固定长度 6 int 数组的最快排序
回答另一个 Stack Overflow 问题(这个one)我偶然发现了一个有趣的子问题。对 6 个整数的数组进行排序的最快方法是什么?
- 我们不能假设库可用(并且调用本身有其成本),只能使用普通 C
- 来避免清空指令管道(其成本非常)也许应该最大限度地减少分支、跳转和所有其他类型的控制流中断(例如隐藏在
中的序列点后面的控制流)。 - 空间有限,最小化寄存器和内存使用是一个问题,理想情况下,就地排序可能是最好的。
实际上,这个问题是一种高尔夫,其目标不是最小化源长度而是最小化执行时间。我将其称为“Zening”代码,如书名中所用Zen of Code optimization 作者:Michael Abrash 及其 续集。
- 这个例子很简单,易于理解和测量,没有涉及太多的C技能,
- 它显示了选择一个好的算法对问题的影响,但也显示了编译器和底层硬件的影响。
#include <stdio.h>
static __inline__ int sort6(int * d){
char j, i, imin;
int tmp;
for (j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++){
imin = j;
for (i = j + 1; i < 6 ; i++){
if (d[i] < d[imin]){
imin = i;
tmp = d[j];
d[j] = d[imin];
d[imin] = tmp;
static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
unsigned long long int x;
__asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
return x;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
int i;
int d[6][5] = {
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1},
{100, 2, 300, 4, 500, 6},
{100, 2, 3, 4, 500, 6},
{1, 200, 3, 4, 5, 600},
{1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1}
unsigned long long cycles = rdtsc();
for (i = 0; i < 6 ; i++){
* printf("d%d : %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", i,
* d[i][0], d[i][6], d[i][7],
* d[i][8], d[i][9], d[i][10]);
cycles = rdtsc() - cycles;
printf("Time is %d\n", (unsigned)cycles);
随着变体数量越来越大,我将它们全部收集在一个测试套件中,可以在找到在这里。感谢 Kevin Stock,实际使用的测试比上面显示的测试要简单一些。您可以在自己的环境中编译并执行它。我对不同目标架构/编译器上的行为非常感兴趣。 (好吧,伙计们,把它写在答案中,我将为新结果集的每个贡献者+1)。
一年前,我向 Daniel Stutzbach(高尔夫)给出了答案,因为他是当时最快解决方案(排序网络)的来源。
Linux 64 位、gcc 4.6.1 64 位、Intel Core 2 Duo E8400、-O2
- 直接调用 qsort 库函数:689.38
- Naive 实现(插入排序):285.70
- 插入排序 (Daniel Stutzbach):142.12
- 展开的插入排序:125.47
- 排名顺序:102.26
- 带寄存器的排名顺序:58.03
- 排序网络 (Daniel Stutzbach):111.68
- 排序网络 (Paul R):66.36
- 带快速交换的排序网络 12:58.86
- 排序网络 12 重新排序的交换:53.74
- 排序网络 1 2 重新排序简单交换:31.54
- 带快速交换的重新排序网络:31.54
- 带快速交换的重新排序网络 V2:33.63
- 内联冒泡排序 (Paolo Bonzini):48.85
- 展开插入排序 (Paolo Bonzini):75.30
Linux 64 位,gcc 4.6 .1 64 位,Intel Core 2 Duo E8400,-O1
- 直接调用 qsort 库函数:705.93
- Naive 实现(插入排序):135.60
- 插入排序 (Daniel Stutzbach):142.11
- 展开插入排序:126.75
- 排名顺序:46.42
- 带寄存器的排名顺序:43.58
- 排序网络(Daniel Stutzbach):115.57
- 排序网络(Paul R):64.44
- 带快速交换的排序网络 12:61.98
- 排序网络 12 重新排序的交换:54.67
- 排序网络 12 重新排序的简单交换:31.54
- 重新排序的排序网络(带 快速交换):31.54快速交换:31.24
- 带快速交换的重新排序网络 V2:33.07
- 内联冒泡排序 (Paolo Bonzini):45.79
- 展开插入排序 (Paolo Bonzini):80.15
我同时包含了 -O1 和 -O2 结果,因为令人惊讶的是,对于几个程序来说,O2 效率低于O1。请问具体是通过什么优化达到这个效果的?
插入排序(Daniel Stutzbach)
排序网络 (Daniel Stutzbach)
排序网络 (Paul R)
迄今为止最好的。我用来测试的实际代码位于此处。还不知道为什么它的速度几乎是其他排序网络实现的两倍。参数传递?快最大 ?
使用快速交换对 12 个交换进行排序
根据 Daniel Stutzbach 的建议,我将他的 12 个交换排序网络与无分支快速交换结合起来(代码为 此处)。它确实更快,是迄今为止最好的,并且利润率很小(大约 5%),正如使用 1 次交换所预期的那样。
值得注意的是,无分支交换似乎比 PPC 架构上使用 if 的简单交换效率低得多(4 倍)。
调用库 qsort
为了提供另一个参考点,我也尝试按照建议调用库 qsort (代码是 here )。正如预期的那样,它要慢得多:慢了 10 到 30 倍...随着新测试套件的出现,主要问题似乎是第一次调用后库的初始加载,并且与其他库相比并没有那么差版本。在我的 Linux 上,速度只慢了 3 到 20 倍。在其他人用于测试的某些架构上,它似乎甚至更快(我对此感到非常惊讶,因为库 qsort 使用更复杂的 API)。
Rex Kerr 提出了另一种完全不同的方法:对于数组的每个项目,直接计算其最终位置。这是有效的,因为计算排序不需要分支。这种方法的缺点是它需要三倍于数组的内存量(一份数组和变量的副本来存储排序顺序)。性能结果非常令人惊讶(并且有趣)。在我的具有 32 位操作系统和 Intel Core2 Quad E8300 的参考架构上,周期计数略低于 1000(就像使用分支交换对网络进行排序一样)。但当在我的 64 位机器(Intel Core2 Duo)上编译和执行时,它的性能要好得多:它成为迄今为止最快的。我终于找到了真正的原因。我的 32 位盒子使用 gcc 4.4.1,我的 64 位盒子使用 gcc 4.4.3,最后一个似乎在优化这个特定代码方面要好得多(其他建议几乎没有什么区别)。
如上面公布的数据所示,gcc 的更高版本仍然增强了这种效果,并且排名顺序始终是任何其他替代方案的两倍。
使用重新排序的交换对 Networks 12 进行排序
Rex Kerr 提案与 gcc 4.4.3 的惊人效率让我想知道:一个内存使用量是无分支排序网络 3 倍的程序如何能够比无分支排序网络更快?我的假设是,它具有较少的先写后读的依赖性,从而可以更好地使用 x86 的超标量指令调度程序。这给了我一个想法:重新排序交换以最大限度地减少写入后读取的依赖性。更简单地说:当你执行 SWAP(1, 2); 时SWAP(0, 2);
在执行第二次交换之前,您必须等待第一次交换完成,因为两者都访问公共内存单元。当你执行 SWAP(1, 2); 时SWAP(4, 5);
处理器可以并行执行两者。我尝试了一下,它按预期工作,排序网络的运行速度提高了约 10%。
使用简单交换对 Networks 12 进行排序
在最初的帖子 Steinar H. Gunderson 提出一年后,我们不应该试图超越编译器并保持交换代码简单。这确实是一个好主意,因为生成的代码大约快了 40%!他还提出了使用 x86 内联汇编代码手动优化的交换,仍然可以节省更多周期。最令人惊讶的(它涉及程序员心理学)是一年前没有人尝试过该版本的交换。我用来测试的代码位于此处。其他人建议使用其他方法来编写 C 快速交换,但它产生的性能与使用像样的编译器的简单交换相同。
static inline void sort6_sorting_network_simple_swap(int * d){
#define min(x, y) (x<y?x:y)
#define max(x, y) (x<y?y:x)
#define SWAP(x,y) { const int a = min(d[x], d[y]); \
const int b = max(d[x], d[y]); \
d[x] = a; d[y] = b; }
SWAP(1, 2);
SWAP(4, 5);
SWAP(0, 2);
SWAP(3, 5);
SWAP(0, 1);
SWAP(3, 4);
SWAP(1, 4);
SWAP(0, 3);
SWAP(2, 5);
SWAP(1, 3);
SWAP(2, 4);
SWAP(2, 3);
#undef SWAP
#undef min
#undef max
如果我们相信我们的测试集(是的,它相当差,它的唯一好处是简短、简单且易于理解我们正在测量的内容),则测试集的平均周期数一种排序的结果代码低于 40 个周期(执行了 6 个测试)。这使得每次交换平均为 4 个周期。我称其速度快得惊人。还有其他可能的改进吗?
Answering to another Stack Overflow question (this one) I stumbled upon an interesting sub-problem. What is the fastest way to sort an array of 6 integers?
As the question is very low level:
- we can't assume libraries are available (and the call itself has its cost), only plain C
- to avoid emptying instruction pipeline (that has a very high cost) we should probably minimize branches, jumps, and every other kind of control flow breaking (like those hidden behind sequence points in
). - room is constrained and minimizing registers and memory use is an issue, ideally in place sort is probably best.
Really this question is a kind of Golf where the goal is not to minimize source length but execution time. I call it 'Zening' code as used in the title of the book Zen of Code optimization by Michael Abrash and its sequels.
As for why it is interesting, there is several layers:
- the example is simple and easy to understand and measure, not much C skill involved
- it shows effects of choice of a good algorithm for the problem, but also effects of the compiler and underlying hardware.
Here is my reference (naive, not optimized) implementation and my test set.
#include <stdio.h>
static __inline__ int sort6(int * d){
char j, i, imin;
int tmp;
for (j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++){
imin = j;
for (i = j + 1; i < 6 ; i++){
if (d[i] < d[imin]){
imin = i;
tmp = d[j];
d[j] = d[imin];
d[imin] = tmp;
static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
unsigned long long int x;
__asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x));
return x;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
int i;
int d[6][5] = {
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1},
{100, 2, 300, 4, 500, 6},
{100, 2, 3, 4, 500, 6},
{1, 200, 3, 4, 5, 600},
{1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1}
unsigned long long cycles = rdtsc();
for (i = 0; i < 6 ; i++){
* printf("d%d : %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", i,
* d[i][0], d[i][6], d[i][7],
* d[i][8], d[i][9], d[i][10]);
cycles = rdtsc() - cycles;
printf("Time is %d\n", (unsigned)cycles);
Raw results
As number of variants is becoming large, I gathered them all in a test suite that can be found here. The actual tests used are a bit less naive than those showed above, thanks to Kevin Stock. You can compile and execute it in your own environment. I'm quite interested by behavior on different target architecture/compilers. (OK guys, put it in answers, I will +1 every contributor of a new resultset).
I gave the answer to Daniel Stutzbach (for golfing) one year ago as he was at the source of the fastest solution at that time (sorting networks).
Linux 64 bits, gcc 4.6.1 64 bits, Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, -O2
- Direct call to qsort library function : 689.38
- Naive implementation (insertion sort) : 285.70
- Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach) : 142.12
- Insertion Sort Unrolled : 125.47
- Rank Order : 102.26
- Rank Order with registers : 58.03
- Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach) : 111.68
- Sorting Networks (Paul R) : 66.36
- Sorting Networks 12 with Fast Swap : 58.86
- Sorting Networks 12 reordered Swap : 53.74
- Sorting Networks 12 reordered Simple Swap : 31.54
- Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap : 31.54
- Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap V2 : 33.63
- Inlined Bubble Sort (Paolo Bonzini) : 48.85
- Unrolled Insertion Sort (Paolo Bonzini) : 75.30
Linux 64 bits, gcc 4.6.1 64 bits, Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, -O1
- Direct call to qsort library function : 705.93
- Naive implementation (insertion sort) : 135.60
- Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach) : 142.11
- Insertion Sort Unrolled : 126.75
- Rank Order : 46.42
- Rank Order with registers : 43.58
- Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach) : 115.57
- Sorting Networks (Paul R) : 64.44
- Sorting Networks 12 with Fast Swap : 61.98
- Sorting Networks 12 reordered Swap : 54.67
- Sorting Networks 12 reordered Simple Swap : 31.54
- Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap : 31.24
- Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap V2 : 33.07
- Inlined Bubble Sort (Paolo Bonzini) : 45.79
- Unrolled Insertion Sort (Paolo Bonzini) : 80.15
I included both -O1 and -O2 results because surprisingly for several programs O2 is less efficient than O1. I wonder what specific optimization has this effect ?
Comments on proposed solutions
Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach)
As expected minimizing branches is indeed a good idea.
Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach)
Better than insertion sort. I wondered if the main effect was not get from avoiding the external loop. I gave it a try by unrolled insertion sort to check and indeed we get roughly the same figures (code is here).
Sorting Networks (Paul R)
The best so far. The actual code I used to test is here. Don't know yet why it is nearly two times as fast as the other sorting network implementation. Parameter passing ? Fast max ?
