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夜唯美灬不弃 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我使用 Emacs+VHDL 模式,如果您不介意(或已经爬上)Emacs 的学习曲线,那么这会很棒。

或者,您可以尝试 Sigasi-HDT,它基于 Eclipse,并且具有更多 GUI。从外观上看,还有一些更强大的重构工具。

I use Emacs+VHDL-mode which is great if you don't mind (or have already climbed) the learning curve of Emacs.

Alternatively, you could try Sigasi-HDT which is Eclipse-based and has more GUI. And some more powerful refactoring tools by the look of it.

丶视觉 2024-09-09 05:40:43

自从 Sigasi HDT 一月份发布以来(我认为),我一直在使用它,到目前为止我对它非常满意。以前,我使用 Vim 进行所有编辑(C 或 VHDL),但自从我切换到 Sigasi 后,我就再也没有回头过。基于 Eclipse 的插件不仅仅是语法突出显示。组件和实体的自动完成确实可以节省时间,并且可以避免很多错误。您可以从他们的网站 (http://www.sigasi.com) 下载免费试用版,我鼓励您尝试一下 grlib (http://www.gaisler.com),看看该插件的真正威力。

I have been using Sigasi HDT since it was released in january (I think) and am very pleased with it so far. Previously I used Vim for all my editing (C or VHDL), but since I switched to Sigasi I have not looked back. The Eclipse based plugin is much more than just syntax highlighting. The auto-completion of components and entities is a real time-saver and you avoid a lot of errors. You can download a free trial from their website (http://www.sigasi.com) and I encourage you to give it a try with grlib (http://www.gaisler.com) to see the real power of the plugin.

梦晓ヶ微光ヅ倾城 2024-09-09 05:40:43

可能是 Xilinx ISEAltera Quartus

我曾经尝试过 - 至少我想尝试 - Altera Quartus,但我很快就切换到普通编辑器并使用 GHDL 用于模拟。


Maybe Xilinx ISE or Altera Quartus.

I once tried - at least I wanted to try - Altera Quartus, but I soon switched to a normal editor and took GHDL for simulation.

But I am no professional, so I suppose they are using some of the former two products.

空袭的梦i 2024-09-09 05:40:43

大型半导体公司的工程师正在使用 emacs/vim 进行代码编辑。
集成开发环境在那里没有多大意义,因为项目是从 *NIX 网络上不同位置获取的数千个 HDL 文件、十几个不同工具的设置脚本以及要执行的 cron 作业频繁构建。

对于在 Windows 上开发的更简单的 FPGA 项目,我见过人们使用 Borland CodeWright、UltraEdit 和 Crimson Editor。

Engineers in large semiconductor companies are using emacs/vim for code editing.
Integrated Development Environment doesn't make much sense there, since a project is a few thousand HDL files taken from different places on a *NIX network, setup scripts for a dozen different tools, and cron jobs to do frequent builds.

For simpler FPGA projects developed on Windows I've seen people using Borland CodeWright, UltraEdit, and Crimson Editor.

输什么也不输骨气 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我一直在使用 Notepad++ 以及免费供应商工具在 Windows 上编辑我的 VHDL。

I've been using Notepad++ along with the free vendor tools to edit my VHDL on Windows.

扶醉桌前 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我最好的选择是使用 VIM 来完成 VHDL 格式化所需的任何操作。 VIM 拥有极其强大的工具来开发自定义插件,再多的 IDE 跳跃也无法为您提供所需的所有自定义功能。

诸如信号名称之类的东西20 个字符,过程长度 < 100 行,不使用链接端口——所有这些都可以轻松地在 VIM 中进行编码。您实际上可以从 VIM 中运行 vcom 或 ncvhdl,然后查看错误所在。

说了这么多,您可能想看看 Sigasi 提供的服务。如果您在这方面需要更多帮助,请告诉我——编写 VIM 插件会很有趣。

My best bet is to use VIM to do whatever i need to for VHDL formatting. VIM has an extremely powerful facility to develop custom plugins, and no amount of IDE hopping will give you all the customization you would ever need.

Things like signal names < 20 characters, procedure lengths < 100 lines, no use of linkage ports -- all of these can be coded in VIM with minimal effort. You could actually run vcom or ncvhdl from within VIM and then see where the errors are.

Having said all this, you might want to take a look at what Sigasi has to offer. If you need more help on this, let me know -- it'd be fun coding a VIM plugin.

破晓 2024-09-09 05:40:43

Emacs + VHDL 模式 + 编译器/模拟器 + 源代码控制。

VHDL 模式配置为使用编译器来编译设计并可选择运行仿真。

Emacs 可以与源代码管理链接以正确签入、比较和标记。

我个人喜欢这种设置,因为编辑器是开源的,我可以在任何地方(Mac、Linux、Windows)使用它。编译器/模拟器可以是任何东西,从免费下载(FPGA 供应商赞助的 Modelsim 或 GHDL)到网格引擎。一旦设置完毕,它几乎就变得不可见了。

Emacs + VHDL mode + a compiler / simulator + source control.

The VHDL mode is configured to use the compiler to compile the design and optionally run the simulation.

Emacs can link with the source control to correctly check in, diff and tag.

