文件格式 UTF8 的问题
我不知道发生了什么事。 当我尝试在 Delphi IDE 2007 中更改文件的编码时,它只显示两个选项“二进制形式”和“文本形式”,有人已经遇到了这个问题吗?或者知道如何保存吗?
I don't know what happened.
When I try to change the encoding of a file in Delphi IDE 2007, It shows me just two options "Binary Form" and "Text Form", some one already faced this problem ? or know how to save it ?
tks for advice
听起来您好像在表单设计器处于活动状态时访问该选项。它控制 DFM 文件的格式。
It sounds like you're accessing the option while the Form Designer is active. That controls the format of the DFM file.
Switch to the code editor and you should have more options about the text format.