emacs 最好的键盘?

发布于 2024-08-30 16:12:18 字数 1432 浏览 1 评论 0 原文

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一抹微笑 2024-09-06 16:12:18

Richard Stallman(我相信你们都知道他是 Emacs 的作者,并且可能是最大的 Emacs 用户)使用 HHKB(快乐黑客键盘) (来源)

这是 HHKB Pro 的布局:


  • 无大写锁定。
  • 控制键的位置方便 Emacs 用户。


Richard Stallman (which I'm sure you all know is the author of Emacs, and probably the biggest Emacs user) was seen using a HHKB (Happy Hacking Keyboard) (source)

Here's the layout of the HHKB Pro:


  • No Caps Lock.
  • Control key conveniently placed for Emacs users.

They're quite pricey though...

吃不饱 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我在 Emacs 中使用 Kinesis 键盘很多年了,并且很喜欢它。用拇指即可轻松触及 Alt、Ctrl、Del 和 Backspace,这非常非常好。方向键的位置也相当方便。

I used the Kinesis keyboard with Emacs for many years and loved it. Having Alt, Ctrl, Del, and Backspace all easily reachable with the thumbs is very, very nice. The location of the arrow keys is also quite convenient.

话少情深 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我有一个 M 型“Das Keyboard” Ultimate - 上面没有字母,高度符合人体工程学,对我的工作效率非常有益。我曾经分享过您对低调笔记本电脑风格键盘的品味,但自从我拥有 Das 键盘后,我无法想象使用其他键盘。它既吵又重,但它的好处不能用言语来描述——一个人必须自己打字……因为你可以轻松地重新映射大写字母来控制(我已经做到了),我不认为你应该认为键盘中的类似功能是一个特殊的优势。另外 - 如果您习惯于使用具有高度自定义按键布局的键盘,那么当您必须不时在常规键盘上做一些工作时,您会受到很大的损害......

I have a model M "Das Keyboard" Ultimate - no letters on it, highly ergonomical and very beneficial to my productivity. I used to share your taste for low profile laptop style keyboards, but ever since I got the Das Keyboard I cannot imagine using another keyboard. It's as noisy and heavy as they get, but it's benefits cannot be described by mere words - one has to type on it for himself... Since you can easily remap CAPS to control(which I've done) I don't think that you should consider something like this in a keyboard a particular advantage. Also - if you get attached to using a keyboard with a highly customized key layout you'll be very impaired when you have to do some work from time to time on a regular keyboard...

疏忽 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我最近在工作中得到了一台 ThinkPad USB TrackPoint 键盘,我对它非常满意。

我总是重新映射大写锁定键以充当额外的 Ctrl 键。当我确实需要鼠标时,指点就在那里,无需将手从键盘上移开。

键盘非常平坦,我喜欢按键的手感。我也有几台 ThinkPad 笔记本电脑,由于本质上是相同的键盘,因此无论我在办公桌前还是直接在笔记本电脑上工作,感觉都是一样的 - 这是一个很大的优点。

以下是一些照片: http: //www.thinkpads.com/2009/08/31/finally-photos-of-new-thinkpad-usb-trackpoint-keyboard/

I recently got a ThinkPad USB TrackPoint Keyboard at work, and is very pleased with it.

I always remap the Caps Lock to act as an extrac Ctrl. When I do need the mouse, the trackpoint is right there, no need to move your hand away from the keyboard.

The keyboard is very flat and I like the feel of the keys. I have a couple of thinkpad laptops as well, and as this is essentially the same keyboard, the feel is the same whether I at my desk or working directly on the laptop - that's a big plus.

Here's some photos: http://www.thinkpads.com/2009/08/31/finally-photos-of-new-thinkpad-usb-trackpoint-keyboard/

我一向站在原地 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我使用 MS Natural 4K,并更改了一些键绑定以应对不同的几何形状。

特别是,我将 cp/n 替换为 ap/n。

我的手和键盘的几何形状使得 Alt 位于我的拇指正下方,我可以用左手拇指和右手第一/无名指轻松地上下滚动。


另外,我使用 emacs 和MS 4K 无论是在工作还是在家里,我对它几乎 100% 满意,并计划继续使用。

I use MS Natural 4K, with some keybindings altered to cope with the different geometry.

In particular, I swapped c-p/n with a-p/n.

My hand and keyboard geometry are such that Alt lies directly under my thumb and I can trivially scroll up and down with thumb of left and and first/third finger of the right hand.

I do not have pinky pain.

Also, I use emacs & MS 4K both at work and at home, and I am pretty much 100% happy with it and plan to continue it.

