Vbscript - 检查每个子文件夹中的文件和复制文件

发布于 2024-09-02 05:36:24 字数 2446 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我正在努力让这个脚本发挥作用。 它基本上应该镜像两组文件夹并确保它们完全相同。如果文件夹丢失,则应复制该文件夹及其内容。

然后,脚本应比较 DateModified 属性,并且仅在源文件比目标文件新时才复制文件。

我正在尝试编写一个完全可以做到这一点的脚本。到目前为止,我已经能够检查所有子文件夹是否存在,如果不存在则创建它们。 然后,我能够扫描顶部源文件夹中的文件,如果它们不存在或者源文件上的 DateModified 属性较新,则复制它们。

剩下的基本上就是扫描每个子文件夹中的文件,如果它们不存在或者 DateModified 标记较新,则复制它们。


Dim strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

strSourceFolder = "c:\users\vegsan\desktop\Source\"
strDestFolder = "c:\users\vegsan\desktop\Dest\"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTopFolder = fso.GetFolder(strSourceFolder)
Set colTopFiles = objTopFolder.Files

'Check to see if subfolders actually exist. Create if they don't
Set objColFolders = objTopFolder.SubFolders
For Each subFolder in objColFolders
    CheckFolder subFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

' Check all files in first top folder
For Each objFile in colTopFiles
    CheckFiles objFile, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

Sub CheckFolder (strSubFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder)
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim folderName, aSplit

    aSplit = Split (strSubFolder, "\")
    UBound (aSplit)

    If UBound (aSplit) > 1 Then
        folderName = aSplit(UBound(aSplit))
        folderName = strDestFolder & folderName
    End if

    If Not fso.FolderExists(folderName) Then
    End if

End Sub

Sub CheckFiles (file, SourceFolder, DestFolder)

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim DateModified
        DateModified = file.DateLastModified
        ReplaceIfNewer file, DateMofidied, SourceFolder, DestFolder
End Sub

Sub ReplaceIfNewer (sourceFile, DateModified, SourceFolder, DestFolder)

    Dim fso, objFolder, colFiles, sourceFileName, destFileName
    Dim DestDateModified, objDestFile

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sourceFileName = fso.GetFileName(sourceFile)
    destFileName = DestFolder & sourceFileName

    if Not fso.FileExists(destFileName) Then
        fso.CopyFile sourceFile, destFileName

    End if

    if fso.FileExists(destFileName) Then

        Set objDestFile = fso.GetFile(destFileName)
        DestDateModified = objDestFile.DateLastModified

        if DateModified <> DestDateModified Then
            fso.CopyFile sourceFile, destFileName
        End if

    End if

End Sub

I'm trying to get this script to work.
It's basically supposed to mirror two sets of folders and make sure they are exactly the same. If a folder is missing, the folder and it's content should be copied.

Then the script should compare the DateModified attribute and only copy the files if the source file is newer than the destination file.

I'm trying to get together a script that does exactly that. And so far I've been able to check all subfolder if they exist and then create them if they don't.
Then I've been able to scan the top source folder for it's files and copy them if they don't exist or if the DateModified attribute is newer on the source file.

What remains is basically scanning each subfolder for its files and copy them if they don't exist or if the DateModified stamp is newer.

Here's the code:

Dim strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

strSourceFolder = "c:\users\vegsan\desktop\Source\"
strDestFolder = "c:\users\vegsan\desktop\Dest\"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTopFolder = fso.GetFolder(strSourceFolder)
Set colTopFiles = objTopFolder.Files

'Check to see if subfolders actually exist. Create if they don't
Set objColFolders = objTopFolder.SubFolders
For Each subFolder in objColFolders
    CheckFolder subFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

' Check all files in first top folder
For Each objFile in colTopFiles
    CheckFiles objFile, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

Sub CheckFolder (strSubFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder)
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim folderName, aSplit

    aSplit = Split (strSubFolder, "\")
    UBound (aSplit)

    If UBound (aSplit) > 1 Then
        folderName = aSplit(UBound(aSplit))
        folderName = strDestFolder & folderName
    End if

    If Not fso.FolderExists(folderName) Then
    End if

End Sub

Sub CheckFiles (file, SourceFolder, DestFolder)

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim DateModified
        DateModified = file.DateLastModified
        ReplaceIfNewer file, DateMofidied, SourceFolder, DestFolder
End Sub

Sub ReplaceIfNewer (sourceFile, DateModified, SourceFolder, DestFolder)

    Dim fso, objFolder, colFiles, sourceFileName, destFileName
    Dim DestDateModified, objDestFile

