在 64 位计算机上使用 Visual Studio 2010 时无法编辑并继续,应用程序面向 x86
我遇到一些问题 编辑并继续。 以下“
- 我已确保在“工具”>“选项”>“调试”>“编辑并继续”下启用
- 编辑并继续”我的解决方案平台设置为 x86
- 我的解决方案配置设置为“调试”
- 我的所有项目都针对“调试”和 x86 构建
- 对于“项目”> 下的所有项目属性>构建优化代码未选中
我创建的所有项目都会发生这种情况,无论它们是 WPF/Win Forms/VB.NET/C#/.NET 4/.NET 3.
I'm having some problems with Edit and Continue when using Visual Studio 2010 on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. I've ensured the following
- Edit and Continue is enabled under Tools>Options>Debugging>Edit and Continue
- My solution platform is set to x86
- My solution configuration is set to Debug
- All my projects are building for Debug and x86
- For all projects under Projects>Properties>Build the Optimize code is unchecked
When I hit a break point and try to edit I and confronted with the following message.
(source: sedotech.com)
This is happening for me for all projects that I create whether they are WPF/Win Forms/VB.NET/C#/.NET 4/.NET 3.
Any ideas?
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好吧,伙计们,我想通了。有一天晚上,我正在玩 IntelliTrace 并更改了收集通话信息的设置。我没有注意到该页面上的警告,指出“收集呼叫信息时禁用编辑并继续”!请参阅屏幕截图。
OK guys I figured it out. The other night I was playing around with IntelliTrace and changed the setting to collect call information. I didn't notice the warning on that page stating "Edit and continue is disabled when collecting Call Information"! See screen shot.
(source: sedotech.com)
So I just disabled that and I was good to go. Thanks, that was really annoying.
Another solution is to check if any 3rd party references included and check their options for: Embed Interop Types. Set it to False.
One more option to check to enable the Edit and Continue Option.
Go to Project Properties and check the "Enable Edit and continue" Option
I found the problem!
In Advance Compile Option (in Project Properties) Uncheck Enable Optizimations
I had that also solved it by noticing that solution configuration was on release and not debug.
Changed it to debug and now I can edit and continue.
以下高级编译选项将目标 CPU 设置为 x86(设置为任何 cpu)
mine was working after i have done following
under advanced compile options set target CPU to x86 (was set to any cpu)
and its working fine now.
只需使用 ctrl + F5 进行编译
If you want to edit code after compile.
Just compile with ctrl + F5
3-选择生成“完整”而不是“仅 pdb”调试信息。
another reason
1-Right click on Project file then Properties.
2-Compile --> advanced compile options.
3-Choose to generate "full" instead of "pdb-only" debug info.
在 msdn 站点上,
http://msdn.microsoft .com/en-us/library/dd264944(v=vs.100).aspx
“但是,收集调用和参数会增加性能开销,使用额外的磁盘空间,并且 禁用 Visual Studio 调试器的“编辑并继续”功能。”
At the msdn site,
You can read about it:
"However, collecting calls and parameters will increase performance overhead, use additional disk space, and disable the Edit and Continue feature of the Visual Studio debugger."
在 Visual Studio 2013 下编辑并继续现在适用于 x64 平台。
Under Visual Studio 2013 edit and continue now works for the x64 platform.
Under Code Generation section, make sure option "Enable Function-Level linking" is set to Yes (/Gy).
我还通过注意到解决方案配置是在 AnyCPU 调试上并且项目是 x86 调试
将其更改为 x86 来解决它,现在我可以编辑并继续。
I had that also solved it by noticing that solution configuration was on AnyCPU debug and Project was x86 debug
Changed it to x86 and now I can edit and continue.
我的“编辑并继续”在 VS2013 中的一项功能中开始失败。我发现这是因为我在该函数中对 Excel 进行了一些 Office Interop。我将互操作代码移至其自己的函数中,然后“编辑并继续”再次开始在原始函数中工作。
I have a solution for a unique situation.
My Edit and Continue started failing in one function in VS2013. I discovered it was because I was doing some Office Interop to Excel in that function. I moved the Interop code to its own function and Edit and Continue started working in the original function again.