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Closed 10 years ago.
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对于执行此操作的开源工作流程,请使用 GNU cflow 生成文本格式的调用图。然后 Cflow2vcg 可以将输出转换为 Graphviz 可以用来为您生成图像。
For an open source workflow to do this, use GNU cflow to generate a call graph in text format. Then Cflow2vcg can convert the output into an intermediate graph format that Graphviz can use to generate an image for you.
我过去曾使用过 Visustin
I have used Visustin in the past 允许您从类似 C 的伪代码创建流程图。它可能有点类似于 Visustin,但尝试创建更美观的流程图,其方法是允许使用自然语言,尽管大多数代码也可能无需修改即可工作。单击图像即可查看编辑器。请注意,我参与了这个解决方案。 allows you to create flowcharts from C-like pseudo code. It may be a bit similiar to Visustin but tries to create more good looking flowcharts and its approach is to allow to use natural language, although most of code will probably work unmodified as well. Click on the image to see the editor. Please note that I am involved in this solution.
如果它不必严格是图形流程图,GNU cflow表示 C 源文件的整个调用树。
If it doesn't have to strictly be a graphical flow chart, GNU cflow indicates the entire call tree for C source files.
Software Blacksmiths 长期以来一直在商业上销售一款产品。不过,我目前不能对此说太多——可以合理猜测我使用的 OS/2 版本现在已经停产了。不过,Software Blacksmiths 似乎仍在营业——无论如何,快速检查一下就会发现一个网站。
浏览一下该网站,自从我使用它以来,它看起来变化相对较小(甚至 OS/2 版本似乎仍然可用)。既然如此,我想说它属于“相当无害”的类别,这是任何流程图工具可以实现的最佳效果。
Software Blacksmiths has sold one commercially for a long time. I can't say much about it currently though -- it's probably a fair guess that the OS/2 version I used has been discontinued by now. Software Blacksmiths still appears to be in business though -- a quick check turns up a web site anyway.
Glancing at the web site, it looks like relatively little has changed since I used it (even the OS/2 version still seems to be available). That being the case, I'd say it falls into the "fairly harmless" category, which is the best any flow charting tool can achieve.