TVirtualStringTree - 重置非可视节点和内存消耗

发布于 2024-09-01 12:42:19 字数 1129 浏览 10 评论 0原文

我有一个应用程序,可以从二进制日志文件加载记录并将其显示在虚拟 TListView 中。一个文件中可能有数百万条记录,并且显示可以由用户过滤,所以我不会一次性加载内存中的所有记录,并且ListView项索引与文件记录偏移量(例如,列表项 1 可能是文件记录 100)。我使用 ListView 的 OnDataHint 事件仅加载 ListView 实际感兴趣的项目的记录。当用户滚动时,OnDataHint 指定的范围会发生变化,允许我释放不在新范围内的记录,并分配新记录根据需要。


我目前正在评估 TVirtualStringTree 作为 TListView 的替代品,主要是因为我想添加扩展/折叠跨多行记录的功能(我可以通过动态递增/递减项目计数来使用 TListView 来捏造它,但这不是就像使用真正的树一样简单)。

在大多数情况下,我已经能够移植 TListView 逻辑并让一切按照我的需要工作。不过,我注意到 TVirtualStringTree 的虚拟范例有很大不同。它不具有与 TListView 相同的 OnDataHint 功能(我可以使用 OnScroll 事件来伪造它,这允许我的内存缓冲区逻辑继续工作),并且我可以使用 OnInitializeNode 事件将节点与分配的记录关联起来。

然而,一旦树节点被初始化,它就会在树的生命周期内保持初始化状态。这对我来说不好。当用户滚动并从内存中删除记录时,我需要重置这些非可视节点,而不将它们完全从树中删除,或丢失它们的展开/折叠状态。当用户将它们滚动回视图时,我可以重新分配记录并重新初始化节点。基本上,就虚拟化而言,我想让 TVirtualStringTree 尽可能像 TListView 那样工作。

我已经看到 TVirtualStringTree 有一个 ResetNode() 方法,但是每当我尝试使用它时都会遇到各种错误。一定是我用错了。我还想到只将每个节点内的数据指针存储到我的记录缓冲区,然后分配和释放内存,相应地更新这些指针。最终的效果也不是那么好。

更糟糕的是,我最大的测试日志文件中有大约 500 万条记录。如果我一次用那么多节点初始化 TVirtualStringTree(当日志显示未过滤时),树的节点的内部开销会占用高达 260MB 的内存(尚未分配任何记录)。而使用 TListView,加载相同的日志文件及其背后的所有内存逻辑,我只需使用几 MB 就可以了。


I have an app that loads records from a binary log file and displays them in a virtual TListView. There are potentially millions of records in a file, and the display can be filtered by the user, so I do not load all of the records in memory at one time, and the ListView item indexes are not a 1-to-1 relation with the file record offsets (List item 1 may be file record 100, for instance). I use the ListView's OnDataHint event to load records for just the items the ListView is actually interested in. As the user scrolls around, the range specified by OnDataHint changes, allowing me to free records that are not in the new range, and allocate new records as needed.

This works fine, speed is tolerable, and the memory footprint is very low.

I am currently evaluating TVirtualStringTree as a replacement for the TListView, mainly because I want to add the ability to expand/collapse records that span multiple lines (I can fudge it with the TListView by incrementing/decrementing the item count dynamically, but this is not as straight forward as using a real tree).

For the most part, I have been able to port the TListView logic and have everything work as I need. I notice that TVirtualStringTree's virtual paradigm is vastly different, though. It does not have the same kind of OnDataHint functionality that TListView does (I can use the OnScroll event to fake it, which allows my memory buffer logic to continue working), and I can use the OnInitializeNode event to associate nodes with records that are allocated.

However, once a tree node is initialized, it sees that it remains initialized for the lifetime of the tree. That is not good for me. As the user scrolls around and I remove records from memory, I need to reset those non-visual nodes without removing them from the tree completely, or losing their expand/collapse states. When the user scrolls them back into view, I can re-allocate the records and re-initialize the nodes. Basically, I want to make TVirtualStringTree act as much like TListView as possible, as far as its virtualization is concerned.

