
发布于 2024-08-31 20:01:54 字数 387 浏览 4 评论 0原文

在 Java 中,匿名内部类可以引用其本地范围内的变量:

public class A {
    public void method() {
        final int i = 0;

        doStuff(new Action() {
            public void doAction() {
                Console.printf(i);   // or whatever

我的问题是这实际上是如何实现的? i 如何获得匿名内部 doAction 实现,为什么它必须是 final

In Java an anonymous inner class can refer to variables in it's local scope:

public class A {
    public void method() {
        final int i = 0;

        doStuff(new Action() {
            public void doAction() {
                Console.printf(i);   // or whatever

My question is how is this actually implemented? How does i get to the anonymous inner doAction implementation, and why does it have to be final?

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五里雾 2024-09-07 20:01:54

局部变量(显然)不在不同方法之间共享,例如上面的 method()doAction() 。但由于它是最终的,在这种情况下不会发生任何“坏”事情,因此语言仍然允许它。然而,编译器需要对这种情况采取一些巧妙的措施。让我们看看 javac 产生了什么:

$ javap -v "A\$1"           # A$1 is the anonymous Action-class.
final int val$i;    // A field to store the i-value in.

final A this$0;     // A reference to the "enclosing" A-object.

A$1(A, int);  // created constructor of the anonymous class
   Stack=2, Locals=3, Args_size=3
   0: aload_0
   1: aload_1
   2: putfield #1; //Field this$0:LA;
   5: aload_0
   6: iload_2
   7: putfield #2; //Field val$i:I
   10: aload_0
   11: invokespecial #3; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   14: return
public void doAction();
   Stack=2, Locals=1, Args_size=1
   0: getstatic #4; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   3: aload_0
   4: getfield #2; //Field val$i:I
   7: invokevirtual #5; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V
   10: return


  • i 变量转换为字段,
  • 为匿名类创建了一个构造函数,该构造函数接受对A 对象
  • ,稍后在 doAction() 方法中访问该对象。

(旁注:我必须将变量初始化为 new java.util.Random().nextInt() 以防止它优化掉大量代码。)



Local variables are (obviously) not shared between different methods such as method() and doAction() above. But since it's final, nothing "bad" could happen in this case, so the language still allows it. The compiler however, needs to do something clever about the situation. Lets have a look at what javac produces:

$ javap -v "A\$1"           # A$1 is the anonymous Action-class.
final int val$i;    // A field to store the i-value in.

final A this$0;     // A reference to the "enclosing" A-object.

A$1(A, int);  // created constructor of the anonymous class
   Stack=2, Locals=3, Args_size=3
   0: aload_0
   1: aload_1
   2: putfield #1; //Field this$0:LA;
   5: aload_0
   6: iload_2
   7: putfield #2; //Field val$i:I
   10: aload_0
   11: invokespecial #3; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   14: return
public void doAction();
   Stack=2, Locals=1, Args_size=1
   0: getstatic #4; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   3: aload_0
   4: getfield #2; //Field val$i:I
   7: invokevirtual #5; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V
   10: return

This actually shows that it

  • turned the i variable into a field,
  • created a constructor for the anonymous class, which accepted a reference to the A object
  • which it later accessed in the doAction() method.

(A side note: I had to initialize the variable to new java.util.Random().nextInt() to prevent it from optimizing away a lot of code.)

Similar discussion here

method local innerclasses accessing the local variables of the method

长安忆 2024-09-07 20:01:54


构造函数将此值保存在类变量(字段)中,也名为 i,它将在“闭包”内部使用。


public class A {
    public void method() {
        int i = 0; // note: this is WRONG code

        doStuff(new Action() {
            public void doAction() {
                Console.printf(i);   // or whatever

        i = 4; // A
        // B
        i = 5; // C

在情况 A 中,Action 的字段 i 也需要更改,让我们假设这是可能的:它需要引用到 Action 对象。

假设在情况 B 中,Action 的此实例已被垃圾收集。

现在情况 C:它需要一个 Action 实例来更新它的类变量,但该值被 GC 了。它需要“知道”它是 GCed,但这很困难。


The compiler automatically generates a constructor for your anonymous inner-class, and passes your local variable into this constructor.

The constructor saves this value in a class variable (a field), also named i, which will be used inside the "closure".

Why it has to be final? Well let's explore the situation in where it isn't:

public class A {
    public void method() {
        int i = 0; // note: this is WRONG code

        doStuff(new Action() {
            public void doAction() {
                Console.printf(i);   // or whatever

        i = 4; // A
        // B
        i = 5; // C

In situation A the field i of Action also needs to be changed, let's assume this is possible: it needs the reference to the Action object.

Assume that in situation B this instance of Action is Garbage-Collected.

Now in situation C: it needs an instance of Action to update it's class variable, but the value is GCed. It needs to "know" it's GCed, but that is difficult.

So to keep the implementation of the VM simpler, the Java language designers have said that it should be final such that the VM doesn't need a way to check whether an object is gone, and guarantee that the variable is not modified, and that the VM or compiler doesn't have to keep reference of all usages of the variable inside anonymous inner-classes and their instances.

-残月青衣踏尘吟 2024-09-07 20:01:54


有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Java Final - 一个持久的谜团

The local class instance (the anonymous class) must maintain a separate copy of the variable, as it may out-live the function. So as not to have the confusion of two modifiable variables with the same name in the same scope, the variable is forced to be final.

See Java Final - an enduring mystery for more details.

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