甜扑 2024-09-06 16:12:18

作为一名狂热的 emacs 用户和长期 RSI 患者,我发现的最佳解决方案是将 kinesis 与脚踏板相结合。我对踏板进行了 Ctrl、Alt、Meta 编程,因此只需一根手指即可使用臭名昭著的 emacs 组合。特别是重复的 Ctrl 序列在此配置中效果很好。显然,您需要对键盘进行一些重新编程,但这些变化是显而易见的。

as an avid emacs user and long time rsi sufferer, the best solution i found was kinesis combined with footpedals. i program the pedals for Ctrl, Alt, Meta, and thus can use the notorious emacs combos with only a single finger. especially repeated Ctrl sequences work very well in this configuration. obviously you'll need to reprogram the keyboard a little bit, but those changes will be obvious.

尴尬癌患者 2024-09-06 16:12:18

还有另一种键盘是专为在 emacs 中使用而设计的,它的名称是 key64,是我大约两年前设计的键盘,现在我正在完成固件的构建,同时制作 PCB 和零件的所有说明制作键盘所需的信息可在其网站 www.key64.org 上找到
由于它使用很小的板,因此它可以在 Linux 中使用 gcc-avr 进行 100% 编程。

希望在 2013 年 1 月下旬之前完成固件并在网站上发布给任何有兴趣制作自己的键盘的人:)

There is another keyboard on the way designed for use within emacs, its name is the key64 and is a keyboard i am designing from about two years ago, right now i am finishing building the firmware while all the instructions to make the pcb and the parts needed to make the keyboard are available at its website www.key64.org
It's 100% programmable within Linux with gcc-avr as it use a teensy board.

Hope to finish the firmware by the end of January 2013 and publish it at the website for anyone interested in making his own keyboard :)

橘虞初梦 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我从 1976 年开始使用 Emacs,并且使用 Kinesis 经典版已经大约 8 年了。我曾经将它与 Control 和 Alt 的脚踏开关一起使用,但发现简单地将 Backspace 与 Control 交换,将 Delete 与 Alt 交换同样有效。我还将左侧箭头键替换为 [ 和 ],以便更轻松地键入“[”、“{”、“}”和“]”。

为了进一步简化输入,我为需要移位符号的常见编程语言序列创建了绑定。例如,在 C++ 中,我映射“.”。将“..”替换为“->”的函数。我还尝试了仅在前面加分号时才有效的单词缩写,例如用“++”替换“;pp”。

I have been using Emacs since 1976, and have had a Kinesis classic for about 8 years now. I used to use it with foot switches for Control and Alt, but have found that it is equally effective to simply swap Backspace with Control, and Delete with Alt. I also swap the left side arrow keys with [ and ] to make it easier to type "[", "{", "}", and "]".

To further ease typing, I have created bindings for common programming language sequences that require shifted symbols. For example, in C++ I map "." to a function that replaces ".." with "->". I have also experimented with word abbrevs that are effective only when preceded by a semicolon, e.g. replacing ";pp" with "++".

好多鱼好多余 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我大部分时间使用 Kinesis 键盘;我的键盘已经使用了 10 年,最近用新的 Linear Feel“Cherry Reds”对其进行了改装,再用 10 年应该会很好。但键盘也许不如键位映射重要。基本规则是:打字时不要移动手腕,至少不要移动过度。

为了在 Kinesis 上适应这一点,我将行映射到 Hyper、Super、Control、Meta。我的拇指键上有模式开关。所以我绝对不需要移动手腕来输入组合键。 (我使用 Mode_switch 连接到“嵌入式箭头键”层。)

您可以在任何键盘上执行类似的操作,例如笔记本电脑键盘 - 使用 数字行重新映射到修饰符>xmodmap。您仍然可以键入 Shift+num 来获取标准符号。这是一个最小的 xmodmap 入门套件。使用 xev 进一步自定义。

clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5
keycode   9 = s S Left
keycode  10 = d D Down
keycode  11 = f F Right
keycode  21 = w W BackSpace
keycode  22 = e E Up
keycode  23 = r R Delete
keycode  26 = Super_L exclam
keycode  27 = Hyper_L at
keycode  28 = Control_L numbersign sterling
keycode  29 = Meta_L dollar
keycode  30 = F6 asciicircum
keycode  31 = Mode_switch percent
keycode  32 = bracketright braceright
keycode  33 = Control_L parenleft
keycode  34 = Mode_switch ampersand
keycode  35 = bracketleft braceleft
keycode  36 = Meta_L asterisk
keycode  37 = Hyper_L parenright
add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add Control = Control_L Control_R
add Mod1 = Meta_L Meta_R
add Mod2 = Hyper_L Hyper_R
add Mod3 = Super_L Super_R
add Mod4 = Mode_switch
add Mod5 = Alt_L

I use the Kinesis keyboard most of the time; I've had mine for 10 years and recently retrofitted it with the new Linear Feel "Cherry Reds" and it should be good to go for another 10. But the keyboard is perhaps less important than the keymapping. The basic rule is: don't move your wrists when you're typing, at least not more than you have to.

