有谁知道 Swing 相关的 GUI 指南 - 特别是关于如何设计 Swing 应用程序以及我应该使用哪些组件?我不是在寻找官方标准,而是在寻找可以用来为我的项目设定良好标准的实用技巧。
我自己并没有使用太多 Swing。当然,使用 GUI 设计器点击 GUI 并不是什么大问题。然而,我想从那些有 Swing 经验并知道应该避免什么的人那里得到一些见解。 Swing 最近(在 Java 6-10 中)得到了不错的改变。因此,目前还没有太多具体的标准化。
Does anybody know Swing related GUI guidelines - specifically on how to design Swing apps and which components I should use? I'm not looking for an official standard, but pragmatic tips I can use to set a good standard for my projects.
I haven't used too much of Swing by myself. Surely clicking a GUI with a GUI designer isn't a big deal. However I'd like to get some insights from people who have experience with Swing and know what to avoid. Swing lately (in Java 6- 10) got decent changes. So there isn't too much specific standardization out there currently.
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有许多资源讨论 Swing 的良好用法或展示 Swing 的良好用法。以下是一些:
这些资源不是简单的最佳实践列表,但我发现我不断受到一般设计博客和特别是 Swing 设计博客的启发。最重要的是,像 swinglabs 这样的项目可以向您展示人们可以使用 Swing 做什么以及正在做什么。
There are many resources out there discussing good uses of Swing or showcasing good uses of Swing. Here are a few:
These resources aren't simple best practices lists, but I find that I'm constantly inspired by general design blogs and Swing design blogs in particular. On top of that, projects like swinglabs can show you what people can and are doing with Swing.
当尝试选择正确的布局管理器来将组件放置在面板中时,我倾向于快速浏览一下 Sun 的 布局管理器的视觉指南。
When attempting to select the right layout manager for placing components in a panel I tend to take a quick look through Sun's visual guide to layout managers.