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sourceFileName = fso.GetFileName(sourceFile)
    destFileName = DestFolder & sourceFileName

    if Not fso.FileExists(destFileName) Then
        fso.CopyFile sourceFile, destFileName

    End if

    if fso.FileExists(destFileName) Then

        Set objDestFile = fso.GetFile(destFileName)
        DestDateModified = objDestFile.DateLastModified

        if DateModified <> DestDateModified Then
            fso.CopyFile sourceFile, destFileName
        End if

    End if

End Sub

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不忘初心 2024-09-09 05:36:24

我知道这是一篇旧帖子,但我一直在寻找一种方法来运行 VBS 以根据修改日期复制和备份数据,并运行所有子目录和文件,并偶然发现了基于上述问题的解决方案,


ReplaceIfNewer file, DateMofidied, SourceFolder, DestFolder

您的 DateModified 拼写错误,导致该行无法通过您的 file.datelastmodified 发送到您的子系统。除此之外,一旦我修复了它,您的代码就会复制第一层文件和文件夹。

我在此代码的基础上构建了复制多个级别的子目录,并通过每次使用动态数组在其内部再次调用子目录来复制每个 corespondng 子目录中的文件。


Dim i
Dim defaultchoice
Dim Defaultuser
Dim Theday
Dim Source
Dim driveletter 
Dim backup1 
Dim destin
Dim objshell
Dim objf
Dim Bsplit
Dim k
Dim total
Dim SourceFolder 
Dim DestFolder
Dim objFSO
Dim Objfolder
Dim Msg1

' Start off your arrays at zero

'set default choice to 1 run with user input to select source and destination or 0 to follow below schedule
defaultchoice = 0
Defaultuser = "*******"

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Define default locations where you get data and where you want to put it depending on the day, BAcking up something different every day in the week
Theday = weekday(now())

if Theday = 2 then
    Source = "U:\**"
    destin = "H:\**\Backups"
elseif Theday = 4 then
    Source ="C:\***\backups"
    destin = "H:\***\Backups"
elseif Theday = 3 then
    Source ="U:\****"
    destin = "H:\****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 5 then
    Source ="C:\Users\*****\Documents"
    destin = "H:\*****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 6 then
    Source = "L:\******\data"
    destin = "H:\******\Backups"

end if

if defaultchoice = 1 then
    MSG1 = MsgBox("Do you wish to manually enter your location",vbyesno,"Select")
    If MSG1 = vbyes then
        Source = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to get data from",,Source)
        Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
        Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set objF = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose folder to get data from", 0, 17)
        checkfolderagain objf
        source = objF.self.path

        Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
    end if

end if

' Check to see if your source exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(Source) Then
' Create Destination folder if it doesn't exist

    BSplit = Split (destin, "\")
    total = UBound (BSplit)
    Backup1= Bsplit(i)
    If objfso.FolderExists(Backup1) Then
        For k= 1 to total
        Backup1= Backup1 & "\" & Bsplit(k)
        If objFSO.FolderExists (backup1) Then
            Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(backup1)
        End If
        Msgbox("Destination Drive does not exist")
    end if

' Format to utilize the Get folder command

    SourceFolder = source & "\"
    DestFolder = destin & "\"

' Execute the Sub to write files and sub folders
    copyfirstfilesandsubs Sourcefolder, Destfolder      
    Msgbox("Source folder does not exist")
end if

set i = nothing
Set defaultchoice = nothing
set Defaultuser = nothing
Set Theday = nothing
set Source = nothing
set driveletter = nothing 
set backup1 = nothing 
set destin = nothing
Set objshell = nothing
Set objf = nothing
Set Bsplit = nothing
Set k = nothing
Set total = nothing
set objFSO = nothing
set Objfolder = nothing
Set Msg1 = nothing

' first copy each file in top directory then create each subfolder
Sub copyfirstfilesandsubs(strsourcefolder,strdestfolder)

' Get the files that are in source folder and define top folder
    Dim objColFolders
    Dim colTopFiles
    Dim objTopFolder

    Set objTopFolder = objfso.GetFolder(strsourcefolder)
    Set colTopFiles = objTopFolder.Files

    For Each objFile in colTopFiles
        CheckFiles objFile, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

    Set objColFolders = objTopFolder.SubFolders
    For Each subFolder in objColFolders
        CheckFolder subFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

    set objColFolders = nothing
    Set colTopFiles = nothing
    Set objTopFolder = nothing
end sub

' looks at modified date and sends date to ReplaceIfNewer
Sub CheckFiles (file, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)

    Dim DateModified
    DateModified = file.DateLastModified
    ReplaceIfNewer file, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder
End Sub

