
发布于 2024-09-01 06:48:51 字数 1745 浏览 4 评论 0原文


我正在开发一种软​​件,可以跟踪技术人员在任务上花费的时间。该软件需要得到增强,以根据一周中的某一天和一天中的时间识别不同的计费费率乘数。 (例如,“工作日下午 5 点半后的时间。”)



[rateTable] => Array
        [Monday] => Array
                [00:00:00] => 1.5
                [08:00:00] => 1
                [17:00:00] => 1.5
                [23:59:59] => 1

        [Tuesday] => Array
                [00:00:00] => 1.5
                [08:00:00] => 1
                [17:00:00] => 1.5
                [23:59:59] => 1

用简单的英语来说,这代表从午夜到上午 8 点的半时费率、晚上 8 点到下午 5 点的正常费率以及从下午 5 点到晚上 11:59 的半时费率。这些中断发生的时间可以是任意的,精确到秒,并且每天可以有任意数量的中断。 (此格式完全可以协商,但我的目标是使其尽可能易于人类阅读。)

例如:周一 15:00:00(下午 3 点)记录的时间条目到 21:00:00(晚上 9 点)期间包括按 1 倍计费的 2 小时和按 1.5 倍计费的 4 小时。单次输入也可以跨越多个中断。使用上面的示例速率表,从上午 6 点到晚上 9 点的时间条目将具有 3 个子范围:上午 6-8 点 @ 1.5x、上午 8 点-下午 5 点 @ 1x 和下午 5-9 点 @ 1.5x。相比之下,时间条目也可能仅在 08:15:00 到 08:30:00 之间,并且完全包含在单个乘数的范围内。

我确实可以使用一些帮助来编码一些 PHP(或者至少设计一种算法),这些 PHP 可以需要一周中的一天、开始时间和停止时间,并解析为所需的子部分。理想的情况是输出是一个由(开始、停止、乘数)三元组的多个条目组成的数组。对于上面的示例,输出将是:

[output] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [start] => 15:00:00
                [stop] => 17:00:00
                [multiplier] => 1

        [1] => Array
                [start] => 17:00:00
                [stop] => 21:00:00
                [multiplier] => 1.5


First question. Be gentle.

I'm working on software that tracks technicians' time spent working on tasks. The software needs to be enhanced to recognize different billable rate multipliers based on the day of the week and the time of day. (For example, "Time and a half after 5 PM on weekdays.")

The tech using the software is only required to log the date, his start time and his stop time (in hours and minutes). The software is expected to break the time entry into parts at the boundaries of when the rate multipliers change. A single time entry is not permitted to span multiple days.

Here is a partial sample of the rate table. The first-level array keys are the days of the week, obviously. The second-level array keys represent the time of the day when the new multiplier kicks in, and runs until the next sequential entry in the array. The array values are the multiplier for that time range.

[rateTable] => Array
        [Monday] => Array
                [00:00:00] => 1.5
                [08:00:00] => 1
                [17:00:00] => 1.5
                [23:59:59] => 1

        [Tuesday] => Array
                [00:00:00] => 1.5
                [08:00:00] => 1
                [17:00:00] => 1.5
                [23:59:59] => 1

In plain English, this represents a time-and-a-half rate from midnight to 8 am, regular rate from 8 to 5 pm, and time-and-a-half again from 5 till 11:59 pm. The time that these breaks occur may be arbitrary to the second and there can be an arbitrary number of them for each day. (This format is entirely negotiable, but my goal is to make it as easily human-readable as possible.)

As an example: a time entry logged on Monday from 15:00:00 (3 PM) to 21:00:00 (9 PM) would consist of 2 hours billed at 1x and 4 hours billed at 1.5x. It is also possible for a single time entry to span multiple breaks. Using the example rateTable above, a time entry from 6 AM to 9 PM would have 3 sub-ranges from 6-8 AM @ 1.5x, 8AM-5PM @ 1x, and 5-9 PM @ 1.5x. By contrast, it's also possible that a time entry may only be from 08:15:00 to 08:30:00 and be entirely encompassed in the range of a single multiplier.

