根据用户的选择更改 Drupal 页面的背景图像...?
I'm trying to give my users the functionality to change what the background image used on a page is.
The list of background images will be a small number that won't really change.
I thought I could add a few Taxonomy terms...one for each background type...then apply a class to the body tag when the page is viewed.
Does this sound feasible and if so how would I go about doing it?
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如果要为每个(节点)页面定义背景图像,那么您通过分类词汇表的方法听起来是正确的方法。要使这些术语可用于 CSS,最简单的方法是将它们作为 node.tpl.php 文件中的类输出/使用,您可以在其中直接访问
变量。但在这种情况下,它们在某种程度上被隐藏在生成的标记的中间,这使得正确使用它们有点困难。为了将它们添加到 page.tpl.php 中的
函数中,以 zen 函数为例:注意:未经测试的代码,可能包含拼写错误和其他疏忽。
(编辑前的原始答案 - 基于对OP意图的误解,离开她以防其他人也误解它:)
由于您希望每个用户都可以调整设置,因此您必须跳过一些环节才能允许用户使用分类术语“标记”自己。我认为启用(核心,但可选) 个人资料模块 会容易得多在那里配置一个“背景”字段(类型为“列表选择”)。该字段将显示在用户页面上(或者该页面上的单独选项卡,如果您给它一个类别),并且稍后可以很容易地从代码中获得用户选择,例如为页面模板派生一个类:
EDIT: revised answer after clarification of my misunderstanding of the question
If the background image is to be defined per (node) page, your approach via a taxonomy vocabulary sounds like the right way to go. To make the terms available for CSS, the easiest way would be to just output/use them as classes in the node.tpl.php file(s), where you have direct access to the
variable. But in that case, they are somewhat buried in the middle of the resulting markup, which makes it a bit difficult to use them properly.In order to add them to the
variable in the page.tpl.php, you'd have to either manipulate thezen_preprocess_page()
function to add them as well, or (better approach) add them to your own modules/themespreprocess_page()
function, using the zen function as an example:NOTE: Untested code, might contain typos and other oversights.
(Original answer before edit - based on a misunderstanding of the OPs intent, left her in case other misunderstand it as well :)
The basic idea sounds feasible, but I'd suggest a minor variation:
Since you want the setting to be adjustable per user, you would have to jump through some hoops to allow users to 'tag' themselves with a taxonomy term. I think it would be far easier to just enable the (core, but optional) profile module and configure a 'background' field there (with type 'list selection'). The field will show up on the user page (or a separate tab on that page, if you give it a category), and the user selection will be available from code later on quite easily, e.g. to derive a class for the page template: