如何启用“返回按钮”在 UITextField 键盘中?
当我开始编辑 UITextField 时,我选中了“编辑开始时清除”选项,因此它开始时没有文本。但是,在您至少键入一个字符之前,“返回”按钮将呈灰色显示。
我见过其他 iphone 应用程序的“返回”按钮没有变灰(如果您在没有文本的情况下按下它,那么它会返回到原来的文本状态)。这是怎么做到的?
When I start editing a UITextField, I have the "Clear When Editing Begins" option checked so it starts off with no text. However, the "Return" button is grayed out until you type at least one character.
I've seen other iphone apps where the "Return" button is not grayed out (and if you press it with no text, then it goes back to what the text used to be). How is this done?
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UITextView 和 UITextField 实现了 UITextInputTraits 协议。该协议指定了一个名为
的属性。以下是 UITextInputTraits 参考中的描述:因此,在加载 TextField 后将该属性设置为 NO 应该可以解决问题。
UITextView and UITextField implement the UITextInputTraits Protocol. The protocol specifies a property called
. Here's the description from the UITextInputTraits reference:So, setting the property to NO after loading the TextField should do the trick.
Interface Builder人员在属性检查器中取消选中自动启用返回键。 :)
Interface Builder folks uncheck Auto-enable Return Key in Attributes Inspector. :)