Sorting Networks 12 SWAP with Fast Swap
As suggested by Daniel Stutzbach, I combined his 12 swap sorting network with branchless fast swap (code is here). It is indeed faster, the best so far with a small margin (roughly 5%) as could be expected using 1 less swap.
It is also interesting to notice that the branchless swap seems to be much (4 times) less efficient than the simple one using if on PPC architecture.
Calling Library qsort
To give another reference point I also tried as suggested to just call library qsort (code is here). As expected it is much slower : 10 to 30 times slower... as it became obvious with the new test suite, the main problem seems to be the initial load of the library after the first call, and it compares not so poorly with other version. It is just between 3 and 20 times slower on my Linux. On some architecture used for tests by others it seems even to be faster (I'm really surprised by that one, as library qsort use a more complex API).
Rank order
Rex Kerr proposed another completely different method : for each item of the array compute directly its final position. This is efficient because computing rank order do not need branch. The drawback of this method is that it takes three times the amount of memory of the array (one copy of array and variables to store rank orders). The performance results are very surprising (and interesting). On my reference architecture with 32 bits OS and Intel Core2 Quad E8300, cycle count was slightly below 1000 (like sorting networks with branching swap). But when compiled and executed on my 64 bits box (Intel Core2 Duo) it performed much better : it became the fastest so far. I finally found out the true reason. My 32bits box use gcc 4.4.1 and my 64bits box gcc 4.4.3 and the last one seems much better at optimizing this particular code (there was very little difference for other proposals).
As published figures above shows this effect was still enhanced by later versions of gcc and Rank Order became consistently twice as fast as any other alternative.
Sorting Networks 12 with reordered Swap
The amazing efficiency of the Rex Kerr proposal with gcc 4.4.3 made me wonder : how could a program with 3 times as much memory usage be faster than branchless sorting networks? My hypothesis was that it had less dependencies of the kind read after write, allowing for better use of the superscalar instruction scheduler of the x86. That gave me an idea: reorder swaps to minimize read after write dependencies. More simply put: when you do SWAP(1, 2); SWAP(0, 2);
you have to wait for the first swap to be finished before performing the second one because both access to a common memory cell. When you do SWAP(1, 2); SWAP(4, 5);
the processor can execute both in parallel. I tried it and it works as expected, the sorting networks is running about 10% faster.
Sorting Networks 12 with Simple Swap
One year after the original post Steinar H. Gunderson suggested, that we should not try to outsmart the compiler and keep the swap code simple. It's indeed a good idea as the resulting code is about 40% faster! He also proposed a swap optimized by hand using x86 inline assembly code that can still spare some more cycles. The most surprising (it says volumes on programmer's psychology) is that one year ago none of used tried that version of swap. Code I used to test is here. Others suggested other ways to write a C fast swap, but it yields the same performances as the simple one with a decent compiler.
The "best" code is now as follow:
static inline void sort6_sorting_network_simple_swap(int * d){
#define min(x, y) (x<y?x:y)
#define max(x, y) (x<y?y:x)
#define SWAP(x,y) { const int a = min(d[x], d[y]); \
const int b = max(d[x], d[y]); \
d[x] = a; d[y] = b; }
SWAP(1, 2);
SWAP(4, 5);
SWAP(0, 2);
SWAP(3, 5);
SWAP(0, 1);
SWAP(3, 4);
SWAP(1, 4);
SWAP(0, 3);
SWAP(2, 5);
SWAP(1, 3);
SWAP(2, 4);
SWAP(2, 3);
#undef SWAP
#undef min
#undef max
If we believe our test set (and, yes it is quite poor, it's mere benefit is being short, simple and easy to understand what we are measuring), the average number of cycles of the resulting code for one sort is below 40 cycles (6 tests are executed). That put each swap at an average of 4 cycles. I call that amazingly fast. Any other improvements possible ?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
我们注意到 min 和 max 是如何工作的,并显式地提取公共子表达式。这完全消除了最小和最大宏。
While I really like the swap macro provided:
I see an improvement (which a good compiler might make):
We take note of how min and max work and pull the common sub-expression explicitly. This eliminates the min and max macros completely.
在没有进行基准测试和查看实际编译器生成的程序集的情况下,切勿优化最小/最大。如果我让 GCC 使用条件移动指令优化 min,我会得到 33% 的加速:(
测试代码中的 280 个周期与 420 个周期相比)。用 ?: 做 max 或多或少是相同的,几乎迷失在噪音中,但上面的速度更快一点。 GCC 和 Clang 的这种交换速度更快。
编译器在寄存器分配和别名分析方面也做得非常出色,有效地将 d[x] 预先移动到局部变量中,并且仅在最后复制回内存。事实上,它们比完全使用局部变量更好(例如 d0 = d[0], d1 = d[1], d2 = d[2], d3 = d[3], d4 = d[4], d5 = d[5])。我写这篇文章是因为您假设进行了强大的优化,但试图在最小/最大方面胜过编译器。 :)
顺便说一句,我尝试了 Clang 和 GCC。他们做了相同的优化,但由于调度差异,两者的结果有一些差异,不能真正说哪个更快或更慢。 GCC 在排序网络上更快,Clang 在二次排序上更快。
这种插入排序比 Daniel Stutzbach 的速度更快,并且在 GPU 或带有预测的计算机上特别好,因为 ITER 仅需 3 条指令即可完成(而 SWAP 则需要 4 条指令) 。例如,这里是
t = d[2];国际热核聚变实验堆(1); ITER(0);
ARM 汇编中的行:对于 6 个元素,插入排序与排序网络竞争(12 次交换与 15 次迭代平衡 4 条指令/交换与 3 条指令/迭代);气泡排序当然比较慢。但当大小增加时,情况就不再是这样了,因为插入排序是 O(n^2),而排序网络是 O(n log n)。
Never optimize min/max without benchmarking and looking at actual compiler generated assembly. If I let GCC optimize min with conditional move instructions I get a 33% speedup:
(280 vs. 420 cycles in the test code). Doing max with ?: is more or less the same, almost lost in the noise, but the above is a little bit faster. This SWAP is faster with both GCC and Clang.
Compilers are also doing an exceptional job at register allocation and alias analysis, effectively moving d[x] into local variables upfront, and only copying back to memory at the end. In fact, they do so even better than if you worked entirely with local variables (like
d0 = d[0], d1 = d[1], d2 = d[2], d3 = d[3], d4 = d[4], d5 = d[5]
). I'm writing this because you are assuming strong optimization and yet trying to outsmart the compiler on min/max. :)By the way, I tried Clang and GCC. They do the same optimization, but due to scheduling differences the two have some variation in the results, can't say really which is faster or slower. GCC is faster on the sorting networks, Clang on the quadratic sorts.
Just for completeness, unrolled bubble sort and insertion sorts are possible too. Here is the bubble sort:
and here is the insertion sort:
This insertion sort is faster than Daniel Stutzbach's, and is especially good on a GPU or a computer with predication because ITER can be done with only 3 instructions (vs. 4 for SWAP). For example, here is the
t = d[2]; ITER(1); ITER(0);
line in ARM assembly:For six elements the insertion sort is competitive with the sorting network (12 swaps vs. 15 iterations balances 4 instructions/swap vs. 3 instructions/iteration); bubble sort of course is slower. But it's not going to be true when the size grows, since insertion sort is O(n^2) while sorting networks are O(n log n).
我将测试套件移植到我无法识别的 PPC 架构机器上(不必接触代码,只需增加测试的迭代次数,使用 8 个测试用例以避免 mods 污染结果并替换 x86 特定的 rdtsc):
< strong>直接调用 qsort 库函数 : 101
简单实现(插入排序) : 299
插入排序 (Daniel Stutzbach) : 108
展开插入排序 : 51
排序网络 (Daniel Stutzbach) : 26
排序网络 (Paul R) : 85
使用快速交换对网络 12 进行排序 : 117
排序网络 12 重新排序交换:116
I ported the test suite to a PPC architecture machine I can not identify (didn't have to touch code, just increase the iterations of the test, use 8 test cases to avoid polluting results with mods and replace the x86 specific rdtsc):
Direct call to qsort library function : 101
Naive implementation (insertion sort) : 299
Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach) : 108
Insertion Sort Unrolled : 51
Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach) : 26
Sorting Networks (Paul R) : 85
Sorting Networks 12 with Fast Swap : 117
Sorting Networks 12 reordered Swap : 116
Rank Order : 56
XOR 交换在您的交换函数中可能很有用。
if 可能会导致代码中出现太多分歧,但如果您保证所有整数都是唯一的,这可能会很方便。
An XOR swap may be useful in your swapping functions.
The if may cause too much divergence in your code, but if you have a guarantee that all your ints are unique this could be handy.
期待亲自尝试并从这些示例中学习,但首先是我的 1.5 GHz PPC Powerbook G4 w/ 1 GB DDR RAM 的一些时序。 (我从 http://www.mcs 借用了一个类似 rdtsc 的计时器用于 PPC。 anl.gov/~kazutomo/rdtsc.html 的计时。)我运行了该程序几次,绝对结果各不相同,但始终最快的测试是“插入排序(Daniel Stutzbach)”,其中“插入排序”展开”紧随其后。
Looking forward to trying my hand at this and learning from these examples, but first some timings from my 1.5 GHz PPC Powerbook G4 w/ 1 GB DDR RAM. (I borrowed a similar rdtsc-like timer for PPC from http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~kazutomo/rdtsc.html for the timings.) I ran the program a few times and the absolute results varied but the consistently fastest test was "Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach)", with "Insertion Sort Unrolled" a close second.
Here's the last set of times:
这是我对此线程的贡献:针对包含唯一值的 6 成员 int 向量 (valp) 的优化 1, 4 间隙 shellsort。
在我的配备双核 Athlon M300 @ 2 Ghz(DDR2 内存)的 HP dv7-3010so 笔记本电脑上,它以 165 个时钟周期执行。这是根据每个独特序列的计时计算出的平均值(总共 6!/720)。使用 OpenWatcom 1.8 编译为 Win32。该循环本质上是一种插入排序,长度为 16 条指令/37 字节。
我没有 64 位环境可供编译。
Here is my contribution to this thread: an optimized 1, 4 gap shellsort for a 6-member int vector (valp) containing unique values.
On my HP dv7-3010so laptop with a dual-core Athlon M300 @ 2 Ghz (DDR2 memory) it executes in 165 clock cycles. This is an average calculated from timing every unique sequence (6!/720 in all). Compiled to Win32 using OpenWatcom 1.8. The loop is essentially an insertion sort and is 16 instructions/37 bytes long.
I do not have a 64-bit environment to compile on.
如果插入排序在这里具有相当的竞争力,我建议尝试 shellsort。恐怕 6 个元素可能太少了,无法跻身最佳之列,但可能值得一试。
示例代码,未经测试、未经调试等。您想要调整 inc = 4 和 inc -= 3 序列以找到最佳值(例如尝试 inc = 2、inc -= 1)。
我不认为这会获胜,但如果有人发布有关对 10 个元素进行排序的问题,谁知道呢......
普拉特,V (1979)。希尔排序和排序网络(计算机科学领域的杰出论文)。花环。 ISBN 0-824-04406-1
If insertion sort is reasonably competitive here, I would recommend trying a shellsort. I'm afraid 6 elements is probably just too little for it to be among the best, but it might be worth a try.
Example code, untested, undebugged, etc. You want to tune the inc = 4 and inc -= 3 sequence to find the optimum (try inc = 2, inc -= 1 for example).
I don't think this will win, but if someone posts a question about sorting 10 elements, who knows...
According to Wikipedia this can even be combined with sorting networks:
Pratt, V (1979). Shellsort and sorting networks (Outstanding dissertations in the computer sciences). Garland. ISBN 0-824-04406-1
我知道我已经迟到了,但我有兴趣尝试一些不同的解决方案。首先,我清理了该粘贴,对其进行编译,并将其放入存储库中。我将一些不需要的解决方案保留为死胡同,以便其他人不会尝试。其中是我的第一个解决方案,它试图确保 x1>x2 被计算一次。优化后,它并不比其他简单版本快。
我添加了排名顺序排序的循环版本,因为我自己的研究应用是对 2-8 个项目进行排序,所以由于参数数量可变,因此需要一个循环。这也是我忽略排序网络解决方案的原因。
然后,我编写了一个完全在 AVX 寄存器中的插入排序。在我的机器上,它比其他插入排序快 25%,但比排名顺序慢 100%。我这样做纯粹是为了实验,并没有期望由于插入排序中的分支而变得更好。
然后,我使用 AVX 编写了一个排序排序。这与其他排序解决方案的速度相匹配,但并不更快。这里的问题是我只能用 AVX 计算索引,然后我必须制作一个索引表。这是因为计算是基于目的地而不是基于源的。请参阅从基于源的索引转换为基于目标的索引
可以在此处找到该存储库: https://github.com/eyepatchParrot/sort6/
I know I'm super-late, but I was interested in experimenting with some different solutions. First, I cleaned up that paste, made it compile, and put it into a repository. I kept some undesirable solutions as dead-ends so that others wouldn't try it. Among this was my first solution, which attempted to ensure that x1>x2 was calculated once. After optimization, it is no faster than the other, simple versions.
