如何使用 Mercurial 归档/导出自特定修订版以来更改的所有文件?
Mercurial 支持一个方便的归档命令,它允许您将特定修订版中的所有文件(感谢 Ry4an 在评论中指出这一点)导出到另一个文件夹/zip 文件等。具体操作如下:有
hg archive -r REV destination
谢谢, 波阿斯
Mercurial supports a handy archive command which allows you to export all files as they were in a specific revision (thanks to Ry4an for pointing this out in a comment) to another folder/zip file etc. This is done as follows:
hg archive -r REV destination
Is there a way to export only the files changed since a certain revision and to the head?
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请参阅我关于您对存档功能的误解的评论。鉴于此,您可能实际上并不需要一种方法来构建仅包含从修订版 X 更改为修订版 Y 的文件的存档,但以防万一您确实这样做,这将做到这一点:
See my comment about your misinterpretation of what archive does. Given that, it might not still be the case that you actually want a way to build an archive with only the files that have changed from revision X to revision Y, but just in case you really do, this will do it: