
发布于 2024-09-01 03:13:54 字数 260 浏览 5 评论 0原文


许多众所周知的软件系统都使用错误代码(以及相应的错误代码参考)。一些示例包括操作系统 (Windows)、数据库(Oracle、DB2)和中间件产品(WebLogic、WebSphere)。错误代码有什么好处?使用错误代码有哪些缺点?

In languages that support exception objects (Java, C#), when is it appropriate to use error codes? Is the use of error codes ever appropriate in typical enterprise applications?

Many well-known software systems employ error codes (and a corresponding error code reference). Some examples include operating systems (Windows), databases (Oracle, DB2), and middle-ware products (WebLogic, WebSphere). What benefits do error codes provide? What are the disadvantages to using error codes?

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白云悠悠 2024-09-08 03:13:54



WITHIN a program one should always use exceptions instead of error codes. However, exceptions can't propagate beyond a program. Any time the error must leave the program you are left with error messages or error codes.

For simple things that will always be human-operated error messages without codes are fine. You can say "File not found" without giving it an error code. However, if it might be another computer on the other end then you should give error codes in addition. You don't want to break the other system when you change it to "File <x> not found".

欲拥i 2024-09-08 03:13:54

我认为我从未在 .Net 中使用过错误代码,除了一种情况 - 当我创建一个我知道将从中调用的控制台应用程序时另一个应用程序。另一个应用程序必须知道控制台应用程序何时失败以及出了什么问题。因此,一个合适的例子是当您知道您的程序将被其他程序调用,并且您需要一种结构化的方式让它们理解错误时。

也就是说,我当时是 .NET 的新手,从那以后就再也没有使用过错误代码。

顺便说一句,作为一名 Windows 人员,能够输入错误代码并提出一篇知识库文章真是太好了,因此错误代码与良好的文档以及找到它的能力相结合 = 用户的良好感受。

I don't think I've ever used error codes in .Net except in one situation - when I was creating a console application that I knew was going to be called from another app. This other app had to know when the console app failed, and what went wrong. So, one example of when it would be appropriate would be when you know your program will be called by other programs, and you want a structured way for them to understand errors.

That said, I was a newbie to .NET at the time, and have never used error codes since.

As a side note, as a Windows guy, it's nice to be able to plop in an error code and come up with a KB article, so an error code combined with good documentation and the ability to find it = nice feelings from your users.

淡笑忘祈一世凡恋 2024-09-08 03:13:54

对于 Web 服务接口来说非常常见。返回带有描述的代码非常简单且标准。




Very common for web service interfaces. It's very easy and standard to return a code with a description.

I agree that for most of the scenarios is old school

I'd say the biggest disadvantages it's the quality of code. You have to add more complex logic to manage error codes while exceptions are bubbled without having to use method parameters or return values.

You also have to add an "IF" to check if the returned code is SUCCESS or not, while exceptions goes directly to the error handling block.

皓月长歌 2024-09-08 03:13:54



  • 在您的应用程序运行的环境中

  • 您的应用程序与其他一些实体(Web 服务器、数据库、套接字等)

  • 设备或设备驱动程序表明(可能是硬件故障?)





I'm a newbie to stack overflow but...

I believe that error codes tend to be used or useful for dealing with erroneous situations that require an end-user of sorts to get involved to rectify a situation. If your code is to be maintained by another developer then exceptions is the way to go. However, in a situation where there is a problem:

  • in the environment that your application is running

  • with communication between your app and some other entity (web server, database, socket, etc)

  • that a device or device driver indicates (hardware failure maybe?)

then error codes may make sense. For example, if your app attempted to log into a database on behalf of your end-user, but the DB was unreachable for authentication (DB is off-line, cable is unplugged) then an error code/description combo might help the end-user rectify the problem.

Again at the developer/engineer level who will be able to touch the source code (traditional debugging and testing techniques) and modify it, use exceptions.

Hope this helps...


人心善变 2024-09-08 03:13:54



最后,正如其他几个答案中提到的,错误代码对于 google 来说很简单且与语言无关(想想 Windows 错误代码/MS 知识库文章),因此错误代码错误的描述可能会对技术产品的最终用户来说更好。

错误代码的想法很有用,但在我看来,它们属于异常成员或 IErrorReporter 接口的参数,或者比方法返回值更常见的东西。

I frequently use error codes when an error needs to be conveyed to the user, since they can be internationalized. For example, in a compiler, if there are errors in user code, errors can be signaled in the compiler backend, while the frontend can localize them into culture/language-specific strings for user consumption. Enums may be better for this purpose than raw integers, however.

I've also used them in creating an "error reporting" framework for the app. When exceptions were thrown, they were thrown with an error code, which, when the exception bubbled up, was sent (with a log) to the central server. The code helped organize the database so we could inspect logs related to a specific error.

Finally, as mentioned in a couple other answers, error codes are easy and language-agnostic to google (think Windows error codes/MS KB articles), so an error code with a description of what went wrong may be better for end-users of a technical product.

The idea of error codes is useful, but IMO they belong as exception members or as parameters to an IErrorReporter interface or something more ofthen than as method return values.

浪推晚风 2024-09-08 03:13:54



但没有人关心这种程度的细节。谁愿意维持这样的混乱。它会给你留下一些代码,其含义类似于“由于状态 S,条件 A 和 B,但不是 C”。尝试弄清楚这到底意味着什么,付出的努力比值得付出的努力还要多。堆栈跟踪对于告诉您程序中发生问题的位置更有价值。


Error codes are old-school. They are of little to no value at all.

The only possible value to an error code is that it can identify a very specific circumstance. You could have a code for each point in the code base that can throw an exception. This would allow you to narrow down very precisely what the problem must be.

But nobody cares about that level of detail. Who wants to maintain such a mess. It would leave you with codes that meant something like "condition A and B but not C due to state S". It's more effort than it's worth to try to work out exactly what that means. A stack trace will be more valuable in telling you where in the program the problem occurred.

I learned to program computers before exceptions were a widespread technique. I'm so glad we got exceptions instead!

油焖大侠 2024-09-08 03:13:54

C#(可能还有 Java)支持更好的异常处理控制流(finally 关键字),这使得事情比使用错误代码更好一些。异常对象可以包含任何级别的详细信息,当然不仅仅是错误代码。因此,异常对象更实用,但您可能会遇到不常见的情况,其中错误代码更合适。

FWIW,C++ 也支持异常对象。我不认为 C++ 支持 finally 关键字(尽管较新的 C++ 可能会支持),但在 C++ 中,您还必须避免诸如在 catch 处理程序中返回之类的事情。

C#, and probably Java too, supports a better exception handling control flow, the finally keyword, which makes things a little nicer than using error codes. An exception object can contain any level of detail, certainly much more than an error code. So the exception object is way more practical, but you might run into an uncommon case where an error code would be more appropriate.

FWIW, C++ also supports exception objects. I don't think that C++ supports a finally keyword (though the newer C++ whatevers just might), but in C++ you also have to avoid things like returning inside a catch handler.

蓝眸 2024-09-08 03:13:54


例如,在 C 中,“获取字符”例程返回 ASCII 中的下一个字符值,但如果由于某种原因出现错误,则返回负值。然后,您负责以某种方式返回到您的调用者,以便可以处理此错误情况,并且必须返回等。


Error codes were designed in an age where the only way for a function to tell the caller that something went wrong was to assign a special meaning to one or more values of those which can be returned, and very frequently only a native integer or so was available for returning that special value.

For instance, in C the "get character" routine returns the next character value in ASCII, but returns a negative value if for some reason something went wrong. You are then responsible for returning to YOUR caller in a way so this error situation can be handled, and that must return etc.

The Exception mechanism is an elegant way to handle this "this is an emergency, we must return from code until something can deal with the problem". Error codes are inferior to this.

哀由 2024-09-08 03:13:54

我编写了许多由其他(远程)应用程序使用的 Web 服务。当请求出现问题时,客户或多或少会坚持获取代码,这样他们就不必进行一些可怕的字符串比较来找出问题所在。

以 HTTP 结果代码作为此类行为的一个很好的例子。 “200”意味着快乐,“300”可以是任何一种,“400”或“500”意味着开始抓狂。

I've written many web services that are consumed by other (remote) applications. When things go badly with a request, customers more or less insist on getting a code, so that they don't have to do some horrific string comparison to find out what went wrong.

Take HTTP result codes as a fine example of this sort of behavior. "200" means happy, "300" could go either way, "400" or "500" means start freaking out.

吃颗糖壮壮胆 2024-09-08 03:13:54


Error codes are for if you want to send them to the user. If not, use an exception.

扭转时空 2024-09-08 03:13:54



Sometimes you don't want to give too much information to the user when an error occurs. For example, a user is not able to sign a new contract. The error message only states something generic like "Cannot sign a new contract".

This adds difficulty to support cases where the user thinks this is not correct. If you have an error code, for example a number or an acronym, it could be part of the error message. The user wouldn't know what it means but the support staff could look it up and could then check if that specific reason for declining the new contract is indeed an error or not.

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