String getValue(User user) {
            return user.getLocation();
    }, new TextHeader("Location"));

private void setSelectionModel(CellTable<User> cellTable) {
    final SingleSelectionModel<User> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<User>();
    SelectionChangeHandler selectionHandler = new SelectionChangeHandler() {
        public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
            User user = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
            Window.alert(user.getId() + ": " + user.getName());

private void setDataSize(final PagingListView<User> cellTable) {
    employeeRequest.countUsers(new AsyncCallback<Integer>() {
        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
            Window.alert("Request failure: " + caught.getMessage());

        public void onSuccess(Integer result) {
            cellTable.setDataSize(result, true);

private void loadData(int start, int size,
        final PagingListView<User> cellTable) {
    employeeRequest.getUsers(start, size,
            new AsyncCallback<PagingData<User>>() {
                public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                    Window.alert("Request failure: " + caught.getMessage());

                public void onSuccess(PagingData<User> result) {
                            result.getLength(), result.getValues());

public class PagingData<T> implements IsSerializable {

private int start;

private int length;

private List<T> values;

public PagingData() {

public PagingData(int start, int length, List<T> values) {
    this.start = start;
    this.length = length;
    this.values = values;

public int getStart() {
    return start;

public void setStart(int start) {
    this.start = start;

public int getLength() {
    return length;

public void setLength(int length) {
    this.length = length;

public List<T> getValues() {
    return values;

public void setValues(List<T> values) {
    this.values = values;
旧夏天 2024-09-09 05:42:54

上面的 Antony.trupe 给出了很好的答案。


我确信您了解 FieldUpdater 部分。它基本上是为了更新底层模型而设计的——这对于 String 来说是不可能的。


static class EditableColumn<T> extends Column<T, String> {

    public EditableColumn()
        super(new EditTextCell());

        // workaround a NPE in EditTextCell.java:75 
        super.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<T, String>(){
            public void update( int index, T object, String value ) {
                // I think object should be updated with the new value, which cannot be done
                // in a generic way (and cannot be done if T is String (immutable)).
                // Doing nothing here will at least update the view (probably not the model)

    public String getValue(T object) {
        return "%" + object + "%";

Great answer from antony.trupe above.

If you want to have an editable cell, you could add this piece of code to his class, and instanciate such a column instead of the regular TextColumn.

I'm sure you understand the FieldUpdater part. It's basically designed to update the underlying model -- which is not possible in the case of String.

I'll try to post a more complete example later on.

static class EditableColumn<T> extends Column<T, String> {

    public EditableColumn()
        super(new EditTextCell());

        // workaround a NPE in EditTextCell.java:75 
        super.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<T, String>(){
            public void update( int index, T object, String value ) {
                // I think object should be updated with the new value, which cannot be done
                // in a generic way (and cannot be done if T is String (immutable)).
                // Doing nothing here will at least update the view (probably not the model)

    public String getValue(T object) {
        return "%" + object + "%";
看海 2024-09-09 05:42:54

您可能想看看 Spring Roo 项目。 Spring Roo 通常用于构建 Java 应用程序。在最新的 1.1 版本中,它还可以构建 GWT 应用程序(使用许多 GWT 2.1 功能)。

它可以为您生成大量 GWT 2.1 代码,然后您可以看到所有内容如何协同工作。关于 Spring Roo 的信息也在 GWT 2.1 发行说明中给出,并且该工具在 Google I/O Keynote 中介绍过(非常有趣,视频可以在此处)。


Spring Roo 中甚至还有一个完整的 GWT 2.1 应用程序(费用应用程序)示例。要生成此应用程序,您只需安装 Roo 1.1,然后在 roo 控制台中执行:

script -f samples/expenses.roo

You may want to take a look at Spring Roo project. Spring Roo in general is used to scaffold Java applications. In the newest version 1.1 it can also scaffold GWT applications (using many GWT 2.1 features).

It can generate a lot of GWT 2.1 code for you and then you can see how everything works together. The information about Spring Roo is also given in GWT 2.1 release notes and the tool was presented in Google I/O Keynote (it is really interesting, the video can be found here).


There is even a complete example of GWT 2.1 application (Expenses application) in Spring Roo. To generate this application you only need to install Roo 1.1 and then execute this in roo console:

script -f samples/expenses.roo
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