为什么 git 默认执行快进合并?

发布于 2024-09-02 01:07:27 字数 309 浏览 4 评论 0原文

来自 Mercurial,我使用分支来组织功能。 当然,我也希望在我的历史中看到这个工作流程。

我使用 git 开始了我的新项目并完成了我的第一个功能。当合并该功能时,我意识到 git 使用快进,即如果可能的话,它会将我的更改直接应用到主分支,并忘记我的分支。

所以展望未来:我是唯一一个从事这个项目的人。如果我使用 git 的默认方法(快进合并),我的历史记录将产生一个巨大的主分支。 没有人知道我为每个功能使用了单独的分支,因为最终我将只有那个巨大的主分支。这样不会显得不专业吗?


Coming from mercurial, I use branches to organize features.
Naturally, I want to see this work-flow in my history as well.

I started my new project using git and finished my first feature. When merging the feature, I realized git uses fast-forward, i.e. it applies my changes directly to the master branch if possible and forgets about my branch.

So to think into the future: I'm the only one working on this project. If I use git's default approach (fast-forward merging), my history would result in one giant master branch.
Nobody knows I used a separate branch for every feature, because in the end I'll have only that giant master branch. Won't that look unprofessional?

By this reasoning, I don't want fast-forward merging and can't see why it is the default. What's so good about it?

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怎樣才叫好 2024-09-09 01:07:27


警告:非快进也有潜在的副作用。请查看 https://sandofsky.com/workflow/git-workflow/,避免'no-ff' 及其“检查点提交”会破坏平分或责备,并仔细考虑它是否应该成为 master 的默认方法。

(来自 nvie.com文森特·德里森,帖子“< strong>成功的 Git 分支模型")



$ git checkout 开发
$ git merge --no-ff myfeature
正在更新 ea1b82a..05e9557
$ git 分支 -d myfeature
删除分支 myfeature (为 05e9557)。
$ git push origin 开发

--no-ff 标志导致合并始终创建一个新的提交对象,即使合并可以快进执行。这可以避免丢失有关功能分支历史存在的信息,并将所有添加该功能的提交分组在一起。

Jakub Narębski提及 配置merge.ff

默认情况下,Git 在合并当前提交的后代提交时不会创建额外的合并提交。相反,当前分支的尖端会快进。
当设置为 false 时,此变量告诉 Git 在这种情况下创建额外的合并提交(相当于从命令行提供 --no-ff 选项)。
当设置为“only”时,仅允许此类快进合并(相当于从命令行提供 --ff-only 选项)。


  • 短期分支在 Git 中非常容易创建和使用
  • 短期分支通常会隔离许多可以在该分支内自由重组的提交,
  • 这些提交实际上是主分支的一部分:一旦重组,主分支会快进以包含它们。



[branch "master"]
# This is the list of cmdline options that should be added to git-merge 
# when I merge commits into the master branch.
# The option --no-commit instructs git not to commit the merge
# by default. This allows me to do some final adjustment to the commit log
# message before it gets commited. I often use this to add extra info to
# the merge message or rewrite my local branch names in the commit message
# to branch names that are more understandable to the casual reader of the git log.

# Option --no-ff instructs git to always record a merge commit, even if
# the branch being merged into can be fast-forwarded. This is often the
# case when you create a short-lived topic branch which tracks master, do
# some changes on the topic branch and then merge the changes into the
# master which remained unchanged while you were doing your work on the
# topic branch. In this case the master branch can be fast-forwarded (that
# is the tip of the master branch can be updated to point to the tip of
# the topic branch) and this is what git does by default. With --no-ff
# option set, git creates a real merge commit which records the fact that
# another branch was merged. I find this easier to understand and read in
# the log.

mergeoptions = --no-commit --no-ff


我认为 [short-lived] 分支快进有一定意义,但将其设为默认操作意味着 git 假设您...经常有 [short-lived] 分支。合理吗?






  • 如果它是线性的,则一个分支有意义。
  • 如果您需要隔离功能并长期处理它们并反复合并它们,那么多个分支是有意义的。


请 ,当您考虑 Mercurial 分支模型时,它是其核心 每个存储库一个分支(即使您可以创建匿名头、书签甚至命名分支)
请参阅“Git 和 Mercurial - 比较和对比”

默认情况下,Mercurial 使用匿名轻量级代码线,其术语称为“头”。
Git 使用轻量级命名分支,通过单射映射将远程存储库中的分支名称映射到远程跟踪分支的名称。
Git“强制”您命名分支(嗯,除了单个未命名分支,这种情况称为“分离 HEAD"),但我认为这对于分支繁重的工作流程(例如主题分支工作流程)效果更好,这意味着单个存储库范例中有多个分支。

Fast-forward merging makes sense for short-lived branches, but in a more complex history, non-fast-forward merging may make the history easier to understand, and make it easier to revert a group of commits.

Warning: Non-fast-forwarding has potential side effects as well. Please review https://sandofsky.com/workflow/git-workflow/, avoid the 'no-ff' with its "checkpoint commits" that break bisect or blame, and carefully consider whether it should be your default approach for master.

alt text
(From nvie.com, Vincent Driessen, post "A successful Git branching model")

Incorporating a finished feature on develop

Finished features may be merged into the develop branch to add them to the upcoming release:

$ git checkout develop
Switched to branch 'develop'
$ git merge --no-ff myfeature
Updating ea1b82a..05e9557
(Summary of changes)
$ git branch -d myfeature
Deleted branch myfeature (was 05e9557).
$ git push origin develop

The --no-ff flag causes the merge to always create a new commit object, even if the merge could be performed with a fast-forward. This avoids losing information about the historical existence of a feature branch and groups together all commits that together added the feature.

