了解 C 实际上会损害您用高级语言编写的代码吗?
这个问题似乎已经解决了,甚至被打死了。聪明人在这个主题上说过聪明的事情。要成为一名真正优秀的程序员,您需要了解 C。
这周我有两次开悟。 第一个 让我意识到我的假设并没有超出我的知识范围,而且考虑到我的机器上运行的软件的复杂性,这几乎不存在。但真正让人理解的是这条 Slashdot 评论:
最终结果是我注意到传统 C“裸机”程序员假设实现更高级语言的许多天真的方式。他们在他们影响的项目中做出了糟糕的“优化”决策,因为他们不知道编译器是如何工作的,也不知道一个好的运行时系统与他们理解的简单的宏汇编器模型有多么不同。
然后我突然意识到:C 只是又一个抽象,就像所有其他抽象一样。甚至CPU本身也只是一个抽象!我只是从未见过它破裂,因为我没有工具来测量它。
我很困惑。我的思想是否已经被严重破坏而无法恢复,就像 Dijkstra 对 BASIC 所说的那样?我是否一直生活在过早优化的状态中?既然我意识到自己对任何事情都一无所知,我还有希望吗?有什么需要知道的吗?为什么它如此令人着迷,以至于我在过去五年里写的所有内容都可能从根本上是错误的?
总而言之:了解 API 文档之外的内容还有什么价值吗?
The question seems settled, beaten to death even. Smart people have said smart things on the subject. To be a really good programmer, you need to know C.
Or do you?
I was enlightened twice this week. The first one made me realize that my assumptions don't go further than my knowledge behind them, and given the complexity of software running on my machine, that's almost non-existent. But what really drove it home was this Slashdot comment:
The end result is that I notice the many naive ways in which traditional C "bare metal" programmers assume that higher level languages are implemented. They make bad "optimization" decisions in projects they influence, because they have no idea how a compiler works or how different a good runtime system may be from the naive macro-assembler model they understand.
Then it hit me: C is just one more abstraction, like all others. Even the CPU itself is only an abstraction! I've just never seen it break, because I don't have the tools to measure it.
I'm confused. Has my mind been mutilated beyond recovery, like Dijkstra said about BASIC? Am I living in a constant state of premature optimization? Is there hope for me, now that I realized I know nothing about anything? Is there anything to know, even? And why is it so fascinating, that everything I've written in the last five years might have been fundamentally wrong?
To sum it up: is there any value in knowing more than the API docs tell me?
EDIT: Made CW. Of course this also means now you must post examples of the interpreter/runtime optimizing better than we do :)
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不了解 C 语言或了解底层的实现细节都会对你造成伤害——就其本身而言。如果你始终按照低层次的细节思考和工作,即使这是不合适的,也可能并且将会伤害你。
老话说“真正的程序员可以用任何语言编写 FORTRAN”。如果您使用 C 做同样的事情,这并不是一个改进。如果你正在写 Lisp,就写 Lisp。如果您正在编写 Python,就编写 Python。对于 C 来说合适和合理的东西并不适合其中任何一个(或许多其他的任何一个)。
了解 C 的抽象级别不会有什么坏处。对替代方案的无知可以(并且将会)。
Neither knowing C nor knowing the lower-level details of implementation hurt you -- in themselves. What can and will hurt you is if you consistently think and work in terms of the low-level details, even when it's inappropriate.
The old saying was that "real programmers can write FORTRAN in any language." If you do the same using C, it's not an improvement. If you're writing Lisp, write Lisp. If you're writing Python, write Python. What's appropriate and reasonable for C is not for either of those (or any of many others).
A great programmer needs to be able to think at many different levels of abstraction, and (more importantly) recognize and apply the level of abstraction that's appropriate to the task at hand.
Knowledge of C's level of abstraction doesn't hurt. Ignorance of alternatives can (and will).
knowledge doesn't harm. ever.
Those that wrote bad code in higher level language is because they didn't master properly the higher level language, bad developers.
To a bad developer, any type of knowledge can be dangerous.
To a good developer, any type of knowledge is an asset.