I added a looping version of rank order sort, since my own application of this study is for sorting 2-8 items, so since there are a variable number of arguments, a loop is necessary. This is also why I ignored the sorting network solutions.
The test code didn't test that duplicates were handled correctly, so while the existing solutions were all correct, I added a special case to the test code to ensure that duplicates were handled correctly.
Then, I wrote an insertion sort that is entirely in AVX registers. On my machine it is 25% faster than the other insertion sorts, but 100% slower than rank order. I did this purely for experiment and had no expectation of this being better due to the branching in insertion sort.
Then, I wrote a rank order sort using AVX. This matches the speed of the other rank-order solutions, but is no faster. The issue here is that I can only calculate the indices with AVX, and then I have to make a table of indices. This is because the calculation is destination-based rather than source-based. See Converting from Source-based Indices to Destination-based Indices
The repo can be found here: https://github.com/eyepatchParrot/sort6/
这个问题已经变得很老了,但这些天我实际上必须解决同样的问题:对小数组进行排序的快速算法。我认为分享我的知识是个好主意。虽然我最初开始使用排序网络,但我最终设法找到了其他算法,这些算法对 6 个值的每个排列进行排序所执行的比较总数小于排序网络,也小于插入排序。我没有计算交换的次数;我希望它大致相当(有时可能更高一点)。
。下面是一些轻量级 C++ 形式的实现(原始版本是重模板的,因此它可以与任何随机访问迭代器和任何合适的比较函数一起使用)。对 3 个值进行排序
以下算法是展开插入排序。当必须执行两次交换(6 次赋值)时,它会使用 4 次赋值:
看起来有点复杂,因为排序对于数组的每一种可能的排列或多或少都有一个分支,使用 2~3 次比较和最多 4 次赋值对三个值进行排序。
对 4 个值进行排序
,然后对数组的最后一个元素执行展开插入排序:该算法执行 3 到 6 次比较,最多 5 次交换。展开插入排序很容易,但我们将使用另一种算法进行最后一个排序...
对 6 个值进行排序
交换之后,第一个元素总是小于最后一个元素,这意味着,当将它们插入到排序序列中时,在最坏的情况下不会有超过 N 次的比较来插入两个元素:例如,如果第一个元素已插入到第 3 个位置,那么最后一个元素不能插入到低于第 4 个位置。
我对 6 个值的每个排列的测试表明,该算法始终执行 6 到 13 次比较。我没有计算执行的交换次数,但我预计在最坏的情况下它不会高于 11 次。
This question is becoming quite old, but I actually had to solve the same problem these days: fast agorithms to sort small arrays. I thought it would be a good idea to share my knowledge. While I first started by using sorting networks, I finally managed to find other algorithms for which the total number of comparisons performed to sort every permutation of 6 values was smaller than with sorting networks, and smaller than with insertion sort. I didn't count the number of swaps; I would expect it to be roughly equivalent (maybe a bit higher sometimes).
The algorithm
uses the algorithmsort4
which uses the algorithmsort3
. Here is the implementation in some light C++ form (the original is template-heavy so that it can work with any random-access iterator and any suitable comparison function).Sorting 3 values
The following algorithm is an unrolled insertion sort. When two swaps (6 assignments) have to be performed, it uses 4 assignments instead:
It looks a bit complex because the sort has more or less one branch for every possible permutation of the array, using 2~3 comparisons and at most 4 assignments to sort the three values.
Sorting 4 values
This one calls
then performs an unrolled insertion sort with the last element of the array:This algorithm performs 3 to 6 comparisons and at most 5 swaps. It is easy to unroll an insertion sort, but we will be using another algorithm for the last sort...
Sorting 6 values
This one uses an unrolled version of what I called a double insertion sort. The name isn't that great, but it's quite descriptive, here is how it works:
After the swap, the first element is always smaller than the last, which means that, when inserting them into the sorted sequence, there won't be more than N comparisons to insert the two elements in the worst case: for example, if the first element has been insert in the 3rd position, then the last one can't be inserted lower than the 4th position.
My tests on every permutation of 6 values ever show that this algorithms always performs between 6 and 13 comparisons. I didn't compute the number of swaps performed, but I don't expect it to be higher than 11 in the worst case.
I hope that this helps, even if this question may not represent an actual problem anymore :)
EDIT: after putting it in the provided benchmark, it is cleary slower than most of the interesting alternatives. It tends to perform a bit better than the unrolled insertion sort, but that's pretty much it. Basically, it isn't the best sort for integers but could be interesting for types with an expensive comparison operation.
的运行速度至少与上面当前的运行速度一样快,而且经常明显更快记录保持者:我在计时代码中将此函数传递给了 std::vector 的迭代器。
编译器可以更积极地优化模板函数可能是速度的原因之一。 (我还怀疑使用迭代器可以为 g++ 提供关于迭代器引用的内存的某些保证(否则它不会有),这有助于优化。)IIRC 这也是原因的一部分为什么这么多 STL 算法(例如 std::sort())通常具有如此出色的性能。
编译器可以做到这一点,因为模板函数不是函数。 C++ 继承了 C 的许多规则,这些规则限制编译器如何处理代码,例如:
C++ 委员会决定模板应遵循更适合优化的不同规则。
void sort2(int* p, int* q){/*...*/}
指向非重叠内存,即p != q
(因为swap2(d, d)
可能会在某处调用),甚至 < code>p 和q
这样的调用中发现p != q
。这对于像template这样的模板函数来说不是必需的。 void sort2(T* p, T* q){/*...*/}
,不需要通过函数指针访问。哪些函数可以内联,但不适用于函数模板,也存在一些限制(我见过的 STL 算法的所有实现都有大量的方法/函数(模板)调用,但是它们仍然运行得非常快,因为它们中的大多数实际上是被编译器内联掉的)。值得一提的是,哪种代码最快可能在很大程度上取决于优化器。由于不同的代码可能会进行不同的优化,这可以解释为什么
有时(同样,取决于调用该函数的上下文)始终优于以下排序函数,该函数将数据复制到1 由于只定义了 6 个局部变量,如果这些局部变量是原语,那么它们可能从未实际存储在 RAM 中,而只存储在 CPU 的寄存器中,直到函数调用结束,这有助于加快排序功能。 (编译器知道不同的局部变量在内存中具有不同的位置也有帮助)。请注意,按如下方式定义
有时会导致性能稍好一些,但大多数时候它会导致性能稍差或性能差异可以忽略不计。如果您只想要一个针对原始数据类型的排序算法,那么无论对排序函数的调用出现在1中的什么上下文中,gcc -O3 始终擅长优化,具体取决于您传递输入的方式,尝试以下两种算法之一:
或者,如果您想通过引用传递变量,则使用此算法(下面的函数与上面的前 5 行不同):
使用所有 6 个寄存器意味着它们可以'不能用于其他用途,这可能会导致代码整体变慢)。I found that at least on my system, the functions
defined below both ran at least as fast, and frequently noticeably faster, than the above current record holder:I passed this function a
's iterator in my timing code.That compilers can more aggressively optimize template functions might be one reason for the speed. (I also suspect that using iterators gives g++ certain assurances (that it otherwise wouldn't have) about what the memory that the iterator refers to, which facilitates optimization.) IIRC this is also part of the reason why so many STL algorithms, such as
, generally have such obscenely good performance.Compilers can do this because template functions are NOT functions. C++ inherited many rules from C that limit what how compilers can do with code, like:
The C++ committee decided that templates should follow different rules that are more amenable to optimization.