I personally like this set up because the editor is open source and I can use it anywhere (Mac, Linux, Windows). The compiler / simulator can be anything from a free download (FPGA vendor sponsored Modelsim or GHDL) to a grid engine. Once set up, it pretty much becomes invisible.

野却迷人 2024-09-09 05:40:43

Simplifide 还有一个 eclipse 插件,支持 VHDL、Verilog 和 SystemVerilog,其中包含所有标准 IDE 功能等等。

可以在 http://simplifide.com 下载

Simplifide also has an eclipse plugin which supports VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog which contains all of the standard IDE features and more.

It can be downloaded at http://simplifide.com

前事休说 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我只是使用 Scite,就像大多数其他编码一样。

Scite 中的某些功能使我的 VHDL 编码变得愉快:

  1. 着色很容易设置。下载现成的 .properties 文件或修改 Ada 模式。
  2. Scite 有一个对 VHDL 非常有用的代码片段插件。所有这些无聊的流程和架构定义都是通过几个按键自动为我生成的。
  3. Scite 很容易使用外部脚本进行自定义:我有用于编译当前文件、修复缩进、列出所有进程等的脚本,可能性是无限的。

I'm just using Scite, like for most other coding.

Some things in Scite make my VHDL coding pleasant:

  1. Coloring is easy to set up. Either download a ready .properties file or modify the Ada mode.
  2. Scite has a snippets plugin that's very useful for VHDL. All those boring process and architecture definitions are generated automatically for me with a couple of key-presses.
  3. Scite is easy to customize with external scripts: I have scripts for compiling the current file, for fixing indentation, for listing all processes and so on, the possibilities are limitless.
小…红帽 2024-09-09 05:40:43

除了大的 Sigasi 和 Simplifide 之外,还有 ZamiaCad,一个免费的 VHDL IDE:http://zamiacad.sourceforge.net/网页/

Besides the big ones Sigasi and Simplifide there is also ZamiaCad a free VHDL IDE: http://zamiacad.sourceforge.net/web/

梦明 2024-09-09 05:40:43

这取决于您正在开发的项目类型。 Modelsim提供了一个很好的IDE,但是代码编辑器缺乏我们习惯使用的高级功能。我使用 VIM 编写代码,使用 Modelsim 进行模拟、调试等...

It depends on the kind of project you are developing. Modelsim provides a good IDE but the code editor lacks the advanced features we are accustomed to use. I use VIM to write the code, and Modelsim to simulate, debug etc...

九歌凝 2024-09-09 05:40:43

还有另一个 VHDL-IDE,它是 Visual Studio 的插件,但据我所知,它也可以作为独立版本提供(即,您不需要 Visual Studio 许可证)。它看起来比较新,但到目前为止我真的很喜欢它。


There's another VHDL-IDE, it's a plug-in for Visual Studio, but as far as I could see, it is also available as standalone version (ie, you don't need a Visual Studio license). It seems relatively new, but so far I really like it.


心如荒岛 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我改用 Vim,因为它有一个非常大的插件列表,几乎适用于任何语言(我相信 Emacs 也有)。您可能无法获得有史以来最好的 VHDL IDE,但您可以为必须编辑的每个代码和非代码获得熟悉的界面。此外,当您在公司之间调动时,您的环境也会随之改变。

对于使用 Vim 的用户,请查看 vim-hdl。这是我正在开发的一个插件,它提供基于模拟器/编译器的语法检查。我每天都使用 ModelSim,到目前为止效果很好。

I switched to use Vim because it has a very large list of plugins for almost any language (I believe Emacs do also). You might not get the best VHDL IDE ever with it, but you get a familiar interface for every code and non-code you must edit. Plus, as you move between companies, you can take your environment with you.

For the ones using Vim, check vim-hdl. It's a plugin I'm working on that provides syntax checking based on simulators/compilers. I'm using daily with ModelSim and so far works nice.

夕色琉璃 2024-09-09 05:40:43

具有适当语言模式的 Emacs 是我的投票。基本编辑很容易学习,并且有很多示例配置文件。

Emacs with the appropriate language mode is my vote. Basic editing is easy enough to learn and there are a lot of example config files out there.

岁月如刀 2024-09-09 05:40:43

我将 Xilinx ISE 用于教育目的,它效果非常好。它拥有一切。申请学生许可证后,学生版可以免费使用,但占用空间较大。仅安装文件就超过6GB。我们学校用的书是指xilinx的特殊属性。 (“VHDL 示例的 FGPA 原型设计”)。我还在 nexsys 3 spartan 6 测试板上进行编程,并且我将再使用 xilinx 一年,但是当我完成课程时,我会寻找更小的东西。很高兴阅读有关轻量级替代品的信息。

I'm using Xilinx ISE for educational purposes, it works really well. And it has everything. After applying for a student license, the student version it free to use, but it takes up a lot of space. The installation file alone is more than 6 gb. The book we use for school is referring to xilinx special properties. (“FGPA Prototyping by VHDL Examples”). I'm also programming on a nexsys 3 spartan 6 testboard, and I'll be using xilinx for another year, but when I finish the course I’m gonna look for something smaller. Happy to read about the lightweight alternatives.

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