使用语言——自然的(口语)或人工的(编程)——需要大脑以某种方式适应。每种语言都有自己的语法、自己的词汇表(API)等。如果您主要是 Java 程序员并转向 Ruby,那么您至少会遵循 Java 程序员的思维模式,即使不编写基本上是 Java 代码的内容红宝石。需要付出一些努力和练习,才能开始适应新环境(Ruby 语法、Ruby API)并开始编写 Ruby 代码。
因此,这个过程是完全正常的,之前模式的任何不利影响都是非常短暂的。更重要的是,您学习的每一种语言都会拓宽您的视野,并使学习下一门语言变得更加容易。享受旅程。 :]
Using languages - natural (spoken) or artificial (programming) - requires the mind to adapt in a certain way. Each language has it's own grammar, it's own vocabulary (APIs) etc. If you're mostly a Java programmer and switch to Ruby, you will at least follow the thought patterns of a Java programmer, if not write what is basically Java code in Ruby. It takes a bit of effort and practice until you begin to feel comfortable in the new environment (Ruby grammar, Ruby APIs) and start writing Ruby code.
So, the process is perfectly normal and any adverse effect of previous patterns is very short lived. What's more important, every language you learn broadens your horizons and makes learning the next one easier. Enjoy the journey. :]
虽然它不是最有效的解决方案,但它仍然是一个有效且可行的解决方案。当您更好地使用所使用的工具时,最终您会发现在 API 不提供螺丝刀的情况下如何编写螺丝刀。
Programming is not about programming languages. It is about solving problems. The tools used to solve the problems just happens to be programming languages. You don't write code to write code, you write code to execute it and solve the problem.
The better you know your tools, the better and faster you can solve the problems. But while you will have serious trouble when you physically try to drive a screw into wood using a hammer, software has a nice property: There are an absurdillion different solutions to any given problem.
So it is perfectly possible to write a hammer that hits a screw in such an angle that the screw will tell the wood to make a hole into itself so that the screw fits in. Then you can hide it behind a button, the user doesn't even need to know what a hammer actually is.
While it is not the most efficient solution, it is still a valid and working solution. When you get better with the tool you've used, finally you will discover how you can write a screwdriver when the API doesn't provide one.
The more tools you know and the more ways you know how to solve any problem, the more choice you have and the better your decisions about what solution to use will be. Chose the right tool for the job. But how could you when you don't know the tools and the possible solutions?
扩展其他人的评论......虽然我不确定我是否相信 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whorfian_hypothesis">Whorfian 假说,当涉及到自然语言时,它显然是正确的谈到编程,你所知道的语言会影响你解决问题的方式:
1)来自我很多年前的一位教授:他试图找出他的字符串数组中是否有重复项。 70 年代,他用 FORTRAN 写了这个。他的蛮力 n^2 实现花费了太长时间,所以他的朋友知道 PL1(我认为是,也许是 APL),它有一个排序运算符。因此,在这种语言中,您可以学习对事物进行排序,这非常有用,因为朋友首先提出了明显的排序,然后查看相邻元素算法,速度要快得多,而且不会想到。我的 FORTRAN 写作教授,尽管它在 FORTRAN 中完全可以实现
To expand on other's comments... While I'm not sure that I believe in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whorfian_hypothesis">Whorfian Hypothesis when it comes to natural languages, it's pretty clearly true when it comes to programming. The languages you know affect how you solve a problem. Two examples:
1) From a professor I had many many years ago: He was trying to find out if there were any duplicates in his array of strings. This in the 70's so he was writing this in FORTRAN. His brute force n^2 implementation was taking way too long. So he spoke to a friend. His friend knew PL1 (I think it was, maybe it was APL) which has a sort operator. So, in that language, you learn to sort things, and how useful that can be, because it's easy. The friend came up with the obvious sort first, then look at adjacent elements algorithm. Much faster, and it would not have occurred to my FORTRAN writing professor, even though it was perfectly implementable in FORTRAN.
2) When I was in grad school, I had a Physics grad student for a roommate. He went to MIT, and only took one programming class, which was of course in Scheme. One day, I stopped by his office, and he said "Hey, Brian, can you take a look at this code and tell me if it should work?" It was a sorting routine. I glanced at it, and said it couldn't possibly work, because it was clearly bubblesort, and yet it only had one loop (and no, it wasn't the one funky loop that you can write bubblesort with if you are sick and twisted). So, I said that. He responded "Oh, but it has a recursive call at the bottom!" It never would have occurred to me to write a recursive bubblesort. But more importantly, it never would have occurred to HIM to write a non-recursive function!
The point being that the languages you know, determine to a large extent, the kind of code you will write. The more languages you know, the more tools you have, and more tools are never bad, as long as you know when to use each of them...
但我也同意,要成为一名真正优秀的程序员,您必须真正知道如何用另一种语言编写代码(而不是如何编写另一种语言的 C 代码)。
I agree with this.
But I also agree that to be a really good programmer, you have to really know how to write code in another language (not how to write C code in another language).
了解 C 不会损害代码的质量,但了解“仅 C”肯定会损害代码质量
Knowing C will not hurt the quality of your code, but knowing "only C" for sure will
If you lose your desire to know and improve though you are damaged.
软件工程是关于理解抽象以及如何使用抽象来有效地解决问题(无论有效意味着更低的成本、更快的性能还是最短的交付功能的时间表)。理解 C 只是对我们使用的抽象层的另一种见解。只要您还培养了必要时“缩小”的技能,“放大”到这种细节级别所需的技能就很有价值。该技能集将在该学科的各个方面为您提供良好的服务,无论是设计对象模型、设置干净的功能组合,还是只是为了清晰度和可维护性而构建单独的方法。
Software engineering is about understanding abstraction and how to use abstraction to solve a problem efficiently (whether efficiently means lower cost, faster performance or shortest schedule to delivery of the functionality.) Understanding C is just another insight into a layer of the abstraction we use every day and the skill required to 'zoom in' to this level of detail is valuable, as long as you also develop the skill to 'zoom out' when necessary. This skill set will serve you well in every aspect of the discipline, whether it's designing an object model, setting up clean functional compositions, or even just structuring an individual method for clarity and maintainability.
了解不同语言是一项资产。了解编译器和解释器是如何构建的也是一项资产。最后,每个程序员都应该花一些时间学习汇编语言,以欣赏更高级的语言。 :-)
在我的大学,我们选修了一门“编程语言”课程,我们在其中学习了 LISP、SNOBOL 和 ADA。这些语言让你在解决编程问题时能够接受不同的概念思维。总结就是选择最适合问题的语言。
Knowing different languages is an asset. Knowing how compilers and interpreters are built is also an asset. Finally, every programmer should spend some time in assembly language to appreciate the higher languages. :-)
At my university, we took a class, "Programming Languages", in which we learned LISP, SNOBOL and ADA. These languages open your mind to different conceptual thinking in solving the programming problems. The summary was to choose the language that best fits the problem.
Knowing a programming language is only the foundation. I would not be very far in my career if I didn't know other related topics: Data Structures, Algorithms, Linear Algebra, Boolean Algebra, Microprocessor Design and Communications (between people). Anybody can pick up a book, learn a language and call themselves a programmer. It's the other skills that differentiates a skilled developer from one pulled off the street.
Learn a programming language. Learn it well, so that you can focus more brain power on the other tasks at hand. You should not be referencing a programming manual often. Most of my concentrations are on the requirements of the task and the algorithms and data structures to get it implemented correctly in the least amount of time.
要成为一名优秀的程序员,您需要能够以有组织的方式思考。 C 或 LUA 或 Java,等等。
Short and sweet:
To be a good programmer, you need to be able to think in an organized way. C or LUA or Java, whatever.
如果您将这些知识应用于实际上不需要的高级语言,那么只会带来伤害。当然,凭借一些编写自己的集合类的低级 C 经验,我也可以使用 Java 等语言来实现这一点。但它会是现有 Collections 库(Java API 和 Commons Collections 附加功能)的更好替代方案吗?或许。
正如其他人所说,所有知识都是有价值的。我的意思是 /all/ - 既是低级优化的 C 代码,也是对开发良好的库的高级调用。如果您了解两者,您就会知道何时使用哪一个以及为什么使用哪一个。
It'll only hurt if you apply that knowledge to higher-level languages when it really isn't required. Sure, with some low-level C experience in writing my own collection classes, I could also do that in, say, Java. But would it be a better alternative to the existing Collections library (both the Java API as the Commons Collections extras)? Maybe.
In practice, you'd have to calculate if the time invested is worth it.
In truth, you should simply do research before hacking away at your code. See if what you're trying to do can be done using built-in or 3rd party tools. If you can, then see if the built-in or 3rd party tools do what you want, and if they perform good. If they don't, find out why not. If they /really/ don't, rewrite.
As others has stated, all knowledge is worthwhile. And with that I mean /all/ - both the low-level optimized C code, as the high-level calls to well-developed libraries. If you know both, you will know which one to use when, and why.
每个抽象都是针对特定的不同目标而设计的,请选择最适合您需求的一个。了解 Linux 是否会让了解 Windows 或 Mac 操作系统变得更困难?这是接受他们不同。
No, knowing multiple implementations of a programming language can only help you understand those abstractions better.
The problem is is you accept one to be the best abstraction that will cause you not to succeed using the others you perceive to be lesser.