For example: in
void sort2(int* p, int* q){/*...*/}
, the compiler can't assume thatp
point to non-overlapping memory, thatp != q
(sinceswap2(d, d)
might be called somewhere), or even thatp
are not null. If it'sinline
d then it might figure out thatp != q
in a call likeswap2(d,d+1)
. Compilers also have certain guarantees about references (ex: they're never null, unlike pointers), so they're more amenable to optimization than pointers.Also, IIRC, compilers MUST store functions like
in memory in case another source file tries callingswapMem
via a function pointer. This isn't required of template functions liketemplate<class T> void sort2(T* p, T* q){/*...*/}
, which are not required to be accessible via function pointers. There are also limits to what functions can beinline
d that don't apply to function templates (all implementations of the STL algorithms that I've seen have a plethora of method/function (template) calls but they still run super fast since most of them really areinline
d away by the compiler).It's important to mention that what code is fastest probably depends a lot on the optimizer. Since different code might be optimized differently, this may explain why variations of
(ex: using different sorting networks, or definingMAX
differently) may have very different run-times.For example,
is sometimes (again, depending on the context in which the function is called) consistently outperformed by the following sorting function, which copies the data into local variables before sorting them.1 Since there are only 6 local variables defined, if these local variables are primitives then they are likely never actually stored in RAM and are instead only ever stored in the CPU's registers until the end of the function call, which helps make this sorting function fast. (It also helps that the compiler knows that distinct local variables have distinct locations in memory).Note that defining
as follows sometimes results in slightly better performance although most of the time it results in slightly worse performance or a negligible difference in performance.If you just want a sorting algorithm that on primitive data types, gcc -O3 is consistently good at optimizing no matter what context the call to the sorting function appears in1 then, depending on how you pass the input, try one of the following two algorithms:
Or if you want to pass the variables by reference then use this (the below function differs from the above in its first 5 lines):
The reason for using the
keyword is because this is one of the few times that you know that you want theseint
values in registers (if that's possible). Withoutregister
, the compiler will figure this out most of the time but sometimes it doesn't. Using theregister
keyword helps solve this issue. Normally, however, don't use theregister
keyword since it's more likely to slow your code than speed it up (ex: using all 6 registers forsort6
means they can't be used for something else, which might result in overall slower code).我相信你的问题有两个部分。
我不会太担心清空管道(假设当前是 x86):分支预测已经取得了长足的进步。我担心的是确保代码和数据各自适合一个缓存行(代码可能是两个)。一旦出现,获取延迟就会非常低,这将弥补任何停顿。这也意味着你的内部循环可能有 10 条指令左右,这正是它应该在的位置(我的排序算法中有两个不同的内部循环,它们分别是 10 条指令/22 字节和 9/22 长)。假设代码不包含任何 div,您可以确定它会快得令人眼花缭乱。
I believe there are two parts to your question.
I wouldn't worry too much about emptying pipelines (assuming current x86): branch prediction has come a long way. What I would worry about is making sure that the code and data fit in one cache line each (maybe two for the code). Once there fetch latencies are refreshingly low which will compensate for any stall. It also means that your inner loop will be maybe ten instructions or so which is right where it should be (there are two different inner loops in my sorting algorithm, they are 10 instructions/22 bytes and 9/22 long respectively). Assuming the code doesn't contain any divs you can be sure it will be blindingly fast.
仅使用嵌套的 MIN MAX,
速度并不快,因为每个使用 114 个,
可以像这样简单地将其减少到 75 -> pastebin
可能有效的方法是使用 AVX 一次对多个整数执行最小/最大
排名顺序解决方案的灵感来自 Rex Kerr,
I know this is an old question.
But I just wrote a different kind of solution I want to share.
Using nothing but nested MIN MAX,
It's not fast as it uses 114 of each,
could reduce it to 75 pretty simply like so -> pastebin
But then it's not purely min max anymore.
What might work is doing min/max on multiple integers at once with AVX
PMINSW reference
Rank order solution inspired by Rex Kerr's,
Much faster than the mess above
我想我应该尝试展开 Ford-Johnson 合并插入排序,它可以实现最小可能的比较次数 (ceil(log2(6!)) = 10) 并且没有交换。
稍好)。它将值加载到 6 个寄存器中,然后执行 8 到 10 次比较
这 720 个订单中(每个案例都有单独的代码)。
I thought I'd try an unrolled Ford-Johnson merge-insertion sort, which achieves the minimum possible number of comparisons (ceil(log2(6!)) = 10) and no swaps.
It doesn't compete, though (I got a slightly better timing than the worst sorting networks solution
).It loads the values into six registers, then performs 8 to 10 comparisons
to decide which of the 720=6!
cases it's in, then writes the registers back in the appropriate one
of those 720 orders (separate code for each case).
There are no swaps or reordering of anything until the final write-back. I haven't looked at the generated assembly code.