I have seen that TVirtualStringTree has a ResetNode() method, but I encounter various errors whenever I try to use it. I must be using it wrong. I also thought of just storing a data pointer inside each node to my record buffers, and I allocate and free memory, update those pointers accordingly. The end effect does not work so well, either.

Worse, my largest test log file has ~5 million records in it. If I initialize the TVirtualStringTree with that many nodes at one time (when the log display is unfiltered), the tree's internal overhead for its nodes takes up a whopping 260MB of memory (without any records being allocated yet). Whereas with the TListView, loading the same log file and all the memory logic behind it, I can get away with using just a few MBs.

Any ideas?

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一桥轻雨一伞开 2024-09-08 12:42:19

您可能不应该切换到 VST,除非您至少需要使用 VST 的一些标准列表框/列表视图所没有的优秀功能。但与扁平的项目列表相比,当然会有很大的内存开销。

我认为仅使用 TVirtualStringTree 能够展开和折叠跨多行的项目并没有真正的好处。你写

主要是因为我想添加扩展/折叠跨多行记录的功能(我可以通过动态增加/减少项目计数来使用 TListView 来捏造它,但这并不像使用真正的树那么简单) .

但您可以轻松实现这一点,而无需更改项目计数。如果将列表框的 Style 设置为 lbOwnerDrawVariable 并实现 OnMeasureItem 事件,则可以根据需要调整高度以仅绘制第一个或所有线路。手动绘制扩展三角形或树视图的小加号应该很容易。 Windows API 函数 DrawText()<代码> DrawTextEx() 可用于测量和绘制(可选自动换行)文本。



You probably shouldn't switch to VST unless you have a use for at least some of the nice features of VST that a standard listbox / listview don't have. But there is of course a large memory overhead compared to a flat list of items.

I don't see a real benefit in using TVirtualStringTree only to be able to expand and collapse items that span multiple lines. You write

mainly because I want to add the ability to expand/collapse records that span multiple lines (I can fudge it with the TListView by incrementing/decrementing the item count dynamically, but this is not as straight forward as using a real tree).

but you can implement that easily without changing the item count. If you set the Style of the listbox to lbOwnerDrawVariable and implement the OnMeasureItem event you can adjust the height as required to draw either only the first or all lines. Drawing the expander triangle or the little plus symbol of a tree view manually should be easy. The Windows API functions DrawText() or DrawTextEx() can be used both to measure and draw the (optionally word-wrapped) text.


Sorry, I completely missed the fact that you are using a listview right now, not a listbox. Indeed, there is no way to have rows with different heights in a listview, so that's no option. You could still use a listbox with a standard header control on top, but that may not support everything you are using now from listview functionality, and it may itself be as much or even more work to get right than dynamically showing and hiding listview rows to simulate collapsing and expanding.

遥远的绿洲 2024-09-08 12:42:19

如果我理解正确,TVirtualStringTree 的内存要求应该是:

nodecount * (SizeOf(TVirtualNode) + YourNodeDataSize + DWORD-align-padding)

为了最小化内存占用,您也许可以使用以下命令初始化节点仅指向内存映射文件的偏移量的指针。在这种情况下,重置已经初始化的节点似乎没有必要 - 内存占用应该是 nodecount * (44 + 4 + 0) - 对于 500 万条记录,大约 230 MB。



If I understand it correctly, the memory requirement of TVirtualStringTree should be:

nodecount * (SizeOf(TVirtualNode) + YourNodeDataSize + DWORD-align-padding)

To minimize the memory footprint, you could perhaps initialize the nodes with only pointers to offsets to a memory-mapped file. Resetting nodes which have already been initialized doesn't seem necessary in this case - the memory footprint should be nodecount * (44 + 4 + 0) - for 5 million records, about 230 MB.

IMHO you can't get any better with the tree but using a memory-mapped file would allow you to read the data directly from the file without allocating even more memory and copying the data to it.

