DataGrid 绑定问题
您是否曾经遇到过这样的情况:绑定到另一个元素的 selecteditems 集合的数据网格在第一次选择第二个元素的项目时不会更新?第一次尝试后一切正常。有必要提及的是,我已将 AutoGenerateColumns 设置为 false,并自己定义列。
Has it ever happened to you that a datagrid bound to another element's selecteditems collection, doesn't update the first time an item of the second element is chosen? After the first attempt everything works fine. It is necessary to mention that I've set the AutoGenerateColumns to false, and define the columns myself.
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Infragistics 论坛目前有一个针对此问题的主题。这似乎是网格的错误。您可以在线程中找到解决方法。
There is currently a thread for this issue the Infragistics forums. This seems to be e bug with the grid. You can find a workaround in the thread.