I could really use some help coding up some PHP (or at least devising an algorithm) that can take a day of the week, a start time and a stop time and parse into into the required subparts. It would be ideal to have the output be an array that consists of multiple entries for a (start,stop,multiplier) triplet. For the above example, the output would be:

[output] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [start] => 15:00:00
                [stop] => 17:00:00
                [multiplier] => 1

        [1] => Array
                [start] => 17:00:00
                [stop] => 21:00:00
                [multiplier] => 1.5

I just plain can't wrap my head around the logic of splitting a single (start,stop) into (potentially) multiple subparts.

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老娘不死你永远是小三 2024-09-08 06:48:51

我将使用不同的方法,并且我将基于几个考虑因素更改rateTable 表示形式。

  • $rateTable 描述了间隔,为什么不正确编码它们?
  • 边界上发生了什么(在我的示例中,星期二和星期一使用两种不同的边界定义方法);
  • 您获得的结果具有可比较的类型,但使用不同的表示形式。
  • 23:59:59==>对我来说似乎是一个黑客。我现在无法解释,但我脑后响起了一个铃声,告诉我要小心。

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我个人的经验让我说,如果你不能全神贯注于算法,那么你的同事很可能会遇到同样的困难(即使你成功并解决了问题),并且代码也会是 bug 的主要来源。如果您找到一种更简单、更有效的解决方案,将会节省时间、金钱并减少麻烦。即使解决方案不是那么有效,也许也会有所收获。

$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array (
    'Tuesday'=> array (

function map_shift($shift, $startTime, $stopTime)
    if ($startTime >= $shift['stop'] or $stopTime <= $shift['start']) {
    return array(
        'start'=> max($startTime, $shift['start']),
        'stop' => min($stopTime, $shift['stop']),
        'multiplier' => $shift['multiplier']

function bill($day, $start, $stop)
    $report = array();
    foreach($day as $slice) {
        $result = map_shift($slice, $start, $stop);
        if ($result) {
    return $report;

/* examples */


$oldMonday = array (

function convert($array) 
    return array_slice(
           function($start,$stop, $multiplier) 
               return compact('start', 'stop','multiplier');





I would use a different approach, and I will change the rateTable representation based of a couple of considerations.

  • The $rateTable describe intervals, why don't you encode them properly?
  • What happens on the frontiers (Tuesday and Monday in my example use the two different approaches to the boundary definition);
  • The results you get are of a comparable type but use a different representation.
  • 23:59:59=> seems an hack to me. I can't explain right now but I've a bell ringing in the back of the head telling me to watch out for it.

Last but not least, my personal experience let me say that if you can't wrap your head on an algorithm it is likely that your co-workers will have the same difficulties (even if you succeed and resolve the issues) and the code will be a primary source of bug. If you find a simpler and efficient solution it will be a gain of time, money and headaches. Maybe it will be a gain even if the solution is not so efficient.

$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array (
    'Tuesday'=> array (

function map_shift($shift, $startTime, $stopTime)
    if ($startTime >= $shift['stop'] or $stopTime <= $shift['start']) {
    return array(
        'start'=> max($startTime, $shift['start']),
        'stop' => min($stopTime, $shift['stop']),
        'multiplier' => $shift['multiplier']

function bill($day, $start, $stop)
    $report = array();
    foreach($day as $slice) {
        $result = map_shift($slice, $start, $stop);
        if ($result) {
    return $report;

/* examples */

At the very least you need a function to convert the original format to the new one.

$oldMonday = array (

function convert($array) 
    return array_slice(
           function($start,$stop, $multiplier) 
               return compact('start', 'stop','multiplier');


And yes, you could do the conversion on the fly with


but if you care a bit of performances...