'copys file if it doesn't exist or updates whichever version of the file is older or does nothing if they are equal
Sub ReplaceIfNewer (File, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)
    Dim sourcefilename, destFileName, objDestFile, DestDateModified

    sourceFileName = objfso.GetFileName(File)
    destFileName = CFDestFolder & sourceFileName
    if objfso.FileExists(destFileName) Then
        Set objDestFile = objfso.GetFile(destFileName)
            DestDateModified = objDestFile.DateLastModified 
    if DateModified > DestDateModified Then
                objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName, OVERWRITEEXISTING
        elseif DateModified < DestDateModified Then
                objfso.CopyFile destFileName, File, OVERWRITEEXISTING
        End if
        objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName

    End if
End Sub

'Creates folder if it currently doesn not exist, Creates new source folder path based on the folder it is in and repeats process at lower level.
Sub CheckFolder (SubFolder, cfoSourceFolder, cfoDestFolder)

    Dim foldername
    Dim asplit
    Dim chkdestfolder
    Dim SourceFolder2()
    Dim DestFolder2()

        aSplit = Split (SubFolder, "\")
    UBound (aSplit)
        If UBound (aSplit) > 1 Then
         folderName = aSplit(UBound(aSplit))                

    End if
    chkdestfolder = cfoDestFolder  & folderName
'Identify any folders that you don't have permissions to copy from they will error out as you do not have permission to this folder
    if subfolder = "C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Shapes" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Music" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Pictures"or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Videos" then  
    If Not objfso.FolderExists(chkdestfolder) Then
    End if


'Redefine Source folder  and destination folder one level deeper    
    ReDim Preserve SourceFolder2(i)
    ReDim Preserve DestFolder2(i)
    SourceFolder2(i) = cfoSourceFolder & foldername & "\"
    DestFolder2(i) = chkdestfolder & "\"

'Execute the sub to write folders within the subfolder you just created 
    copyfirstfilesandsubs SourceFolder2(i), DestFolder2(i)
    end if
    set foldername = nothing 
    set asplit = nothing  
    set chkdestfolder = nothing 
End Sub

Sub checkfolderagain (objf)
        If objF Is Nothing Then    
        End If
end sub

I know this is an old post but I have been looking for a way to run VBS to copy and backup data based on date modified and run through all sub directories and files and stumbled across a solution based on the above question

your code has an error in the line

ReplaceIfNewer file, DateMofidied, SourceFolder, DestFolder

you have DateModified miss-spelled causing this to not send through your file.datelastmodified on to your sub. Other then that your code was copying the first levels of files and folders once I repaired that.

I have built on this code to copy multiple levels of subdirectories and copy files in each corespondng subdirectory by calling the sub again within itself renaming the source folder everytime with a dynamic array.

This set of code will compare the two files and replace the older with the newer.
see code:

Dim i
Dim defaultchoice
Dim Defaultuser
Dim Theday
Dim Source
Dim driveletter 
Dim backup1 
Dim destin
Dim objshell
Dim objf
Dim Bsplit
Dim k
Dim total
Dim SourceFolder 
Dim DestFolder
Dim objFSO
Dim Objfolder
Dim Msg1

' Start off your arrays at zero

'set default choice to 1 run with user input to select source and destination or 0 to follow below schedule
defaultchoice = 0
Defaultuser = "*******"

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Define default locations where you get data and where you want to put it depending on the day, BAcking up something different every day in the week
Theday = weekday(now())

if Theday = 2 then
    Source = "U:\**"
    destin = "H:\**\Backups"
elseif Theday = 4 then
    Source ="C:\***\backups"
    destin = "H:\***\Backups"
elseif Theday = 3 then
    Source ="U:\****"
    destin = "H:\****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 5 then
    Source ="C:\Users\*****\Documents"
    destin = "H:\*****\Backups"
elseif Theday = 6 then
    Source = "L:\******\data"
    destin = "H:\******\Backups"

end if

if defaultchoice = 1 then
    MSG1 = MsgBox("Do you wish to manually enter your location",vbyesno,"Select")
    If MSG1 = vbyes then
        Source = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to get data from",,Source)
        Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
        Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set objF = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose folder to get data from", 0, 17)
        checkfolderagain objf
        source = objF.self.path

        Destin = inputbox("Enter the file location you wish to Backup to",,destin)
    end if

end if

' Check to see if your source exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(Source) Then
' Create Destination folder if it doesn't exist

    BSplit = Split (destin, "\")
    total = UBound (BSplit)
    Backup1= Bsplit(i)
    If objfso.FolderExists(Backup1) Then
        For k= 1 to total
        Backup1= Backup1 & "\" & Bsplit(k)
        If objFSO.FolderExists (backup1) Then
            Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(backup1)
        End If
        Msgbox("Destination Drive does not exist")
    end if

