您是否仍需要处理 .net v4 System.Net.Mail 中的附件?
在 .net v3.5 或更低版本中,使用 SMTP 客户端发送电子邮件后需要手动处理附件,这在 .net v4 中仍然需要吗?
With .net v3.5 or less it was required to manually dispose attachments after sending an email using SMTP client, is this still required in .net v4?
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根据 MSDN,Dispose() 方法仍然存在于 .net 4 中,并且注释仍然说你应该调用它,所以我假设没有任何改变。
According to MSDN, the Dispose() method still exists in .net 4, and the notes still say you should call it, so I would assume nothing has changed.
是的。该类是 IDisposable 和 MSDN 示例仍然对其调用 Dispose。
Yes. The class is IDisposable and the MSDN example still calls Dispose on it.