“升级 ipad 的当前目标”变灰(禁用)?

发布于 2024-08-29 05:40:50 字数 370 浏览 10 评论 0原文

我正在尝试使用以下方法创建通用 iPhone/iPad 应用程序: http:// www.enscand.com/roller/enscand/entry/ready_for_ipad 网上也有相关描述。我的问题是“升级 iPad 的当前目标”行显示为灰色,并且当我右键单击目标时根本不会出现。



I'm trying to create a universal iPhone/iPad app using this method: http://www.enscand.com/roller/enscand/entry/ready_for_ipad which is also described all over the web. My problem is that the "Upgrade current target for iPad" line is grayed out and doesn't appear at all when I right click the target.

I'm working on an app that I inherited from someone, and have tried this with an app that I wrote entirely myself (no problems on that one). And yes, I'm sure that I'm selecting the target.

Just wondering if anyone has any insight into what checks are being run that would cause this option to be unavailable.

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爱给你人给你 2024-09-05 05:40:51


It took me a while to realize that you have to have a target selected before the menu item will become enabled.

一身仙ぐ女味 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我发现你必须从左侧“组和文件”窗口中选择目标才能显示“升级 ipad 的当前目标”。


I figured out that you have to select the target from the window on the left "Group & Files" for that "Upgrade Current target for ipad" to show.

alt text

望喜 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我找到了解决方案。升级第一个目标后,只需在“组和文件”中重命名“Resources~iPad”组(例如,重命名为“ResourcesFirstTarget~iPad”)。之后,您可以通过“升级 iPad 的当前目标”来升级其他目标。

I found the solution. After upgrading first target just rename Resources~iPad group in Groups&Files (e.g. to ResourcesFirstTarget~iPad). After that you can upgrade your other targets with "Upgrade Current Target For iPad".

鹊巢 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我遇到这个问题是因为我尝试使用选定的 xib 文件而不是“目标”文件夹下的项目来执行此操作。

I had this problem because I was trying to do it with the xib file selected, not the item under the the 'Targets' folder.

难如初 2024-09-05 05:40:51


I just found that my project was set to "iPhone" for Distribution, but it was still set to "iPhone/iPad" for Debug. After switching to "iPhone" for Debug also, the option to convert to a Universal app became available.

你是我的挚爱i 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我不确定这是否是一个实际的解决方案,但我通过选择目标、转到“项目”并将活动构建配置设置为“发布”解决了这个问题。然后启用“更新 iPad 的当前目标”。

Im not sure if this is an actual solution but I solved this problem by selecting the target, going to "Project" and setting the Active Build Configuration to "Release". Update Current Target for IPad then became enabled.

起风了 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我删除了“Resources-iPad”组,瞧,“更新 iPad 的当前目标”已启用。

I deleted the "Resources-iPad" group and voila - the "Update Current Target for iPad" became enabled.

橘虞初梦 2024-09-05 05:40:51

- 在组和文件中选择目标
- (即将其从“iPhone/iPad”更改为“iPhone”)。

- 所以我已经清理了项目(构建/清理所有目标)



I was having the same problem, what I did to solve it was the normal thing:
- select target in Groups and Files
- (i.e change it from 'iPhone/iPad' to 'iPhone').

and it was grayed out...
- so I've cleaned the project (Build/Clean All targets)

It solved my problem, so I advise you to after make some changes that supposing would made it work, to clean the project afterwards!

Hope it can help someone.

勿挽旧人 2024-09-05 05:40:51



I've found the same problem but can upgrade if I right click the target rather than using the menu item.

Further more I've just realised that the menu item does become ungrayed out if you select the target in Groups & Files not in the drop down at the top.

病女 2024-09-05 05:40:51

在项目信息中,查看“架构”,如果有多个条目,则“ipad 的升级目标”是灰色的。

I don't know if this post is still active.
In project info, take a look at "Architecture", if there's more than one entry, the "Upgrade target for ipad" is greyed.

绾颜 2024-09-05 05:40:51

在“项目”->“编辑项目设置:所有配置”中将您的应用程序设置为以 iPhone 为目标
在侧面菜单中,右键单击目标 ->“获取信息”相同类型的菜单。

为了能够单击“升级到 Ipad(...)”,您必须单击并选择目标。然后它就会起作用。

Set you app to target iPhone in both the Project->Edit Project Settings: All Configurations
and in the side menu, where you right click the target ->Get Info same type of menu.

To be able to click the "Upgrade to Ipad(...)" you have to click and select the target. Then it will work.

一曲琵琶半遮面シ 2024-09-05 05:40:51

我通过右键单击目标 -> 解决了这个问题获取信息->构建,并将目标设备系列从 iphone/ipad 更改为 iphone。

I solved this problem by right clicking on the target -> get info -> build, and changing the targeted device family from iphone/ipad to iphone.

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