Ext-GWT / GXT(并非如此)简单布局问题?

发布于 2024-08-31 14:26:09 字数 672 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我已经在 Ext-GWT 论坛上发布了这个问题,我只是希望这里有人能给我答案!


我有一个某种“布局模板” - 简单地由几个彼此内部的 GWT DockLayoutPanel 组成,最后以 LayoutPanels 结尾。 GWT 的 LayoutPanel 旨在调整添加到其中的小部件(或组合)的大小,使其达到完整大小,并且与纯 GWT 小部件完美配合。

我的“布局模板”的想法是,我不知道内部 LayoutPanel 的确切高度和宽度,因为在实例化此模板时,我可能会以不同的方式设置(外部 DockLayoutPanel 的)某些面板尺寸。我想要的只是将 Grid 组件添加到最内部的 LayoutPanel 之一,并使其自身大小(高度和宽度)适合正常的 GWT 小部件(例如与 GWT Label 完美配合)。

我对 GXT 非常陌生(就像我今天早些时候开始使用它一样),并且我确实意识到 GXT 构建其组件的方式与 GWT 在 DOM 上构建其 Wi​​dget 的方式不同。

到底有没有办法达到想要的结果呢?我尝试过将网格添加到布局为 FitLayout 的 ContentPanel 中,我尝试过 AnchorLayout,我尝试过直接添加网格...似乎没有任何效果...任何建议,甚至是朝正确方向的推动都会非常有用赞赏!



I have posted this question on the Ext-GWT forums, I am just hoping that someone here might have an answer for me!

I am struggling to do something I initially thought was simple but am beginning to believe is impossible...

I have got a "layout template" of sorts - simply consisting of a few GWT DockLayoutPanel's within each other and finally ending in LayoutPanels. GWT's LayoutPanel is designed to size the widget (or Composite) that's added to it to its full size and does so perfectly with pure GWT widgets.

The idea of my "layout template" is that I don't know the EXACT height and width of the very inner LayoutPanel's because I may set certain panels sizes (of the outer DockLayoutPanels) differently when instantiating this template. All I would like is to add a Grid component to one of the inner most LayoutPanels and have it size itself (height AND width) to fit as normal GWT widgets do (works perfectly with a GWT Label for instance).

I am VERY new to GXT (as in I started using it earlier today) and I do realize that GXT builds its Components differently to the way GWT builds its Widgets on the DOM.

Is there anyway to achieve the desired result? I have tried adding the grid to a ContentPanel with a Layout of FitLayout, I have tried AnchorLayout, I have tried adding the grid directly... Nothing seems to work... Any advice or even a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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佼人 2024-09-07 14:26:09

只是对这篇文章和我采取的方向进行说明。当我开始我的 GWT 项目时,我正在学习基础知识并阅读其他帖子、关注点和建议,我最初忽略的一点建议非常简单 - 使用 GWT 框架时仅使用纯 100% GWT 组件。


然而,过去两个月我发现,在使用 GWT 时最好不要遵循这个原则。也许是因为它不像其他框架那样广泛传播,或者需要某种类型的编码风格,但尽管如此,我对(简单、可排序、JSON 可加载)网格组件和(验证、风格整洁)表单组件的搜索却一无所获。差点就是一场噩梦。

这并不是因为它们不存在。他们确实这么做了。我尝试了 ext-gwt、gwt-ext、gwt-mosaic 和 gwt-incubator。这是因为许多组件脱离了 GWT 提供的非常简单的布局基础(换句话说,放置小部件的面板大多需要是工具提供的面板)。这反过来又使得混合成分并获得期望的结果几乎不可能。这反过来又打破了“让我找到一个有用的组件”的思维方式。

