如何在 Aquamacs 和 gnu-emacs 之间共享特定于项目的配置
我有一个 .emacs.d 目录(通过 git)与各个项目的分支共享,而 Aquamacs 似乎完全忽略了它。所有其他开发系统都与该系统配合得很好,因此如果它可以与 Aquamacs 配合使用,我宁愿保留它。
I have a .emacs.d directory shared (via git) with branches for various projects and Aquamacs seems to be ignoring it completely. All the other development systems work very well with this system so I would prefer to keep it if it can be made to work with Aquamacs.
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Aquamacs 使用它自己的系列或 .emacs 之类的文件,其中一个称为 Preferences.el(这是 .emacs 的 aquamacs 等效项),它位于 ~/Library/Applications Support/Aquaemacs/。就我个人而言,我不喜欢 aquaemacs,并在 OS X 上切换到 Carbon emacs。所有这些信息都在 aquamacs 文档中。
Aquamacs uses it's own series or .emacs like files, one is called Preferences.el (this is the aquamacs equivlent of .emacs) and it's located at ~/Library/Applications Support/Aquaemacs/. Personally, I didn't like aquaemacs, and switched to Carbon emacs on OS X. All this info is in the aquamacs documentation.