如何使用 PayPal Premier 帐户创建捐赠按钮?
我如何使用 PayPal Premier 帐户创建捐赠按钮?我找不到捐赠按钮创建链接,我该怎么做?。
how do i create donate buttons using paypal premier account?. i couldn't find donation button creation link, how can i do that?.
Is there any special procedure to get donation button?
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如果用户登录,则不会出现捐赠按钮选项,因此请在未登录的情况下创建一个按钮选项,并更改该代码以匹配注册用户代码,如电子邮件 ID 等。但我不知道这是对还是错。我在一个项目中使用了这种方法,效果很好。
donate button option does not appears if user logged in, so create one without loggedin and change that code to match to registered users code like emailid and so on. But i dont know this is right or wrong. I used this method for one project and it works fine.
I got to it through this link and can see Donation as an option in the "Accept Payments For" dropdown.
菜单项下找到这些按钮。单击菜单项,然后您将在该页面中看到“为您的网站创建付款按钮”。单击该链接,您将能够创建按钮(任何类型)。If someone still needs this, then you'll find the buttons under the
Merchant Services
menu item in your profile. Click on the menu item and then you'll see "Create Payment Button for your website" in that page. Clicking that link, you'll be able to create your button (any type).