我认为这只是一个有趣的最后一点,值得一提。因此,由于我意识到了上述一点,我开始编写自己的网格和表单组件。我已经完成并且对我来说工作得很好(显然,因为我写了它们,我不怀疑它们对其他人有用)。但是在编写网格组件的过程中,并且需要在父面板中绘制后自动调整列的大小和间距,我发现直到最终绘制时才知道面板最终宽度的知识(毕竟这种情况发生很久了)您的代码执行)。因此,具有讽刺意味的是,我开始构建一组相互通信的面板,从父面板(最终需要了解其大小)一直到最内部的面板,以便当我的网格组件最终被绘制时,我可以触发一个名为 onSizeKnown(int width, int height) 的方法并执行所需的任何大小调整。

当我完成这件事后,我除了笑什么也做不了。因为我突然明白为什么所有其他 GWT 组件都需要自己的面板。本质上,我必须做同样的事情才能得到我需要的工作。

简而言之,如果您是像我一样的新手 GWT 开发人员,并且正在(现在?)正在寻找很酷的东西来使您的项目看起来很棒 - 这是我的建议 - 如果您打算使用外部框架,例如某些上面提到的 - 仅使用该框架。不要将其组件与其他框架混合。学会喜欢这个框架,并使用他们的面板和设计方法从下到上构建您的项目。如果这让您感到害怕并感到紧张和受限,那么请按照我所做的那样,使用纯香草 GWT 组件编写您自己的组件。从长远来看,遵循此建议将为您节省大量时间。


Just a note on this post and the direction I have taken. When I started my GWT project and I was learning the basics and reading through others posts and concerns and advice, the one bit of advice I overlooked initially was quite simple - when using the GWT framework use pure 100% GWT components only.

I initially ignored these fair warnings of fellow developers because in the age of open source tools, and open source projects, one develops the mind set of "Instead of building a tool which will give me certain functionality, let me rather see if someone else has done it already". This mindset speeds up development and almost standardizes projects and methods of implementation.

However, I have found over the last two months, that when working with GWT it is best to not follow this principle. Maybe because its not as widely spread as other frameworks, or demands a very certain type of coding style but non the less my search for a (simple, sortable, JSON loadable) grid component and (validating, neatly styled) form component has been nothing short of a nightmare.

This isn't because they don't exist. They do. I tried ext-gwt, gwt-ext, gwt-mosaic, and gwt-incubator. It is because many of the components break away from the very simple layout foundation that GWT provides (in other words, the panels that you place the widgets on mostly need to be the panels provided with the tools). This in turn makes mixing components and getting the desired result near impossible. Which in turn breaks away from the let-me-find-a-useful-component mindset.

Just an interesting and final point which I think might be worth mentioning. So due to my realisation of the above mentioned point, I set about to write my own grid and form components. Which I have completed and are working fine for me (obviously, because I wrote them , I don't suspect they will be useful to everybody else). But in the process of writing the grid component, and needing the columns to size and space themselves out automatically once drawn in their parent panel, I found that knowledge of the panels final width is not known until finally being drawn (this happens long after all your code executes). So ironically I set about building a set of panels that communicate to each other, from the parent panel (who ultimately NEEDS to have knowledge of its size) right down to the most inner panels so that when my grid component finally gets drawn, I can fire a method called onSizeKnown(int width, int height) and do whatever sizing is required.

After I completed this I could do nothing but laugh. Because it suddenly became clear to me why all the other GWT components out there require their own panels. I in essence had to do the same to get what I needed working.

So in short, if you are a newbie GWT developer like I was and are (is?) looking for cool stuff to make your project look awesome - this is my advice - if you are going to use an external framework such as some of the above mentioned - use ONLY that framework. Do not mix its components with other frameworks. Learn to love that framework, and build your project from the bottom up using their panels and design methods. If this scares you and makes you feel nervous and limited then do what I did and write your own using pure vanilla GWT components. You will save yourself A LOT of time in the long run by following this advice.