' Format to utilize the Get folder command

    SourceFolder = source & "\"
    DestFolder = destin & "\"

' Execute the Sub to write files and sub folders
    copyfirstfilesandsubs Sourcefolder, Destfolder      
    Msgbox("Source folder does not exist")
end if

set i = nothing
Set defaultchoice = nothing
set Defaultuser = nothing
Set Theday = nothing
set Source = nothing
set driveletter = nothing 
set backup1 = nothing 
set destin = nothing
Set objshell = nothing
Set objf = nothing
Set Bsplit = nothing
Set k = nothing
Set total = nothing
set objFSO = nothing
set Objfolder = nothing
Set Msg1 = nothing

' first copy each file in top directory then create each subfolder
Sub copyfirstfilesandsubs(strsourcefolder,strdestfolder)

' Get the files that are in source folder and define top folder
    Dim objColFolders
    Dim colTopFiles
    Dim objTopFolder

    Set objTopFolder = objfso.GetFolder(strsourcefolder)
    Set colTopFiles = objTopFolder.Files

    For Each objFile in colTopFiles
        CheckFiles objFile, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

    Set objColFolders = objTopFolder.SubFolders
    For Each subFolder in objColFolders
        CheckFolder subFolder, strSourceFolder, strDestFolder

    set objColFolders = nothing
    Set colTopFiles = nothing
    Set objTopFolder = nothing
end sub

' looks at modified date and sends date to ReplaceIfNewer
Sub CheckFiles (file, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)

    Dim DateModified
    DateModified = file.DateLastModified
    ReplaceIfNewer file, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder
End Sub

'copys file if it doesn't exist or updates whichever version of the file is older or does nothing if they are equal
Sub ReplaceIfNewer (File, DateModified, CFSourceFolder, CFDestFolder)
    Dim sourcefilename, destFileName, objDestFile, DestDateModified

    sourceFileName = objfso.GetFileName(File)
    destFileName = CFDestFolder & sourceFileName
    if objfso.FileExists(destFileName) Then
        Set objDestFile = objfso.GetFile(destFileName)
            DestDateModified = objDestFile.DateLastModified 
    if DateModified > DestDateModified Then
                objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName, OVERWRITEEXISTING
        elseif DateModified < DestDateModified Then
                objfso.CopyFile destFileName, File, OVERWRITEEXISTING
        End if
        objfso.CopyFile File, destFileName

    End if
End Sub

'Creates folder if it currently doesn not exist, Creates new source folder path based on the folder it is in and repeats process at lower level.
Sub CheckFolder (SubFolder, cfoSourceFolder, cfoDestFolder)

    Dim foldername
    Dim asplit
    Dim chkdestfolder
    Dim SourceFolder2()
    Dim DestFolder2()

        aSplit = Split (SubFolder, "\")
    UBound (aSplit)
        If UBound (aSplit) > 1 Then
         folderName = aSplit(UBound(aSplit))                

    End if
    chkdestfolder = cfoDestFolder  & folderName
'Identify any folders that you don't have permissions to copy from they will error out as you do not have permission to this folder
    if subfolder = "C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Shapes" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Music" or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Pictures"or subfolder="C:\Users\" & defaultuser & "\Documents\My Videos" then  
    If Not objfso.FolderExists(chkdestfolder) Then
    End if


'Redefine Source folder  and destination folder one level deeper    
    ReDim Preserve SourceFolder2(i)
    ReDim Preserve DestFolder2(i)
    SourceFolder2(i) = cfoSourceFolder & foldername & "\"
    DestFolder2(i) = chkdestfolder & "\"

'Execute the sub to write folders within the subfolder you just created 
    copyfirstfilesandsubs SourceFolder2(i), DestFolder2(i)
    end if
    set foldername = nothing 
    set asplit = nothing  
    set chkdestfolder = nothing 
End Sub

Sub checkfolderagain (objf)
        If objF Is Nothing Then    
        End If
end sub
药祭#氼 2024-09-09 05:36:24

我确信这段代码令人愉快,但同步两个文件夹是一个常见问题,Windows 中包含免费实用程序可以做到这一点,因此您无需编写和维护此代码。 ROBOCOPY 是一个很好的起点。另请参阅 XCOPY 或开源替代方案,例如 rsync。

I'm sure this code is delightful, but syncing two folders is a common problem and there are free utilities included with Windows that will do it so you don't need to write and maintain this code. ROBOCOPY is a good place to start. See also XCOPY or open source alternatives such as rsync.

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