通过 system() 从 Ruby 调用 iconv
我的 iconv 工具有问题。我尝试以这种方式从 rake 文件中调用它:
Dir.glob("*.txt") do |file|
system("iconv -f UTF-8 -t 'ASCII//TRANSLIT' #{ file } >> ascii_#{ file }")
但是一个文件被部分转换(部分转换的大小:10059092 字节,转换前:10081854)。比较这两个文件证明并非所有内容都写入 ASCII。当我从 shell 显式调用此命令时,它工作得很好。其他较小的文件转换没有问题。 iconv 或 Ruby 的 system() 有什么限制吗?
I have a problem with iconv tool. I try to call it from rake file in that way:
Dir.glob("*.txt") do |file|
system("iconv -f UTF-8 -t 'ASCII//TRANSLIT' #{ file } >> ascii_#{ file }")
But one file is converted partly (size of partialy converted: 10059092 bytes, before convertion: 10081854). Comparing this two files prove that not all content was writen to ASCII. When I call this command explicit from shell it works perfectly. Other smaller files are converted without problems. Is there any limitations on iconv or Ruby's system()?
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检查 系统来判断是否成功。
您还可以尝试使用 Iconv 标准库,从而摆脱系统调用:
It is always a good idea to check the return value of system to determine whether it was successful.
You could also try using the Iconv standard library, and thus get rid of the system call:
with appropriate error checking added.