You could also consider using a tree structure instead of a flat view to present the data. That way you could initialize child nodes of a parent node on demand (when the parent node is expanded) and resetting the parent node when it's collapsed (therefore freeing all its child nodes). In other words, try not to have too many nodes at the same level.

何以笙箫默 2024-09-08 12:42:19

为了满足您的要求“展开/折叠跨多行的记录”,我只需使用绘图网格即可。要检查它,请将绘图网格拖到窗体上,然后插入以下 Delphi 6 代码。您可以折叠和展开 5,000,000 条多行记录(或任何您想要的数量),基本上没有任何开销。这是一种简单的技术,不需要太多代码,而且效果出奇的好。

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    DrawGrid1: TDrawGrid;
    procedure DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
    procedure DrawGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
    procedure DrawGrid1TopLeftChanged(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DrawGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure AdjustGrid;

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

// Display a large number of multi-line records that can be expanded or collapsed, using minimal overhead.
// LinesInThisRecord() and RecordContents() are faked; change them to return actual data.

const TOTALRECORDS = 5000000; // arbitrary; a production implementation would probably determine this at run time

// keep track of whether each record is expanded or collapsed
var isExpanded: packed array[1..TOTALRECORDS] of boolean; // initially all FALSE

function LinesInThisRecord(const RecNum: integer): integer;
begin // how many lines (rows) does the record need to display when expanded?
result := (RecNum mod 10) + 1; // make something up, so we don't have to use real data just for this demo

function LinesDisplayedForRecord(const RecNum: integer): integer;
begin // how many lines (rows) of info are we currently displaying for the given record?
if isExpanded[RecNum] then result := LinesInThisRecord(RecNum) // all lines show when expanded
else result := 1; // show only 1 row when collapsed

procedure GridRowToRecordAndLine(const RowNum: integer; var RecNum, LineNum: integer);
var LinesAbove: integer;
begin // for a given row number in the drawgrid, return the record and line numbers that appear in that row
RecNum := Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow; // for simplicity, TopRow always displays the record with that same number
if RecNum > TOTALRECORDS then RecNum := 0; // avoid overflow
LinesAbove := 0;
while (RecNum > 0) and ((LinesDisplayedForRecord(RecNum) + LinesAbove) < (RowNum - Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow + 1)) do
  begin // accumulate the tally of lines in expanded or collapsed records until we reach the row of interest
  inc(LinesAbove, LinesDisplayedForRecord(RecNum));
  inc(RecNum); if RecNum > TOTALRECORDS then RecNum := 0; // avoid overflow
LineNum := RowNum - Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow + 1 - LinesAbove;

function RecordContents(const RowNum: integer): string;
var RecNum, LineNum: integer;
begin // display the data that goes in the grid row.  for now, fake it
GridRowToRecordAndLine(RowNum, RecNum, LineNum); // convert row number to record and line numbers
if RecNum = 0 then result := '' // out of range
  result := 'Record ' + IntToStr(RecNum);
  if isExpanded[RecNum] then // show line counts too
    result := result + ' line ' + IntToStr(LineNum) + ' of ' + IntToStr(LinesInThisRecord(RecNum));

procedure TForm1.AdjustGrid;
begin // don't allow scrolling past last record
if DrawGrid1.TopRow > TOTALRECORDS then DrawGrid1.TopRow := TOTALRECORDS;
if RecordContents(DrawGrid1.Selection.Top) = '' then // move selection back on to a valid cell
  DrawGrid1.Selection := TGridRect(Rect(0, TOTALRECORDS, 0, TOTALRECORDS));

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
var s: string;
begin // time to draw one of the grid cells
if ARow = 0 then s := 'Data' // we're in the top row, get the heading for the column
else s := RecordContents(ARow); // painting a record, get the data for this cell from the appropriate record
// draw the data in the cell
ExtTextOut(DrawGrid1.Canvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, ETO_CLIPPED or ETO_OPAQUE, @Rect, pchar(s), length(s), nil);

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
var RecNum, ignore: integer;
GridRowToRecordAndLine(ARow, RecNum, ignore); // convert selected row number to record number
CanSelect := RecNum <> 0; // don't select unoccupied rows