匿名。 2024-09-07 14:26:09
  • 该解决方案适用于 GXT 2.2.0 和 GWT 2.0.4 *


您没有理由不能将 GXT Grid 直接添加到 GWT LayoutPanel。问题在于两个库的样式/定位方法存在冲突。基本上,它可以归结为这样一个事实:网格的大小是根据其父级的高度属性确定的,该属性未设置,这意味着网格的主体被分配了 0 的高度,并且网格本身的高度等于网格标题的高度(如果展示)。

因此,解决方案是在流传回 GWT 后撤消 GXT 所做的操作。这是一个模板解决方案:

class MyGridWrapper extends Composite {

  private LayoutPanel widget;
  private Grid<?> grid;

  public MyGridWrapper(Grid<? extends ModelData> grid) {
    this.grid = grid;

    widget = new LayoutPanel();

    // Set the grid's vertical and horizontal constraints

    // ... populate the rest of the panel

  protected void onLoad() {
    // onLoad is called after GXT is finished so we can do what we need to

    // Redo what the LayoutPanel did originally
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("position", "absolute");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("top", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("bottom", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("left", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("right", "0");

    // Undo any height settings on the .x-grid3 element
    El mainWrap = grid.el().firstChild();
    assert mainWrap.hasStyleName("x-grid3") : "Wrong Element: " + mainWrap.getStyleName();
    mainWrap.setStyleAttribute("height", "auto");

    // Undo any height settings on the .x-grid3-scroller element
    El scroller = grid.el().firstChild().firstChild().getChild(1); // FUN!
    assert scroller.hasStyleName("x-grid3-scroller") : "Wrong Element: " + scroller.getStyleName();
    scroller.setStyleAttribute("height", "auto");



  • 如果您想知道 GXT 网格的结构是在哪里定义的,您可以在 com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/grid/GridTemplates#master 下的 GXT JAR 中的模板文件中找到它.html

  • 查看 com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.GridView#renderUI() 以了解网格的构建方式。

  • This solution is for GXT 2.2.0 and GWT 2.0.4 *

While the original poster has since moved on I recently ran into this issue and thought I would post my solution in case anyone else stumbles on this.

There is no reason you can't add a GXT Grid directly to a GWT LayoutPanel. The problem is that the styling/positioning approach of the two libraries conflicts. Basically it boils down to the fact that the Grid is sized based on its parent's height attribute, which is not set meaning that the grid's body get assigned a height of 0 and the grid itself gets a height equal to that of the grid header (if present).

So the solution is to undo what GXT does once flow has passed back to GWT. Here is a template solution:

class MyGridWrapper extends Composite {

  private LayoutPanel widget;
  private Grid<?> grid;

  public MyGridWrapper(Grid<? extends ModelData> grid) {
    this.grid = grid;

    widget = new LayoutPanel();

    // Set the grid's vertical and horizontal constraints

    // ... populate the rest of the panel

  protected void onLoad() {
    // onLoad is called after GXT is finished so we can do what we need to

    // Redo what the LayoutPanel did originally
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("position", "absolute");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("top", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("bottom", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("left", "0");
    grid.el().setStyleAttribute("right", "0");

    // Undo any height settings on the .x-grid3 element
    El mainWrap = grid.el().firstChild();
    assert mainWrap.hasStyleName("x-grid3") : "Wrong Element: " + mainWrap.getStyleName();
    mainWrap.setStyleAttribute("height", "auto");

    // Undo any height settings on the .x-grid3-scroller element
    El scroller = grid.el().firstChild().firstChild().getChild(1); // FUN!
    assert scroller.hasStyleName("x-grid3-scroller") : "Wrong Element: " + scroller.getStyleName();
    scroller.setStyleAttribute("height", "auto");

The assertions are there to help protect against what is obviously very fragile code so beware that this is a GIANT, GIANT hack.


  • Just in case you're wondering where the GXT Grid's structure is defined, you can find it in a template file in the GXT JAR under com/extjs/gxt/ui/client/widget/grid/GridTemplates#master.html

  • Have a look at com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.GridView#renderUI() to get an idea of how the grid is built.

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