瑕疵 2024-09-08 06:48:51



这是按秒索引的速率表。星期一只有 3 个时间段

// 0-28800 (12am-8am) = 1.5
// 28800-61200 (8am-5pm) = 1
// 61200-86399 (5pm-11:50pm) = 1.5

$rate_table = array(
    'monday' => array (
        '28800' => 1.5,
        '61200' => 1,
        '86399' => 1.5

它使用此函数将 hh:mm:ss 转换为秒

function time2seconds( $time ){
    list($h,$m,$s) = explode(':', $time);
    return ((int)$h*3600)+((int)$m*60)+(int)$s;


function get_rates( $start, $end, $rate_table ) {

    $day = strtolower( date( 'l', strtotime( $start ) ) );

    // these should probably be pulled out and the function
    // should accept integers and not time strings
    $start_time = time2seconds( end( explode( 'T', $start ) ) );
    $end_time = time2seconds( end( explode( 'T', $end ) ) );

    $current_time = $start_time;

    foreach( $rate_table[$day] as $seconds => $multiplier ) {

        // loop until we get to the first slot
        if ( $start_time < $seconds ) {
            //$rate[ $seconds ] = ( $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time ) - $current_time;

            $rate[] = array (

                'start' => $current_time,
                'stop' => $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time,
                'duration' => ( $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time ) - $current_time,
                'multiplier' => $multiplier


            // quit the loop if the next time block is after clock out time
            if ( $current_time > $end_time ) break;


    return $rate;


$start = '2010-05-03T07:00:00';
$end = '2010-05-03T21:00:00';

print_r( get_rates( $start, $end, $rate_table ) );


    [0] => Array
            [start] => 25200
            [stop] => 28800
            [duration] => 3600
            [multiplier] => 1.5

    [1] => Array
            [start] => 28800
            [stop] => 61200
            [duration] => 32400
            [multiplier] => 1

    [2] => Array
            [start] => 61200
            [stop] => 75600
            [duration] => 14400
            [multiplier] => 1.5



Here's my method

I converted everything to seconds to make it a lot easier.

Here's the rate table indexed by seconds. Theres only 3 time slots for monday

// 0-28800 (12am-8am) = 1.5
// 28800-61200 (8am-5pm) = 1
// 61200-86399 (5pm-11:50pm) = 1.5

$rate_table = array(
    'monday' => array (
        '28800' => 1.5,
        '61200' => 1,
        '86399' => 1.5

It uses this function to convert hh:mm:ss to seconds

function time2seconds( $time ){
    list($h,$m,$s) = explode(':', $time);
    return ((int)$h*3600)+((int)$m*60)+(int)$s;

This is the function that returns a rate table

function get_rates( $start, $end, $rate_table ) {

    $day = strtolower( date( 'l', strtotime( $start ) ) );

    // these should probably be pulled out and the function
    // should accept integers and not time strings
    $start_time = time2seconds( end( explode( 'T', $start ) ) );
    $end_time = time2seconds( end( explode( 'T', $end ) ) );

    $current_time = $start_time;

    foreach( $rate_table[$day] as $seconds => $multiplier ) {

        // loop until we get to the first slot
        if ( $start_time < $seconds ) {
            //$rate[ $seconds ] = ( $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time ) - $current_time;

            $rate[] = array (

                'start' => $current_time,
                'stop' => $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time,
                'duration' => ( $seconds < $end_time ? $seconds : $end_time ) - $current_time,
                'multiplier' => $multiplier


            // quit the loop if the next time block is after clock out time
            if ( $current_time > $end_time ) break;


    return $rate;

Here's how you use it

$start = '2010-05-03T07:00:00';
$end = '2010-05-03T21:00:00';

print_r( get_rates( $start, $end, $rate_table ) );


    [0] => Array
            [start] => 25200
            [stop] => 28800
            [duration] => 3600
            [multiplier] => 1.5

    [1] => Array
            [start] => 28800
            [stop] => 61200
            [duration] => 32400
            [multiplier] => 1

    [2] => Array
            [start] => 61200
            [stop] => 75600
            [duration] => 14400
            [multiplier] => 1.5


Basically the code loops over the rate table and finds how many seconds from the given time slot belong to each rate.

々眼睛长脚气 2024-09-08 06:48:51


获取分配的总时间(workstop - workstart) 

找到开始槽(time < workstart 的最后一个元素)







I would suggest something like

get total time to allocate (workstop - workstart) 

find the start slot (the last element where time < workstart)
and how much of start slot is billable, reduce time left to allocate

move to next slot

while you have time left to allocate

   if the end time is in the same slot
       get the portion of the time slot that is billable
       the whole slot is billable
       reduce the time to allocate by the slot time 

   (build your output array) and move to the next slot

loop while

It might be easier to convert all your times to seconds internally to make the days/hours/minutes calculations easier to handle.

安静 2024-09-08 06:48:51

这基本上是@Loopo 算法的改编。

首先,如果能够使用 >< 比较时间就好了,所以首先我们转换所有时间(星期几 + 小时/分钟/秒) ) 到 UNIX 时间偏移量:

// Code is messy and probably depends on how you structure things internally.

function timeOffset($dayOfWeek, $time) {
    // TODO Use standard libraries for this.
    $daysOfWeek = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');

    $splitTime = explode(':', $time);
    $offset = (((int)array_search($dayOfWeek, $daysOfWeek) * 24 + (int)$time[0]) * 60 + (int)$time[1]) * 60 + (int)$time[2];

    return $offset;

$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array(
        '00:00:00' => 1.5,
        '08:00:00' => 1,
        '17:00:00' => 1.5,

    'Tuesday' => array(
        '00:00:00' => 1.5,
        '08:00:00' => 1,
        '17:00:00' => 1.5,

$clockedTimes = array(
    array('Monday', '15:00:00', '21:00:00')

$rateTableConverted = array();

foreach($rateTable as $dayOfWeek => $times) {
    foreach($times as $time => $multiplier) {
        $offset = timeOffset($dayOfWeek, $time);
        $rateTableConverted[$offset] = $multiplier;


$clockedTimesConverted = array();

foreach($clockedTimes as $clock) {
    $convertedClock = array(
        'start' => timeOffset($clock[0], $clock[1]),
        'end'   => timeOffset($clock[0], $clock[2]),

    $clockedTimesConverted[] = $convertedClock;

理想情况下,这已经完成(例如,您将这些转换后的偏移量存储在数据库中,而不是原始的 xx:yy:zz D 字符串)。


class BetweenValues {
    public $start, $end;

    public function __construct($start, $end) {
        $this->start = $start;
        $this->end = $end;

    public function isValueBetween($value) {
        return $this->start <= $value && $value <= $this->end;

class TimeRangeSplitter {
    private $rateTable;

    public function __construct($rateTable) {
        $this->rateTable = $rateTable;

    private function getIntersectingTimes($times, $start, $end) {

        $betweenCalculator = new BetweenValues($start, $end);

        $intersecting = array_filter($times, array($betweenCalculator, 'isValueBetween'));

        /* If possible, get the time before this one so we can use its multiplier later. */
        if(key($intersecting) > 0 && current($intersecting) != $start) {
            array_unshift($intersecting, $times[key($intersecting) - 1]);

        return array_values($intersecting);

    public function getSplitTimes($start, $end) {
        $splits = array();

        $intersecting = $this->getIntersectingTimes(array_keys($this->rateTable), $start, $end);

        $curTime = $start;
        $curMultiplier = 0;

        foreach($intersecting as $sectionStartTime) {
            $splits[] = $this->getSplit($curTime, $sectionStartTime, $curMultiplier, $curTime);

            $curMultiplier = $this->rateTable[$sectionStartTime];

        $splits[] = $this->getSplit($curTime, $end, $curMultiplier, $curTime);

        return array_filter($splits);

    private function getSplit($time, $split, $multiplier, &$newTime) {
        $ret = NULL;

        if($time < $split) {
            $ret = array(
                'start' => $time,
                'end' => $split,
                'multiplier' => $multiplier,

            $newTime = $split;

        return $ret;


$splitClockedTimes = array();
$splitter = new TimeRangeSplitter($rateTableConverted);

foreach($clockedTimesConverted as $clocked) {
    $splitClockedTimes[] = $splitter->getSplitTimes($clocked['start'], $clocked['end']);



This is basically an adaptation of @Loopo's algorithm.

