最喜欢的 Visual Studio 键盘重新映射?
Stack Overflow 涵盖了最喜欢的快捷方式和插件、优化和首选项——所有这些都是很棒的主题。如果这个已经被覆盖,我找不到它——所以提前感谢您提供的链接。
您最喜欢的 Visual Studio 键盘重新映射是什么?
Tools => 中重新映射的命令定制=> [键盘] 显示在括号中。
-- Hoytster
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+R 在调试模式下运行应用程序 (Debug.Start)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q 退出(停止)应用程序 (Debug.StopDebugging)
Ctrl+T 在当前行切换断点 ( Debug.ToggleBreakpoint)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+I 单步执行方法 (Debug.StepInto)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+ O 跳出方法 (Debug.StepOut)
Ctrl+N 跳出方法到下一个语句 (Debug.StepOver)
Ctrl+K + < kbd>Ctrl+H 运行代码,在光标位置处停止 (Debug.RunToCursor)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+E 将 then next 语句设置为执行 (Debug.SetNextStatement)
Ctrl+S 向左移动一个字符 (Edit.CharLeft)
Ctrl+D 向右移动一个字符 ( Edit.CharRight)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+S 移动到当前行的左端 (Edit.LineStart)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+D 移动到当前行的右端 (Edit.LineEnd)
Ctrl+E 向上移动一行 (Edit.LineUp)
Ctrl+X< /kbd> 向下移动一行 (Edit.LineDown)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+K 切换(添加或删除)书签 (Edit.ToggleBookmark)
Ctrl+ K + Ctrl+N 移至下一个书签 (Edit.NextBookmark)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+P 移至上一个书签 (Edit.PreviousBookmark)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+W 保存所有修改的 Windows (File.SaveAll)
Ctrl+L 查找下一个搜索字符串的实例 (Edit.FindNext)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+L 查找搜索字符串的上一个实例 (Edit.FindPrevious)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+L 下拉打开的文件列表 (Window.ShowEzMDIFileList)
最后一个序列就像单击代码编辑器窗口右上角的向下三角形。 VS 将显示所有打开的窗口的列表。您可以通过键入文件名从列表中进行选择;当您键入时,将选择匹配的文件。暂停一秒钟并继续输入,然后匹配过程重新开始,因此您可以选择不同的文件。不错,VS 团队。该键将带您进入所选文件的选项卡。
好吧,这是一个社区维基;编辑掉。 :)
Stack Overflow has covered favorite short-cuts and add-ins, optimizations and preferences -- great topics all. If this one has been covered, I can't find it -- so thanks in advance for the link.
What are your favorite Visual Studio keyboard remappings?
Mine are motivated by the fact that I'm a touch-typist. Mouse, function keys, arrow keys, Home, End -- bleh. These are commands I do all day every day, so I've remapped them to sequences I can execute without moving my hands from the home row.
The command that is remapped in Tools => Customize => [Keyboard] is shown in parentheses.
I'm 100% positive that there are better remappings than these, so please post yours! Please include the command; oft times, figuring it out is a challenge.
-- Hoytster
Running the app and operating the debugger
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+R Run the application, in debug mode (Debug.Start)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q Quit (stop) the application (Debug.StopDebugging)
Ctrl+T Toggle a breakpoint at the current line (Debug.ToggleBreakpoint)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+I Step Into the method (Debug.StepInto)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+O Step Out of the method (Debug.StepOut)
Ctrl+N Step over the method to the Next statement (Debug.StepOver)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+H Run the code, stopping Here at the cursor position (Debug.RunToCursor)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+E Set then next statement to Execute (Debug.SetNextStatement)
Navigating the code
Ctrl+S Move a character LEFT (Edit.CharLeft)
Ctrl+D Move a character RIGHT (Edit.CharRight)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+S Move to the LEFT END of the current line (Edit.LineStart)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+D Move to the RIGHT END of the current line (Edit.LineEnd)
Ctrl+E Move a line UP (Edit.LineUp)
Ctrl+X Move a line DOWN (Edit.LineDown)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+K Toggle (add or remove) bookmark (Edit.ToggleBookmark)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+N Move to the NEXT bookmark (Edit.NextBookmark)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+P Move to the PREVIOUS bookmark (Edit.PreviousBookmark)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+W Save all modified Windows (File.SaveAll)
Ctrl+L Find the NEXT instance of the search string (Edit.FindNext)
Ctrl+K + Ctrl+L Find the PREVIOUS instance of the search string (Edit.FindPrevious)
Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+L Drop down the list of open files (Window.ShowEzMDIFileList)
The last sequence is like clicking the downward-facing triangle in the upper-right corner of the code editor window. VS will display a list of all the open windows. You can select from the list by typing the file name; the matching file will be selected as you type. Pause for a second and resume typing, and the matching process starts over, so you can select a different file. Nice, VS Team. The key takes you to the tab for the selected file.