Jakub Narębski also mentions the config merge.ff:

By default, Git does not create an extra merge commit when merging a commit that is a descendant of the current commit. Instead, the tip of the current branch is fast-forwarded.
When set to false, this variable tells Git to create an extra merge commit in such a case (equivalent to giving the --no-ff option from the command line).
When set to 'only', only such fast-forward merges are allowed (equivalent to giving the --ff-only option from the command line).

The fast-forward is the default because:

  • short-lived branches are very easy to create and use in Git
  • short-lived branches often isolate many commits that can be reorganized freely within that branch
  • those commits are actually part of the main branch: once reorganized, the main branch is fast-forwarded to include them.

But if you anticipate an iterative workflow on one topic/feature branch (i.e., I merge, then I go back to this feature branch and add some more commits), then it is useful to include only the merge in the main branch, rather than all the intermediate commits of the feature branch.

In this case, you can end up setting this kind of config file:

[branch "master"]
# This is the list of cmdline options that should be added to git-merge 
# when I merge commits into the master branch.
# The option --no-commit instructs git not to commit the merge
# by default. This allows me to do some final adjustment to the commit log
# message before it gets commited. I often use this to add extra info to
# the merge message or rewrite my local branch names in the commit message
# to branch names that are more understandable to the casual reader of the git log.

# Option --no-ff instructs git to always record a merge commit, even if
# the branch being merged into can be fast-forwarded. This is often the
# case when you create a short-lived topic branch which tracks master, do
# some changes on the topic branch and then merge the changes into the
# master which remained unchanged while you were doing your work on the
# topic branch. In this case the master branch can be fast-forwarded (that
# is the tip of the master branch can be updated to point to the tip of
# the topic branch) and this is what git does by default. With --no-ff
# option set, git creates a real merge commit which records the fact that
# another branch was merged. I find this easier to understand and read in
# the log.

mergeoptions = --no-commit --no-ff

The OP adds in the comments:

I see some sense in fast-forward for [short-lived] branches, but making it the default action means that git assumes you... often have [short-lived] branches. Reasonable?

Jefromi answers:

I think the lifetime of branches varies greatly from user to user. Among experienced users, though, there's probably a tendency to have far more short-lived branches.

To me, a short-lived branch is one that I create in order to make a certain operation easier (rebasing, likely, or quick patching and testing), and then immediately delete once I'm done.
That means it likely should be absorbed into the topic branch it forked from, and the topic branch will be merged as one branch. No one needs to know what I did internally in order to create the series of commits implementing that given feature.

More generally, I add:

it really depends on your development workflow:

  • if it is linear, one branch makes sense.
  • If you need to isolate features and work on them for a long period of time and repeatedly merge them, several branches make sense.

See "When should you branch?"

Actually, when you consider the Mercurial branch model, it is at its core one branch per repository (even though you can create anonymous heads, bookmarks and even named branches)
See "Git and Mercurial - Compare and Contrast".

Mercurial, by default, uses anonymous lightweight codelines, which in its terminology are called "heads".
Git uses lightweight named branches, with injective mapping to map names of branches in remote repository to names of remote-tracking branches.
Git "forces" you to name branches (well, with the exception of a single unnamed branch, which is a situation called a "detached HEAD"), but I think this works better with branch-heavy workflows such as topic branch workflow, meaning multiple branches in a single repository paradigm.

白色秋天 2024-09-09 01:07:27

让我详细介绍一下 VonC非常全面的答案

首先,如果我没记错的话,Git 默认情况下不会在快进中创建合并提交 > 案例来自于考虑单分支“平等存储库”,其中相互拉取用于同步这两个存储库(您可以在大多数用户文档中找到第一个示例的工作流程,包括“Git 用户的手册”和“版本控制示例”)。在这种情况下,您不使用拉来合并完全实现的分支,而是使用它来跟上其他工作。当您碰巧进行同步保存并存储在存储库中以供将来使用时,您不希望有短暂且不重要的事实。

请注意,功能分支和在单个存储库中拥有多个分支的有用性只是后来才出现的,随着具有良好合并支持的 VCS 的更广泛使用,以及尝试各种基于合并的工作流程。这就是为什么 Mercurial 最初只支持每个存储库一个分支(加上用于跟踪远程分支的匿名提示),如“Mercurial:权威指南”的旧版本中所示。



Let me expand a bit on a VonC's very comprehensive answer:

First, if I remember it correctly, the fact that Git by default doesn't create merge commits in the fast-forward case has come from considering single-branch "equal repositories", where mutual pull is used to sync those two repositories (a workflow you can find as first example in most user's documentation, including "The Git User's Manual" and "Version Control by Example"). In this case you don't use pull to merge fully realized branch, you use it to keep up with other work. You don't want to have ephemeral and unimportant fact when you happen to do a sync saved and stored in repository, saved for the future.

Note that usefulness of feature branches and of having multiple branches in single repository came only later, with more widespread usage of VCS with good merging support, and with trying various merge-based workflows. That is why for example Mercurial originally supported only one branch per repository (plus anonymous tips for tracking remote branches), as seen in older revisions of "Mercurial: The Definitive Guide".

Second, when following best practices of using feature branches, namely that feature branches should all start from stable version (usually from last release), to be able to cherry-pick and select which features to include by selecting which feature branches to merge, you are usually not in fast-forward situation... which makes this issue moot. You need to worry about creating a true merge and not fast-forward when merging a very first branch (assuming that you don't put single-commit changes directly on 'master'); all other later merges are of course in non fast-forward situation.


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