我知道聚会已经过去 12 年了,但仍然如此。
sorted = Ones(1, N) * max_value; 开始
,这也能很好地实现 SIMDify
即使对于许多 SIMD 架构 (SSE4、ARM64)包含最小/最大操作,以及两个向量之间的移位以及单个通道的复制。在 AVX2 中,无法在通道之间有效地进行转换,但可以对两个包含 5-8 个元素的独立向量进行排序。
一个大大改进的版本将使用两个向量的双调合并排序。第一个向量对前 3 个值使用插入排序技巧,例如来自
1 8 4 3 5 4
(如1 4 8 inf
),另一个向量针对inf 进行排序5 4 3。
A = min(a,b); B = max(a,b)
,然后对A[0]<->A[2], A[1]<->A[3], B[0 ]<->B[2], B[1]<->B[3]
并行,最后是最后阶段A[0]<->A[1 ],A[2]→A[3],B[0]→B[1],B[2]→B[3]
阶段,需要一些洗牌。相比之下,至少 ARM64 NEON 有一条指令来提取成对的最小值/最大值。为了回答这个评论,将数据传输到向量寄存器通常不是问题。从 SIMD 寄存器或内存检索数据时可能会有较长的延迟。对于SSE2,我会尝试将6个元素放入一个向量中,
pshufd / _mm_shuffle_epi32
)以获得val[1], inf的第一个排序向量, inf, inf
与inf, inf, inf, val[4]
以及通过 XXM 寄存器广播任何通道。I know the party's over 12 years ago, but still.
I've found the best way to sort a handful of items using the parallel iteration of
Starting with
sorted = ones(1, N) * max_value;
This is going to SIMDify quite nicely even with
Many SIMD architectures (SSE4, ARM64) contain the min/max operations, as well as the shifting between two vectors, and duplication of a single lane. In AVX2 one can not efficiently shift between the lanes, but one can sort two independent vectors of 5-8 elements.
A greatly improved version of this will use bitonic merge sort with two vectors. The first vector uses the insertion sort trick for 3 first values e.g. from
1 8 4 3 5 4
as in1 4 8 inf
, the other vector sorted forinf 5 4 3
.A bitonic merge stage will then sort
A = min(a,b); B = max(a,b)
, then sort theA[0]<->A[2], A[1]<->A[3], B[0]<->B[2], B[1]<->B[3]
in parallel and finally the last stageA[0]<->A[1], A[2]<->A[3],B[0]<->B[1], B[2]<->B[3]
.With the example values, this would mean
Probably the most difficult step there is
A[0,2], A[1,3], B[0,2], B[1,3]
stage, requiring some shuffling. In contrast at least ARM64 NEON has an instruction to extract the pairwise minimum/maximum.To answer the comment, it's generally not an issue to transfer data to vector registers. There might be longer latency when retrieving the data either from SIMD registers or from memory. For SSE2, I would e.g. try to place the 6 elements in a vector of
which would allow fast shuffling to (
pshufd / _mm_shuffle_epi32
) to get the first sorted vectors ofval[1], inf, inf, inf
vsinf, inf, inf, val[4]
and also broadcasting any lane over an XXM registers.也许我来晚了,但至少我的贡献是一种新方法。
两个元素,而是追逐循环,只需要一个临时值和一个(寄存器 -> 寄存器)交换(新 <- 旧)。更新:稍微改变了代码,有些人使用C++编译器来编译C代码...
Maybe I am late to the party, but at least my contribution is a new approach.
would be higher (irt the cost ofcompare
ing two elements, the cycles are chased, needing only one temp, and one (register->register) swap (new <- old).Update: changed the code a bit, some people use C++ compilers to compile C code ...
尝试“合并排序列表”排序。 :) 使用两个数组。对于小型和大型阵列来说速度最快。
如果你连接,你只检查插入位置。其他更大的值不需要比较(cmp = ab>0)。
对于 4 个号码,您可以使用系统 4-5 cmp (~4.6) 或 3-6 cmp (~4.9)。冒泡排序使用 6 cmp (6)。对于大数字较慢的代码有很多 cmp。
此代码使用 5 cmp(不是 MSL 排序):
主要 MSL
js 代码
Try 'merging sorted list' sort. :) Use two array. Fastest for small and big array.
If you concating, you only check where insert. Other bigger values you not need compare (cmp = a-b>0).
For 4 numbers, you can use system 4-5 cmp (~4.6) or 3-6 cmp (~4.9). Bubble sort use 6 cmp (6). Lots of cmp for big numbers slower code.
This code use 5 cmp (not MSL sort):
Principial MSL
js code
好吧,如果它只有 6 个元素,并且您可以利用并行性,想要最小化条件分支等。为什么您不生成所有组合并测试顺序呢?我敢说,在某些架构中,它可以非常快(只要你预先分配了内存)
Well, if it's only 6 elements and you can leverage parallelism, want to minimize conditional branching, etc. Why you don't generate all the combinations and test for order? I would venture that in some architectures, it can be pretty fast (as long as you have the memory preallocated)
使用 cmp==0 对 4 个项目进行排序。
cmp 的数量约为 4.34(FF 原生约为 4.52),但比合并列表花费 3 倍的时间。但如果你有大数字或大文本,最好少做 cmp 操作。
在线测试http://mlich.zam。 slu.cz/js-sort/x-sort-x2.htm
Sort 4 items with usage cmp==0.
Numbers of cmp is ~4.34 (FF native have ~4.52), but take 3x time than merging lists. But better less cmp operations, if you have big numbers or big text.
Edit: repaired bug
Online test http://mlich.zam.slu.cz/js-sort/x-sort-x2.htm
这是我构建排序网络的方式。首先,使用此站点为网络生成一组最小的 SWAP 宏适当的长度。将其包装在一个函数中可以得到:
For any optimization, it's always best to test, test, test. I would try at least sorting networks and insertion sort. If I were betting, I'd put my money on insertion sort based on past experience.
Do you know anything about the input data? Some algorithms will perform better with certain kinds of data. For example, insertion sort performs better on sorted or almost-sorted dat, so it will be the better choice if there's an above-average chance of almost-sorted data.
The algorithm you posted is similar to an insertion sort, but it looks like you've minimized the number of swaps at the cost of more comparisons. Comparisons are far more expensive than swaps, though, because branches can cause the instruction pipeline to stall.
Here's an insertion sort implementation:
Here's how I'd build a sorting network. First, use this site to generate a minimal set of SWAP macros for a network of the appropriate length. Wrapping that up in a function gives me:
和 max 实现,因为这实际上就是这段代码归结为的 - 一系列min
操作(每个 13 个,总计)。我将其作为练习留给读者。请注意,此实现很容易实现矢量化(例如 SIMD - 大多数 SIMD ISA 具有矢量最小/最大指令),也适合 GPU 实现(例如 CUDA - 无分支,不存在扭曲发散等问题)。
Here's an implementation using sorting networks:
You really need very efficient branchless
implementations for this, since that is effectively what this code boils down to - a sequence ofmin
operations (13 of each, in total). I leave this as an exercise for the reader.Note that this implementation lends itself easily to vectorization (e.g. SIMD - most SIMD ISAs have vector min/max instructions) and also to GPU implementations (e.g. CUDA - being branchless there are no problems with warp divergence etc).