OK, it's a community wiki; edit away. :)
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

如果您允许我继续滔滔不绝地谈论商业产品,我最喜欢的快捷键仍然是 VAX 的 Alt+Shift+S 查找符号、Alt+Shift+O 打开文件在解决方案中,Alt+O 打开相应的文件。但这些不是重新映射,它们是默认值......
I don't generally remap much (probably due to having to wander around and help others who have default mappings often), but there are two additions / changes I like to make:
If you'll allow me to continue to gush over a commercial product, my favorite shortcuts are still VAX's Alt+Shift+S find symbol, Alt+Shift+O open file in solution, and Alt+O open corresponding file. But those are not remappings, they're defaults...
Ctrl+1 - Resharper.UnitTest_ContextRun(在光标位置运行单元测试)
Ctrl+2 - Resharper.UnitTest_ContextDebug(在光标位置调试单元测试)
Ctrl+1 - Resharper.UnitTest_ContextRun (Run unit test at cursor position)
Ctrl+2 - Resharper.UnitTest_ContextDebug (Debug unit test at cursor position)
它非常努力地准确模拟 vim。 Intellisense 和 VS 的所有其他功能仍然可以完美运行(与所有免费的 vi[m] 插件不同)。
作为一个长期的 vim 用户,如果没有这个插件,我就无法使用 VS。
It tries very hard to accurately emulate vim. Intellisense and all other features of VS still work perfectly (unlike with all the free vi[m] plugins).
The developer is very friendly and has a very fast turnaround time for feature requests.
I can't use VS without this plugin as a long long time vim user.
ALT+W+U :隐藏所有工具窗口,例如“监视”、“立即”、“输出”等。当您想专注于正在编写的代码时很有用
ALT+W+U : Hide all tool windows like Watch, Immediate, Output etc. Useful when you wanna focus on the code you're writing
-> EmacsTools
->Apply the following additional keyboard mapping scheme
-> Emacs对于编辑和重新排列,我发现以下 3 个非常有用,即使它们不在主行:
Keypad + for
键盘 - 用于
键盘 * 用于
这些很容易点击(即使用右手拇指,在紧要关头,如果你的右手拿着鼠标)并且不需要元键。我经常编写代码片段,然后使用搜索和替换将其转换为可编译的代码,然后从其他地方复制文字。第二步通常是通过使用鼠标光标来最有效地完成,所以我没有发现这些键距离打字设置太远的问题 - 能够在没有元键的情况下点击它们更重要。
。我已经开始使用 < code>Edit.CommentSelection 和Edit.UncommentSelection
代替,或者 Visual Assist 的注释选择工具,它们具有不产生不可嵌套注释的额外优势。)我发现自己只有其他特别有用的快捷方式。没有被困住的是这两个:
For editing and rearranging I've found the following 3 very useful, even though they're not on the home row:
Keypad + for
Keypad - for
Keypad * for
These are easy to hit (even with the right thumb, at a pinch, if your right hand is holding the mouse) and require no meta keys. I often work by writing snippets then turning it into compilable code using search and replace, and then copying in words from elsewhere. The second step is usually most efficiently done by using the cursor with the mouse, so I've not found it a problem that these keys are so far away from the typing set -- being able to hit them without meta keys is more important.
(For commenting out large swathes of code, the above makes it impossible to use the numeric keypad to quickly add in
. I've taken to usingEdit.CommentSelection
instead, or Visual Assist's comment selection facility. These have the additional slight advantage of not producing unnestable comments.)Only other particularly useful shortcuts I find myself stuck without are these two:
The other lesser windows have keyboard shortcuts for them by default; I'm not sure why the Find Results windows don't.