In order to accommodate this on the Kinesis, I have the bottom row mapped to Hyper, Super, Control, Meta. I have Mode_switch on the thumb keys. So I absolutely never have to move my wrists to type key combos. (I use Mode_switch to connect to an "embedded arrow key" layer.)

You can do something similar on any keyboard, for example, your laptop keyboard -- remap the number row to modifiers, using xmodmap. You can still type Shift+num to get the standard symbols. Here is a minimal xmodmap starter kit. Use xev to customize further.

clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5
keycode   9 = s S Left
keycode  10 = d D Down
keycode  11 = f F Right
keycode  21 = w W BackSpace
keycode  22 = e E Up
keycode  23 = r R Delete
keycode  26 = Super_L exclam
keycode  27 = Hyper_L at
keycode  28 = Control_L numbersign sterling
keycode  29 = Meta_L dollar
keycode  30 = F6 asciicircum
keycode  31 = Mode_switch percent
keycode  32 = bracketright braceright
keycode  33 = Control_L parenleft
keycode  34 = Mode_switch ampersand
keycode  35 = bracketleft braceleft
keycode  36 = Meta_L asterisk
keycode  37 = Hyper_L parenright
add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add Control = Control_L Control_R
add Mod1 = Meta_L Meta_R
add Mod2 = Hyper_L Hyper_R
add Mod3 = Super_L Super_R
add Mod4 = Mode_switch
add Mod5 = Alt_L
请叫√我孤独 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我在工作和家里使用 GoldTouch 键盘,它对预防关节炎非常有效。我已将 Caps Lock 重新映射到 Ctrl 键,这对 emacs-pinky 很有帮助。 Alt 键有点问题,但我已经通过 .emacs 文件中的简单映射解决了其中的一些问题:

; Replace M-x with C-x C-m or C-x C-c
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-m" 'execute-extended-command)
(global-set-key "\C-xm"    'execute-extended-command)

I use a GoldTouch keyboard at work and home, and it works great to keep my arthritis at bay. I've remapped the Caps Lock to the Ctrl-key which helps quite a bit w/emacs-pinky. The Alt-key is a bit problematic, but I've solved some of this with a simple mapping in my .emacs file:

; Replace M-x with C-x C-m or C-x C-c
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-m" 'execute-extended-command)
(global-set-key "\C-xm"    'execute-extended-command)
玉环 2024-09-06 16:12:18




我使用 苹果宽屏键盘 对我来说,它是迄今为止我用过的最好的一个。

Any OS allows you, one way or another, to remap all your keys.

This will improve greatly your speed, as long as you are not one of those who actually have to look at the keyboard while they type.

If you do that, you can then choose the keyboard focusing exclusively on the one which has the best physical keys (just try them).

I use Apple's wide keyboard and it's - for me - the best one I've ever used by far.

浮云落日 2024-09-06 16:12:18

赞成 MS Natural Pro 4000。它是我定期使用的唯一一款 Microsoft 产品,并且可以强烈保证它。

Upvoting MS Natural Pro 4000. It is the only Microsoft product I use on a regular basis and can strongly vouch for it.

烂人 2024-09-06 16:12:18

我使用传统键盘,只是将 Caps Lock 键更改为 Ctrl,将 Document 键更改为 Caps Lock。

I use a traditional keyboard, except that I change Caps Lock key to Ctrl and Document key to Caps Lock.

旧时浪漫 2024-09-06 16:12:18

舒适键盘原创允许重新映射任何键,包括 Caps Lock ->控制,并且通常非常符合人体工程学。

The Comfort Keyboard Original allows remapping of any keys, including Caps Lock -> Control, and is generally very ergonomic.

メ斷腸人バ 2024-09-06 16:12:18


  1. http://www.trulyergonomic.com/store/products(trulyergonomic;约 250 美元)

  2. http://www.personal-media.co.jp/utronkb/ (utron;超过 500 美元)

Tooooooooo 避免 RSI

Is there anyone using these two keyboards?

  1. http://www.trulyergonomic.com/store/products (trulyergonomic; about 250usd)

  2. http://www.personal-media.co.jp/utronkb/ (utron; over 500usd)

Tooooooooo avoid RSI.

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