First, it'd be nice to be able to compare times using > and <, so first we convert all times (day of week + hour/minute/second) to UNIX time offsets:

// Code is messy and probably depends on how you structure things internally.

function timeOffset($dayOfWeek, $time) {
    // TODO Use standard libraries for this.
    $daysOfWeek = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');

    $splitTime = explode(':', $time);
    $offset = (((int)array_search($dayOfWeek, $daysOfWeek) * 24 + (int)$time[0]) * 60 + (int)$time[1]) * 60 + (int)$time[2];

    return $offset;

$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array(
        '00:00:00' => 1.5,
        '08:00:00' => 1,
        '17:00:00' => 1.5,

    'Tuesday' => array(
        '00:00:00' => 1.5,
        '08:00:00' => 1,
        '17:00:00' => 1.5,

$clockedTimes = array(
    array('Monday', '15:00:00', '21:00:00')

$rateTableConverted = array();

foreach($rateTable as $dayOfWeek => $times) {
    foreach($times as $time => $multiplier) {
        $offset = timeOffset($dayOfWeek, $time);
        $rateTableConverted[$offset] = $multiplier;


$clockedTimesConverted = array();

foreach($clockedTimes as $clock) {
    $convertedClock = array(
        'start' => timeOffset($clock[0], $clock[1]),
        'end'   => timeOffset($clock[0], $clock[2]),

    $clockedTimesConverted[] = $convertedClock;

Ideally, this would have already been done (e.g. you store these converted offsets in the database instead of the original xx:yy:zz D strings).

Now the splitter (with a helper due to the lack of closures):

class BetweenValues {
    public $start, $end;

    public function __construct($start, $end) {
        $this->start = $start;
        $this->end = $end;

    public function isValueBetween($value) {
        return $this->start <= $value && $value <= $this->end;

class TimeRangeSplitter {
    private $rateTable;

    public function __construct($rateTable) {
        $this->rateTable = $rateTable;

    private function getIntersectingTimes($times, $start, $end) {

        $betweenCalculator = new BetweenValues($start, $end);

        $intersecting = array_filter($times, array($betweenCalculator, 'isValueBetween'));

        /* If possible, get the time before this one so we can use its multiplier later. */
        if(key($intersecting) > 0 && current($intersecting) != $start) {
            array_unshift($intersecting, $times[key($intersecting) - 1]);

        return array_values($intersecting);

    public function getSplitTimes($start, $end) {
        $splits = array();

        $intersecting = $this->getIntersectingTimes(array_keys($this->rateTable), $start, $end);

        $curTime = $start;
        $curMultiplier = 0;

        foreach($intersecting as $sectionStartTime) {
            $splits[] = $this->getSplit($curTime, $sectionStartTime, $curMultiplier, $curTime);

            $curMultiplier = $this->rateTable[$sectionStartTime];

        $splits[] = $this->getSplit($curTime, $end, $curMultiplier, $curTime);

        return array_filter($splits);

    private function getSplit($time, $split, $multiplier, &$newTime) {
        $ret = NULL;

        if($time < $split) {
            $ret = array(
                'start' => $time,
                'end' => $split,
                'multiplier' => $multiplier,

            $newTime = $split;

        return $ret;

And using the class:

$splitClockedTimes = array();
$splitter = new TimeRangeSplitter($rateTableConverted);

foreach($clockedTimesConverted as $clocked) {
    $splitClockedTimes[] = $splitter->getSplitTimes($clocked['start'], $clocked['end']);


Hope this helps.

無處可尋 2024-09-08 06:48:51

Eineki 破解了该算法。我的尝试中缺少的部分是每个乘数范围内都有可用的开始时间和停止时间。我重视原始速率表中的数据密度,因此我使用了 Eineki 的 Convert() 例程的核心来获取存储在配置中的表并添加停止时间。我的代码已经自动创建(或填充)了最小速率表,保证其余代码不会阻塞或抛出警告/错误,所以我将其包括在内。我还将 bill() 和 map_shift() 压缩在一起,因为在我看来,如果没有彼此,两者就没有任何有用的目的。


function CompactSliceData($start, $stop, $multiplier)
// Used by the VerifyRateTable() to change the format of the multiplier table.
    return compact('start', 'stop','multiplier');

function VerifyAndConvertRateTable($configRateTable)
// The rate table must contain keyed elements for all 7 days of the week. 
// Each subarray must contain at LEAST a single entry for '00:00:00' => 
// 1 and '23:59:59' => 1. If the first entry does not start at midnight, 
// a new element will be added to the array to represent this. If given 
// an empty array, this function will auto-vivicate a "default" rate 
// table where all time is billed at 1.0x.
    $weekDays = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 
            'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 
            'Sunday',);  // Not very i18n friendly?     