Each abstraction is designed with a specific different goal, choose the one that works best for your needs. Does knowing Linux make knowing Windows or Mac OS harder? Its the acceptance that they are different.
The real problem here is assumption. Those other developers assume they know how it works. Assumptions are the devil whether it's from an experienced dev who thinks they have it all figured out or from a newbie who thinks they have it all figured out.
At least, that's what I'm assuming here
学习C是一件好事。尝试用高级语言编写 C 代码是一件坏事。
Learning C is a good thing. Trying to write C code in a higher level language is a bad thing.
学习 C(或任何与此相关的语言)可能会对程序员造成伤害,这似乎取决于你在学习 C 后无法再学习任何东西。这里的教训应该是不要停止学习。此外,不要假设任何其他语言或技术一定可以像 C(或您最喜欢的 C 编译器)一样工作。
也就是说,我认为学习 C 语言是了解硬件如何工作以及机器中实际发生的情况的好方法。我看不出知道这一点会对你造成任何伤害。我不认为无知有任何好处(除非它们是偶然的)。我承认学习 C 语言并不是了解机器的唯一方法,但它只是其中的一种方法。
That learning C (or any language for that matter) could hurt you at a programmer seems to hinge upon you not being able to learn anything after having learned C. The lesson here should be don't stop learning. In addition, don't assume that any other language or technology necessarily works like C (or your favorite C compiler).
That said, I think learning C can be a good way to learn how hardware works and what is actually occurring in the machine. I can't see how knowing this could hurt you in any way. I don't think being ignorant has any benefits (unless they are accidental). I do admit that learning C is not the only way to learn about the machine, but it is merely one way to do so.
重要的是要了解您当前正在使用的语言/框架/环境,以便了解做出实施选择的含义。在这里,使用其他语言获得的知识可能会让您看到更广泛的可能性 - 但您必须根据当前环境评估这些可能性。
那些让自己陷入真正麻烦的人是那些学习了某种语言(例如 C)的人,然后根据 C 语言学习另一种语言,而不是根据其自身的优点、优点和缺点来学习它(有点像拿着锤子的杂工)作为他唯一的工具 - 所有问题对他来说都像是钉子)。
Understanding multiple languages/frameworks and programming paradigms should never hurt - it should be beneficial.
The important bit is to understand the language/framework/environment you are currently working in to the extent that you know the implications of making implementation choices. Here, knowledge gained in working with other languages may open your eyes to a wider range of possibilities - but you have to evalutate those possibilities in terms of your current environment.
The folks that get themselves into real trouble are those that learned some language, C for example, and then learn another language in terms of C as opposed to learning it for its own merits, strengths and weaknesses (kind of like the handyman with a hammer as his only tool - all problems look like nails to him).
例如,了解 C,然后使用我最喜欢的超高级语言 (Python) 工作,这就是为什么我发现了解 C 很有帮助的一个例子。
当我使用 Python 时,了解 C 在几个方面都有帮助
:( )我感谢 Python 的列表、字典和内置类型,因为它使我可以轻松地在一行代码中重复执行某些操作,这需要我选择一些代码库,学习它并链接到它(哈希表、数据结构等),避免搬起石头砸自己的脚。
(b) Python 是用 C 编写的。作为一名 C 程序员也意味着,如果 Python 让我完成了 99% 的工作,但一些额外的抽象在 Python 中可能会很方便,我可以用 Python 编写该抽象。我可以查看 CPython 解释器的源代码并了解内部发生的情况。实际上,作为一名 Python 程序员,我仍在使用基于 C 语言构建的东西。因此,了解语言仍然很有价值。
我上面所说的一切也适用于使用 Perl、Ruby 和 PHP 的人。
Knowing C, and then working in my favorite very-high-level language (Python), for example, is an example of why I find it helpful to know C.
Knowing C, when I use Python is helpful in several ways:
(a) I am thankful for Python's lists, dictionaries, and builtin types, because it makes it easy to do something, repeatably, in one line of code, that would require me to select some code library , learn it, and link to it (hash tables, data structures, etc) and avoid shooting myself in the foot with it.
(b) Python is written in C. Being a C programmer also means, that if Python gets me 99% of the way there, but some additional abstraction might be handy in python, I can write that abstraction in Python. I can look into the source code of the CPython interpreter and understand what is happening internally. I am, in effect, as a python programmer, still using something built atop the C language. Thus, knowing that language is still valuable.
Everything I said above is also true of people using Perl, Ruby, and PHP.