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1TopLeftChanged(Sender: TObject);
AdjustGrid; // keep last page looking good

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
var RecNum, ignore, delta: integer;
begin // expand or collapse the currently selected record
GridRowToRecordAndLine(DrawGrid1.Selection.Top, RecNum, ignore); // convert selected row number to record number
isExpanded[RecNum] := not isExpanded[RecNum]; // mark record as expanded or collapsed; subsequent records might change their position in the grid
delta := LinesInThisRecord(RecNum) - 1; // amount we grew or shrank (-1 since record already occupied 1 line)
if isExpanded[RecNum] then // just grew
else delta := -delta; // just shrank
DrawGrid1.RowCount := DrawGrid1.RowCount + delta; // keep rowcount in sync
AdjustGrid; // keep last page looking good

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Caption := FormatFloat('#,##0 records', TOTALRECORDS);
DrawGrid1.RowCount := TOTALRECORDS + 1; // +1 for column heading
DrawGrid1.ColCount := 1;
DrawGrid1.DefaultColWidth := 300; // arbitrary
DrawGrid1.DefaultRowHeight := 12; // arbitrary
DrawGrid1.Options := DrawGrid1.Options - [goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect] + [goDrawFocusSelected, goThumbTracking]; // change some defaults


To meet your requirement "to expand/collapse records that span multiple lines", I'd simply use a drawgrid. To check it out, drag a drawgrid onto a form, then plug in the following Delphi 6 code. You can collapse and expand 5,000,000 multiline records (or whatever quantity you want) with essentially no overhead. It's a simple technique, doesn't require much code, and works surprisingly well.

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    DrawGrid1: TDrawGrid;
    procedure DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
    procedure DrawGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
    procedure DrawGrid1TopLeftChanged(Sender: TObject);
    procedure DrawGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure AdjustGrid;

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

// Display a large number of multi-line records that can be expanded or collapsed, using minimal overhead.
// LinesInThisRecord() and RecordContents() are faked; change them to return actual data.

const TOTALRECORDS = 5000000; // arbitrary; a production implementation would probably determine this at run time

// keep track of whether each record is expanded or collapsed
var isExpanded: packed array[1..TOTALRECORDS] of boolean; // initially all FALSE

function LinesInThisRecord(const RecNum: integer): integer;
begin // how many lines (rows) does the record need to display when expanded?
result := (RecNum mod 10) + 1; // make something up, so we don't have to use real data just for this demo

function LinesDisplayedForRecord(const RecNum: integer): integer;
begin // how many lines (rows) of info are we currently displaying for the given record?
if isExpanded[RecNum] then result := LinesInThisRecord(RecNum) // all lines show when expanded
else result := 1; // show only 1 row when collapsed

procedure GridRowToRecordAndLine(const RowNum: integer; var RecNum, LineNum: integer);
var LinesAbove: integer;
begin // for a given row number in the drawgrid, return the record and line numbers that appear in that row
RecNum := Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow; // for simplicity, TopRow always displays the record with that same number
if RecNum > TOTALRECORDS then RecNum := 0; // avoid overflow
LinesAbove := 0;
while (RecNum > 0) and ((LinesDisplayedForRecord(RecNum) + LinesAbove) < (RowNum - Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow + 1)) do
  begin // accumulate the tally of lines in expanded or collapsed records until we reach the row of interest
  inc(LinesAbove, LinesDisplayedForRecord(RecNum));
  inc(RecNum); if RecNum > TOTALRECORDS then RecNum := 0; // avoid overflow
LineNum := RowNum - Form1.DrawGrid1.TopRow + 1 - LinesAbove;

function RecordContents(const RowNum: integer): string;
var RecNum, LineNum: integer;
begin // display the data that goes in the grid row.  for now, fake it
GridRowToRecordAndLine(RowNum, RecNum, LineNum); // convert row number to record and line numbers
if RecNum = 0 then result := '' // out of range
  result := 'Record ' + IntToStr(RecNum);
  if isExpanded[RecNum] then // show line counts too
    result := result + ' line ' + IntToStr(LineNum) + ' of ' + IntToStr(LinesInThisRecord(RecNum));

procedure TForm1.AdjustGrid;
begin // don't allow scrolling past last record
if DrawGrid1.TopRow > TOTALRECORDS then DrawGrid1.TopRow := TOTALRECORDS;
if RecordContents(DrawGrid1.Selection.Top) = '' then // move selection back on to a valid cell
  DrawGrid1.Selection := TGridRect(Rect(0, TOTALRECORDS, 0, TOTALRECORDS));

