Red5 服务器问题
我已经成功安装了 Red5 服务器并且也能够正常运行演示。现在,我想创建一个示例 red5 服务器应用程序。我根据Red5需要的具体目录结构创建了一个示例项目。但是,现在当我尝试在 Netbeans 6.8 中打开这个项目时,我无法打开这个项目,因为两者都有不同的目录结构。因此,Netbeans 并不将其视为一个项目。我实际上想将这个项目转换为war文件,这样我就可以将其部署到red5/webapps目录中,然后red5部署服务可以自动将项目制作出来。如何将此项目转换为 war 文件?因为在 Netbeans 中我无法打开它。请帮忙。
I have installed Red5 server successfully and also am able to run the demos fine. Now, I want to create a sample red5 server application. I created a sample project according to the specific directory structure that Red5 requires. But, now when I try to open this project in Netbeans 6.8, I am unable to because both have a different directory structure. So, Netbeans doesn't consider it as a project. I actually want to convert this project to a war file, so I can deploy it to red5/webapps directory and then red5 deployer service can make project out it automatically. How do I convert this project to a war file? because in Netbeans I am unable to open it. Please help.
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使用 netbeans,您可以创建一个新的自由格式项目并将其指向您的项目目录。由于 ant 构建文件,该项目将被识别。
Netbeans 提供了它自己的 ant 版本,但我更喜欢从命令行安装和使用 ant。
当您在项目目录中运行 ant 时,它会尝试查找依赖项,并且可能首先会抱怨它找不到 ivy。
ivy 是 red5 项目使用的依赖管理器,可以在以下 URL 中找到: http://ant
请注意,ant 会准确地告诉您它在哪里搜索所需的 jar 文件,只需下载 ivy zip,解压它,然后将 jar 放在请求的目录中。
一旦 ant 正确编译了项目(只需运行 ant 命令),它也会在 dist 目录下创建一个 war 文件。
不要忘记将相关的 red5 jar 添加到您的 red5 netbeans 项目中,以便项目正确编译。
I don't know if this will fully answer your questions but this is my configuration.
In the main red5 directory there is a file called, you can open it to get basic configuration files, directories structure and build files for ant (Pure Java build tool).
Using netbeans, you create a new free-form project and point it to the directory of your project. because of the ant build files the project will be recognized.
Netbeans provides it's own ant version but i prefer to install and use ant from command line.
when you'll run ant in the project directory it will try to find dependencies and probably at first will complain that it cannot find ivy.
Ivy is a dependency manager that red5 project uses that can be found in the following URL:
please notice that ant will tell you exactly where it searches for the required jar file, just download the ivy zip, unzip it, and place the jar inside it in the requested directory.
once ant will compile the project properly (just by running the commant ant), it will also create a war file under dist directory.
don't forget to add to your red5 netbeans project the relevant red5 jars in order for the project to compile properly.
我也更喜欢从命令行使用 ant。我有两个目录结构。一个用于源文件,另一个用于部署。
I am also prefer use ant from command line. I have two directory structures. One for source files and another for deployment.
This example helped me to start.