See also: Fast algorithm implementation to sort very small list
Since these are integers and compares are fast, why not compute the rank order of each directly:
查看 gcc 4.5.2 生成的程序集,我发现每次交换都会完成加载和存储,这实际上是不需要的。最好将 6 个值加载到寄存器中,对它们进行排序,然后将它们存储回内存中。我命令商店的负载尽可能靠近首先需要和最后使用寄存器的地方。我还使用了 Steinar H. Gunderson 的 SWAP 宏。更新:我切换到 Paolo Bonzini 的 SWAP 宏,gcc 将其转换为类似于 Gunderson 的宏,但 gcc 能够更好地对指令进行排序,因为它们没有作为显式汇编给出。
我更改了测试代码以考虑超过 4000 个数组,并显示对每个数组进行排序所需的平均周期数。在 i5-650 上,我得到约 34.1 周期/排序(使用 -O3),而原始重新排序的排序网络得到约 65.3 周期/排序(使用 -O1,击败 -O2 和 -O3)。
我更改了修改了测试套件,以报告每种排序的时钟并运行更多测试(cmp 函数也已更新以处理整数溢出),以下是一些不同架构的结果。我尝试在 AMD cpu 上进行测试,但 rdtsc 在我可用的 X6 1100T 上不可靠。
Looks like I got to the party a year late, but here we go...
Looking at the assembly generated by gcc 4.5.2 I observed that loads and stores are being done for every swap, which really isn't needed. It would be better to load the 6 values into registers, sort those, and store them back into memory. I ordered the loads at stores to be as close as possible to there the registers are first needed and last used. I also used Steinar H. Gunderson's SWAP macro. Update: I switched to Paolo Bonzini's SWAP macro which gcc converts into something similar to Gunderson's, but gcc is able to better order the instructions since they aren't given as explicit assembly.
I used the same swap order as the reordered swap network given as the best performing, although there may be a better ordering. If I find some more time I'll generate and test a bunch of permutations.
I changed the testing code to consider over 4000 arrays and show the average number of cycles needed to sort each one. On an i5-650 I'm getting ~34.1 cycles/sort (using -O3), compared to the original reordered sorting network getting ~65.3 cycles/sort (using -O1, beats -O2 and -O3).
I changed modified the test suite to also report clocks per sort and run more tests (the cmp function was updated to handle integer overflow as well), here are the results on some different architectures. I attempted testing on an AMD cpu but rdtsc isn't reliable on the X6 1100T I have available.
测试代码非常糟糕;它溢出了初始数组(这里的人不读编译器警告吗?),printf 打印出错误的元素,它使用 .byte 作为 rdtsc 没有充分的理由,只有一次运行(!),没有任何检查最终结果实际上是正确的(因此很容易“优化”成一些微妙的错误),所包含的测试非常基本(没有负数?)并且没有什么可以阻止编译器将整个函数作为死代码丢弃。
话虽如此,改进双调网络解决方案也很容易;只需将 min/max/SWAP 更改为 即可
,对我来说速度快了 65%(Debian gcc 4.4.5 with -O2、amd64、Core i7)。
The test code is pretty bad; it overflows the initial array (don't people here read compiler warnings?), the printf is printing out the wrong elements, it uses .byte for rdtsc for no good reason, there's only one run (!), there's nothing checking that the end results are actually correct (so it's very easy to “optimize” into something subtly wrong), the included tests are very rudimentary (no negative numbers?) and there's nothing to stop the compiler from just discarding the entire function as dead code.
That being said, it's also pretty easy to improve on the bitonic network solution; simply change the min/max/SWAP stuff to
and it comes out about 65% faster for me (Debian gcc 4.4.5 with -O2, amd64, Core i7).
几天前我在 Google 上偶然发现了这个问题,因为我也需要快速对 6 个整数的固定长度数组进行排序。然而,就我而言,我的整数只有 8 位(而不是 32 位),并且我没有严格要求只使用 C。我想无论如何我都会分享我的发现,以防它们可能对某人有帮助......
我在汇编中实现了网络排序的变体,该变体使用 SSE 尽可能向量化比较和交换操作。需要六次“传递”才能对数组进行完全排序。我使用了一种新颖的机制来直接将 PCMPGTB(向量化比较)的结果转换为 PSHUFB(向量化交换)的无序参数,仅使用 PADDB(向量化加法),在某些情况下还使用 PAND(按位与)指令。
看来此实现比当前在问题中标记为最快选项的实现(“使用简单交换对网络 12 进行排序”)快约 38%。我修改了该实现以在测试期间使用
数组元素,以使比较公平。我应该指出,这种方法可以应用于最多 16 个元素的任何数组大小。我预计对于更大的阵列,相对于替代方案的相对速度优势会变得更大。
该代码是用 MASM 编写的,适用于具有 SSSE3 的 x86_64 处理器。该函数使用“新”Windows x64 调用约定。就是这样...
您可以将其编译为可执行对象并将其链接到您的 C 项目中。有关如何在 Visual Studio 中执行此操作的说明,您可以阅读 这篇文章。您可以使用以下 C 原型从 C 代码中调用该函数:
I stumbled onto this question from Google a few days ago because I also had a need to quickly sort a fixed length array of 6 integers. In my case however, my integers are only 8 bits (instead of 32) and I do not have a strict requirement of only using C. I thought I would share my findings anyways, in case they might be helpful to someone...
I implemented a variant of a network sort in assembly that uses SSE to vectorize the compare and swap operations, to the extent possible. It takes six "passes" to completely sort the array. I used a novel mechanism to directly convert the results of PCMPGTB (vectorized compare) to shuffle parameters for PSHUFB (vectorized swap), using only a PADDB (vectorized add) and in some cases also a PAND (bitwise AND) instruction.
This approach also had the side effect of yielding a truly branchless function. There are no jump instructions whatsoever.
It appears that this implementation is about 38% faster than the implementation which is currently marked as the fastest option in the question ("Sorting Networks 12 with Simple Swap"). I modified that implementation to use
array elements during my testing, to make the comparison fair.I should note that this approach can be applied to any array size up to 16 elements. I expect the relative speed advantage over the alternatives to grow larger for the bigger arrays.
The code is written in MASM for x86_64 processors with SSSE3. The function uses the "new" Windows x64 calling convention. Here it is...
You can compile this to an executable object and link it into your C project. For instructions on how to do this in Visual Studio, you can read this article. You can use the following C prototype to call the function from your C code: