我想在通知区域旁边显示一个小弹出窗口。与 Outlook/Skype/Live 类似! Messenger/etc 在显示有关新消息的通知时会执行此操作。就我而言,它将有一些输入控件(文本框、日期时间选择器、按钮...),因此简单的气泡不起作用。
I'd like to display a little popup window next to the notification area. It's similar to what Outlook/Skype/Live! Messenger/etc does when it displays the notification about a new message. In my case it will have some input controls (textbox, datetimepicker, buttons...) so a simple bubble won't do.
The trick is doing this correctly when the user has multiple monitors and/or the taskbar is not located at the bottom of the screen. I could not find any functions that would let me determine the position and orientation of the taskbar/notification area.
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使用 WinAPI 调用查找任务栏位置,并根据它定位窗口
C# 示例
Use WinAPI calls to find the TaskBar position, and position your window according to it
C# Example
您需要相对于桌面平移 XY 位置。 AFAIK,即使在Win32 API中也没有直接的函数可以直接给你答案。
1. http://forum.codecall.net/ Managed-c/262-dual-monitors-window-position.html
2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ cc188759.aspx
You need to get the actual location of your notification icon, and place your pop-up window near that (or wherever you like).
You need to translate your XY locations relative to desktop(s). AFAIK, there are no direct function, even in Win32 API which can directly give you the answer.
These sites will help you-
1. http://forum.codecall.net/managed-c/262-dual-monitors-window-position.html
2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188759.aspx