我已经计算了文档 1 和文档 2 的术语的 tf-idf 值。现在我不知道如何使用这些 tf-idf 值...基本上我想找到两个文档之间的相似性(在我的例子中是网页)。 .任何人都可以告诉如何实现余弦相似度,杰卡德系数来查找相似度...c#代码将不胜感激..请帮助...谢谢
i have calculated the tf-idf values of terms of document 1 and document 2..now i dont know how to use these tf-idf values...basically i want to find similarity between two documents(in my case are webpages)..can any body tell how to implement cosine similarity, jaccard coefficient to find similarity...c# code would be appreciated..pls help...thanks
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我推荐访问 Apache Mahout。它为此提供了一整套工具。即使您不想使用它们,也可以通过查看现有的实现来获得这些问题的答案。
I recommend a visit to Apache Mahout. It provides a complete kit of tools for this. Even if you don't want to use them, you can get the answers to these questions by looking at existing implementations.