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
var s: string;
begin // time to draw one of the grid cells
if ARow = 0 then s := 'Data' // we're in the top row, get the heading for the column
else s := RecordContents(ARow); // painting a record, get the data for this cell from the appropriate record
// draw the data in the cell
ExtTextOut(DrawGrid1.Canvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, ETO_CLIPPED or ETO_OPAQUE, @Rect, pchar(s), length(s), nil);

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
var RecNum, ignore: integer;
GridRowToRecordAndLine(ARow, RecNum, ignore); // convert selected row number to record number
CanSelect := RecNum <> 0; // don't select unoccupied rows

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1TopLeftChanged(Sender: TObject);
AdjustGrid; // keep last page looking good

procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
var RecNum, ignore, delta: integer;
begin // expand or collapse the currently selected record
GridRowToRecordAndLine(DrawGrid1.Selection.Top, RecNum, ignore); // convert selected row number to record number
isExpanded[RecNum] := not isExpanded[RecNum]; // mark record as expanded or collapsed; subsequent records might change their position in the grid
delta := LinesInThisRecord(RecNum) - 1; // amount we grew or shrank (-1 since record already occupied 1 line)
if isExpanded[RecNum] then // just grew
else delta := -delta; // just shrank
DrawGrid1.RowCount := DrawGrid1.RowCount + delta; // keep rowcount in sync
AdjustGrid; // keep last page looking good

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Caption := FormatFloat('#,##0 records', TOTALRECORDS);
DrawGrid1.RowCount := TOTALRECORDS + 1; // +1 for column heading
DrawGrid1.ColCount := 1;
DrawGrid1.DefaultColWidth := 300; // arbitrary
DrawGrid1.DefaultRowHeight := 12; // arbitrary
DrawGrid1.Options := DrawGrid1.Options - [goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect] + [goDrawFocusSelected, goThumbTracking]; // change some defaults


濫情▎り 2024-09-08 12:42:19

您不应该使用 ResetNode,因为此方法会调用 InvalidateNode 并再次初始化节点,从而导致与预期相反的效果。
我不知道是否可以诱导 VST 释放 NodeDataSize 中指定的内存大小,而无需实际删除节点。但为什么不将 NodeDataSize 设置为指针的大小(Delphi,VirtualStringTree - 类(对象)而不是记录)并自己管理数据?只是一个想法...

You shouldn't use ResetNode because this method invokes InvalidateNode and initializes node again, leading to opposite effect than expected.
I don't know if it's possible to induce VST to free memory size specified in NodeDataSize without actually removing node. But why not set NodeDataSize to size of Pointer ( Delphi, VirtualStringTree - classes (objects) instead of records ) and manage data yourself? Just an idea...

匿名的好友 2024-09-08 12:42:19


// Removes all children and their children from memory without changing the vsHasChildren style by default.

从未使用过它,但正如我所读到的,您可以在 OnCollapsed 事件中使用它来释放分配给刚刚变得不可见的节点的内存。然后在 OnExpading 中重新生成这些节点,这样用户永远不知道节点已从内存中消失。


Give "DeleteChildren" a try. Here's what this procedure's comment says:

// Removes all children and their children from memory without changing the vsHasChildren style by default.

Never used it, but as I read it, you can use that in the OnCollapsed event to free the memory allocated to nodes that just became invisible. And then re-generate those nodes in OnExpading so the user never knows the node went away from memory.

But I can't be sure, I never had a need for such behaviour.

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