You can certainly use just the methods that you want, provided that you follow the relevant terms of the Apache license. They say (among other things) that you must retain existing copyright notices, attribution and license notices. The license is easy to understand ... and if you are not comfortable that you fully understand it, consult an IP lawyer.
您当然可以只使用您想要的方法,前提是您遵循 Apache 许可证。他们说(除其他外)您必须保留现有的版权声明、归属和许可声明。该许可证很容易理解......如果您对完全理解它感到不舒服,请咨询知识产权律师。
You can certainly use just the methods that you want, provided that you follow the relevant terms of the Apache license. They say (among other things) that you must retain existing copyright notices, attribution and license notices. The license is easy to understand ... and if you are not comfortable that you fully understand it, consult an IP lawyer.