现在,我真正不明白的是:如何才能字符串重写机(神经网络与图灵机一样都是字符串重写机;只是编程语言不同)比通用的 U 机更强大?
- 我的意思是你可能想看看 A. Zenkin(俄罗斯数学家)在 90 年代中期之后的论文,他在其中令人信服地假设 G. Cantor 的概念是错误的,包括超限集、不可数集、对角化方法(图灵用于证明不可判定性的方法)以及其他可能的方法。就连 Goedel 的不完备定理也仅在 21 世纪就以正确的方式被证明了。这只是为了将 Zenkin 的工作添加到帖子中,因为我不知道这些知识在 CS 社区中有多广泛,所以如果这看起来确实很愚蠢,请原谅我。
I've read in Wikipedia that neural-network functions defined on a field of arbitrary real/rational numbers (along with algorithmic schemas, and the speculative `transrecursive' models) have more computational power than the computers we use today. Of course it was a page of russian wikipedia (ru.wikipedia.org) and that may be not properly proven, but that's not the only source of such.. rumors
Now, the thing that I really do not understand is: How can a string-rewriting machine (NNs are exactly string-rewriting machines just as Turing machines are; only programming language is different) be more powerful than a universally capable U-machine?
Yes, the descriptive instrument is really different, but the fact is that any function of such class can be (easily or not) turned to be a legal Turing-machine. Am I wrong? Do I miss something important?
What is the cause of people saying that? I do know that the fenomenum of undecidability is widely accepted today (though not consistently proven according to what I've read), but I do not really see a smallest chance of NNs being able to solve that particular problem.
Add-in: Not consistently proven according to what I've read
- I meant that you might want to take a look at A. Zenkin's (russian mathematician) papers after mid-90-s where he persuasively postulates the wrongness of G. Cantor's concepts, including transfinite sets, uncountable sets, diagonalization method (method used in the proof of undecidability by Turing) and maybe others. Even Goedel's incompletness theorems were proven in right way in only 21-st century.. That's all just to plug Zenkin's work to the post cause I don't know how widespread that knowledge is in CS community so forgive me if that did look stupid.
Thank you!
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显然,强有力的丘奇-图灵论点尚未得到证实,但正如您所指出的,确实没有充分的理由相信人工神经网络构成了超越一般递归/UTM/lambda 演算/等的计算能力。
From what little research I've done, most of these claims of trans-Turing systems, or of the incorrectness of Cantor's diagonalization proof, etc. are, shall we say, "controversial" in legitimate mathematical circles. Words like "crank" get thrown around frequently.
Obviously, the strong Church-Turing thesis remains unproven, but as you pointed out there's really no good reason to believe that artificial neural networks constitute computational capabilities beyond general recursion/UTMs/lambda calculus/etc.
从实践的角度来看,神经网络只是将解决方案转换为并行执行自然且容易的形式的一种方式,而图灵机本质上是顺序的,并行执行其序列相对困难。事实上,过去几十年来,CPU 开发中所做的大部分工作基本上都是在寻找并行执行代码的方法,同时保持代码按顺序执行的错觉。现代CPU中的很多硬件都致力于维持这种错觉,而并行执行变得明确的程度在很大程度上表明维持这种错觉已经变得异常昂贵。
From a theoretical viewpoint, I think you're absolutely correct -- neural networks provide very little that's new or different.
From a practical viewpoint, neural networks are simply a way of casting solutions into a form where parallel execution is natural and easy, whereas Turing machines are sequential in nature, and executing their sequences in parallel is relatively difficult. In fact, most of what's been done in CPU development over the last few decades has basically been figuring out ways to execute code in parallel while maintaining the illusion that it's executing in sequence. A lot of the hardware in a modern CPU is devoted to maintaining that illusion, and the degree to which parallel execution has become explicit is mostly an admission that maintaining the illusion has become prohibitively expensive.
任何“证明”康托尔的对角线方法不起作用的人都只能证明他们自己的无能。比照。 Wilfred Hodges 的一位编辑回忆起一些毫无希望的论文对于这些尝试出了什么问题,他给出了令人惊讶的同情解释。
Anyone who "proves" that Cantor's diagonal method doesn't work proves only their own incompetence. Cf. Wilfred Hodges' An editor recalls some hopeless papers for a surprisingly sympathetic explanation of what kind of thing is going wrong with these attempts.
You can provide speculative descriptions of hyper-Turing neural nets, just as you can provide speculative descriptions of other kinds of hyper-Turing computers: there's nothing incoherent in the idea that hypercomputation is possible, and speculative descriptions of mechanical hypercomputers have been made where the hypercomputer is stipulated to have infinitely fine engravings that encode an oracle for the Halting machine: the existence of such a machine is consistent with Newtonian mechanics, though not quantum mechanics. Rather, the Church-Turing thesis says that they can't be constructed, and there are two reasons to believe the Church-Turing thesis is correct:
The main point is that the truth of the Church-Turing thesis is an empirical fact, and not a mathematical fact. It's one that we can have confidence is true, but not certainty.
From a layman's perspective, I see that
您可能对 S. Franklin 和 M. Garzon 的神经可计算性感兴趣。有一个 在 Google 上预览。它讨论了神经网络的计算能力,并指出有传言神经网络比图灵机更强大。
You may be interested in S. Franklin and M. Garzon, Neural computability. There is a preview on Google. It discusses the computational power of neural nets and also states that it is rumored that neural nets are strictly more powerful than Turing machines.