    $newTable = array();
    foreach($weekDays as $day)
        if( !array_key_exists($day, $configRateTable) 
            || !is_array($configRateTable[$day]) 
            || !array_key_exists('00:00:00', $configRateTable[$day]) )
            $configRateTable[$day]['00:00:00'] = 1;

        if( !array_key_exists($day, $configRateTable) 
            || !is_array($configRateTable[$day]) 
            || !array_key_exists('23:59:59', $configRateTable[$day]) )
            $configRateTable[$day]['23:59:59'] = 1;

        // Convert the provided table format to something we can work with internally.
        // Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2792048/slicing-a-time-range-into-parts
        $newTable[$day] = array_slice(
    return $newTable;

function SliceTimeEntry($dayTable, $start, $stop)
// Iterate through a day's table of rate slices and split the $start/$stop
// into parts along the boundaries.
// Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2792048/slicing-a-time-range-into-parts
    $report = array();
    foreach($dayTable as $slice) 
        if ($start < $slice['stop'] && $stop > $slice['start'])
           $report[] = array(
                    'start'=> max($start, $slice['start']),
                    'stop' => min($stop, $slice['stop']),
                    'multiplier' => $slice['multiplier']
    return $report;

/* examples */
$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Tuesday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Wednesday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Thursday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Friday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Saturday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '15:00:00' => 2),
    'Sunday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '15:00:00' => 2),

$rateTable = VerifyAndConvertRateTable($rateTable);




Eineki cracked the algorithm. The part missing from my attempts was having the start and the stop time available in each multiplier range. I value the density of data in my original rateTable, so I used the guts of Eineki's convert() routine to take the table stored in config and add the stop times in. My code already auto-created (or filled in) a minimal rate table, guaranteeing that the rest of the code won't choke or throw warning/errors, so I included that. I also condensed bill() and map_shift() together since in my mind the two don't have any useful purpose without each other.


function CompactSliceData($start, $stop, $multiplier)
// Used by the VerifyRateTable() to change the format of the multiplier table.
    return compact('start', 'stop','multiplier');

function VerifyAndConvertRateTable($configRateTable)
// The rate table must contain keyed elements for all 7 days of the week. 
// Each subarray must contain at LEAST a single entry for '00:00:00' => 
// 1 and '23:59:59' => 1. If the first entry does not start at midnight, 
// a new element will be added to the array to represent this. If given 
// an empty array, this function will auto-vivicate a "default" rate 
// table where all time is billed at 1.0x.
    $weekDays = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 
            'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 
            'Sunday',);  // Not very i18n friendly?     

    $newTable = array();
    foreach($weekDays as $day)
        if( !array_key_exists($day, $configRateTable) 
            || !is_array($configRateTable[$day]) 
            || !array_key_exists('00:00:00', $configRateTable[$day]) )
            $configRateTable[$day]['00:00:00'] = 1;

        if( !array_key_exists($day, $configRateTable) 
            || !is_array($configRateTable[$day]) 
            || !array_key_exists('23:59:59', $configRateTable[$day]) )
            $configRateTable[$day]['23:59:59'] = 1;

        // Convert the provided table format to something we can work with internally.
        // Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2792048/slicing-a-time-range-into-parts
        $newTable[$day] = array_slice(
    return $newTable;

function SliceTimeEntry($dayTable, $start, $stop)
// Iterate through a day's table of rate slices and split the $start/$stop
// into parts along the boundaries.
// Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2792048/slicing-a-time-range-into-parts
    $report = array();
    foreach($dayTable as $slice) 
        if ($start < $slice['stop'] && $stop > $slice['start'])
           $report[] = array(
                    'start'=> max($start, $slice['start']),
                    'stop' => min($stop, $slice['stop']),
                    'multiplier' => $slice['multiplier']
    return $report;

/* examples */
$rateTable = array(
    'Monday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Tuesday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Wednesday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Thursday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Friday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '08:00:00' => 1, '17:00:00' => 1.5),
    'Saturday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '15:00:00' => 2),
    'Sunday' => array('00:00:00' => 1.5, '15:00:00' => 2),

$rateTable = VerifyAndConvertRateTable($rateTable);



Thanks everyone, especially Eineki.

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